Minor to moderate penis modification.

Body piercing and modification discussion.

Moderator: bigray57

Which modification? See First Comment Below for Explanation

Revision of existing circumcision to make it tighter.
Small meatotomy
Removal of external frenulum
Partial or complete cauterization of the frenulum to partially or wholly desensitize it
Slight trim and rounding of the tip of his glans
Prince Albert piercing
Other penile piercing specify in comments
Small subincision
Other modification, specify in comments
Total votes: 84

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Re: Minor to moderate penis modification.

Post by WFO »

Wondering how many women, at least those who’ve had their children, really enjoy being penetrated. I expect many of them would actually prefer being rubbed on than rubbed in. But since women don’t really let their true feelings be be known unless the relationship totally hits the wall, we men never know.
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Re: Minor to moderate penis modification.

Post by Addigo »


It's wasn't my intention to offend or to start a debate/argument. You definitely should not be having the problems you're having, and I can certainly understand and respect anyone's objections to infant circumcision. Thanks for your comments on this, and on PA.
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Re: Minor to moderate penis modification.

Post by Addigo »


My sense, and it's basically just my opinion, is that most women 18-50 like and enjoy penetrative sex. In some cases, they may not, and in these cases, seeing a sex therapist, relaxation exercises, and perhaps changing positions, and maybe changing who is riding whom, may all help. Young, healthy newlyweds would almost certainly not want give up penetrative sex when they may just be getting started at it.

Now when it comes to couples over fifty, I think the situation may be quite different. I think its more likely women over 55 or 60 would not have as much interest in penetrative sex, due to menopause, illness, cancer treatment, low sex drive etc. A woman in her late 60s once told me that even oral sex that is cunnilingus, was uncomfortable to her. Further, with older couples, the man may have erectile dysfunction, and can't get a good erection without help, such as Viagra, and both their passions have cooled or are cooling. I once read that a third of all couples of all couples in their sixties have stopped having regular sexual activity. Perhaps there is some form of modification , that would retain the penis, and hold it still, but make it virtually impossible to use it for penetrative sex. I think this might appeal to a lot of older women in the fifty, sixty, and seventy-something, age groups, and they would want their husbands or partners to have it done. Then the woman and her partner could wallow around over each other naked for as long as they wanted, and he could thrust as much as he wanted anywhere he wanted, with one exception. She she could relax and forget about being penetrated, knowing it would not, could not happen.
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Re: Minor to moderate penis modification.

Post by NuderThanNude »

Addigo - Getting back to your original question - "A young man is getting married. He wants to have some kind of minor to moderate modification done to his penis, so that it will be unique and different for his new wife, and she will be the only one who has experienced his "new" penis. He realizes this will be largely symbolic, but wants to do something special for her. He had a routine infant circumcision at birth. What modification should he have done?"

I've been thinking about your question a lot and have come to the realization that they should start their life together as their genitals have been prior to marriage. They should get to appreciate each other being that way for a while before trying to change their look and/or make sex more exciting. Genital modifications need to be a progression, with getting to extract every bit of enjoyment each step along the way.

With that being said... I look at piercings as decorations. When it comes to bodily decorations such as piercings or tattoos I feel they are a distraction and make it difficult to see the 'real' person. It's kind of like decorating a Christmas tree. It becomes impossible to see the tree and it's natural beauty as all one can see is the decorations. But I must say I received a lot of enjoyment from performing and experiencing them.

Piercings (being more temporary) should be first on the list in making aesthetic and functional improvements to the genitals. However, In all honestly, my experience has been that they didn't make many functional improvements to my or my partners enjoyment during sex. They were uncomfortable for my partner and for me they either hurt when things got a little rough or they got in the way of my penis feeling physical stimulation.

Obviously, cutting modifications are generally permanent and need careful consideration by both people. They need to be a progression with the easier and less risky (from the standpoint of providing an improvement in sexual enjoyment) being performed first. They need to be done systematically so an earlier modification will not prevent a later one. This happened to me when I did my meatotomy before I considered a PA. However, from a functional standpoint cutting mods seemed to make sex more pleasurable at least for myself. An example is a meatotomy opening up the inside of the urethra for additional stimulation. Circumcision, or tightening of an existing circumcision can make esthetic improvements along with changing sexual sensations during sex.

In addition, not all modifications are logical. One would logically think that removing the possibility for sexual stimulation would decrease sexual enjoyment. To my amazement I found out by accident that a loss of sensations from my glans tremendously improved my sexual enjoyment.

But this all comes down to the adventurousness and open mindedness of both parties. It is also important to realize that sometimes a modification that isn't immediately accepted by one partner can grow on the person over time and they may end up loving it in the long run.
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Re: Minor to moderate penis modification.

Post by Addigo »


Thanks for your comments. I think they are well taken. A meatotomy is probably the least intrusive, however by the votes the PA seems to be favored. I have a few qestions regarding both, not having personal experience with either. Can the meatotomy be just a slight extension of the opening? Does a meatotomy affect urination? Does a PA affect urination (I've heard that it does)?

Yes a meatotomy would be a good springboard for further mods, IF the couple is interested. I also think it is well to remember that the man wants a largely symbolic change, to make himself different, if only slightly for his new wife.
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Re: Minor to moderate penis modification.

Post by NuderThanNude »

Addigo - I have never heard of a defined length for a meatotomy altoughh a lot of them (as mine was) extend through the glans. Even at that most of my partners never noticed it on their own. I found that it did change my pee stream some where it was flatter vertically because of the length of the cut rather than rounder. Also there is a restriction in the glans that allows it to function like a garden hose nozzle so pressure builds in the urethra and forms a tighter and longer stream that may get eliminated depending on the length. Neverthrless, I was still able to pee standing without any problem. I did loose my ability to shoot semen as far. Meatotomys are mainly useful for guys who 'sound' (put things down their urethra) to fit larger diameter things once the restriction is removed.

If a man is looking for a mod that would be more symbolic and noticeable a PA would be the way to go. There are also other things it could be used for such as if the wife decides she wants her man in a chastity cage. It could make one totally inescapable. In addition down the road the pierced opening can be used as a stopping point for a meatotomy. Any jewelry in the Pa would definitely disrupt the pee stream. And... you never know.It may feel good for the female during sex.
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Re: Minor to moderate penis modification.

Post by straightma1e »

NuderThanNude wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2023 8:34 am I have never heard of a defined length for a meatotomy altoughh a lot of them (as mine was) extend through the glans. Even at that most of my partners never noticed it on their own. I found that it did change my pee stream some where it was flatter vertically because of the length of the cut rather than rounder. Also there is a restriction in the glans that allows it to function like a garden hose nozzle so pressure builds in the urethra and forms a tighter and longer stream that may get eliminated depending on the length. Neverthrless, I was still able to pee standing without any problem. I did loose my ability to shoot semen as far. Meatotomys are mainly useful for guys who 'sound' (put things down their urethra) to fit larger diameter things once the restriction is removed.
I think a meatotomy length extends at least to the corona of the penis head. I have a full meatotomy and before I did it I might pee all over my foot, outside the toilet bowl, or elsewhere. After opening to just past my glans my stream, although much wider, came out more consistently. I have a little gape to it which I really like. I didn't do my meato because of any peeing problem or even for sounding with larger sounds. I did it for the look. I have more mods planned and will eventually extend into subincision territory. But for now I'm enjoying the look of my cock with my mod. As far as shooting semen I never shot ropes. With the meato I still ooze semen but I am more sensitive which is nice.
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Re: Minor to moderate penis modification.

Post by Addigo »

Thanks for your contribution. It's good to know that both respondents on the meatotomy agree that it doesn't affect your ability to pee while standing.
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Re: Minor to moderate penis modification.

Post by Addigo »

Thanks to sixtieth voter, whoever your are! Looks like the PA is ahead, and will probably stay there. Thanks again.
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Re: Minor to moderate penis modification.

Post by NuderThanNude »

Nobody voted for it but I think "Slight trim and rounding of the tip of his glans" would be interesting. It would definitely change the look of the penis and make the tip blunter which would give more feeling to the partner when the mouth of the vagina is penetrated. I cannot honestly say that I ever saw any perform that mod.
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Re: Minor to moderate penis modification.

Post by Addigo »


"Snipping the tip" would probably have to be done medically to be done right, which of course it won't be done medically as you know. I have been privileged to witness a few infant circumcisions, and the doc would trim away any little lip like protrusions at the opening or the tip. Didn't really affected the shape of the glans, and the doc considered it just a little cosmetic perk to make things look nicer for mom, of course the baby never knew the difference . Some adults still have the lip-like structures at the opening, so getting rid of them during a circ revision may be doable, and that may have been what I was thinking of when I put this option in, and I thought about removing it, but left it in. More that that probably would not be doable at this time. However, something a bit more, like having a millimeter or two off the tip would be an interesting mod. Would be interesting to see how women reacted to it. If this were available, I think you would definitely want to ask the future wife about it before you had it done :wink:
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