Does your skin thicken/get firmer with dex?

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Does your skin thicken/get firmer with dex?

Post by Someguyoverthere »


I have been infusioning for about a year now. I have only used D5W. I am afraid of the saline sting.

Something I have noticed is that after infusion the scrotal skin seems to have thickened. When I pinch the skin between my fingers it feels 3-4x thicker than before the infusion. It also stays like this until 90% of the infused volume goes away. Whereas when I pinch before infusion the skin can feel almost paper thin. I suspect that this is the swelling induce by the dextrose. It's not heat related because I've tried warming up during and after infusing and it's still feels firmer/thicker.

I have been considering switching to saline or lactated ringers. I have heard that lactated ringers doesn't swell, similar to saline but doesn't have the sting that saline does.

So my question is does anybody know what I'm talking about and if so do they experience a difference with saline or lactated ringers?
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Re: Does your skin thicken/get firmer with dex?

Post by pornyporn »

Skin may feel thicker, and swollen with dex, but skin does not get thicker.
People have been trying for quite a while to make skin get thicker, but it doesnt. It can stretch and get thinner, but it cannot thicken up. It may swell and feel superficially thicker, but its the same thickness as before.
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Re: Does your skin thicken/get firmer with dex?

Post by daft886 »

This is not science just my experience having infused dex 5 and 10 for almost 2 years now.
The bigger you get the more you stretch out your sack. When that skin shrinks down from your infusion it is an illusion that your skin is thicker.
What I think is happening is that the stretched skin is bunching up which gives the illusion of being thicker. You can test this by stretching the skin on your sack with your hands. I know when I am at my max of 28.5" the skin on my sack is very thin.
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Re: Does your skin thicken/get firmer with dex?

Post by pipefitterdom »

I have been furiously pumping for about 15 years and infusing Dex for about five years because why suffer the sting of saline.
My skin began thickening and darkening from pumping alone on day one.
Not only that but the inner layers thickened too. I had to start using longer catheters in order to fully reach the innermost layer to get the kind of flow that you still get easily. There are also nerves in those inner layers. In addition to flowing more slowly it can also fill very unevenly forming a firm bubble until the fluids eventually equalize in there.

My bag was 11” when I started
my current normal is 16”.
Most of that size is due to skin being 1/2” thick now, the inner layers probably also being thicker and my boys themselves are a little bigger from pumping.
So if you value having very thin skin you should probably try to avoid becoming addicted to this lifestyle.
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