My experience with Surgilube

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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by lonepmpr »

Nice size. Ive been doing surgilube lately. Little discomfort couple days but love the weight and that it lasts.
Goal to go bigger than 30"
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

[*][*]You are lucky that its a LITTLE discomfort.
For the first week or so I had no real discomfort at all and it was mashable and easy to hide.
then i swelled up to over 15" and it hurt like crazy the last week and a half.
today has been a trial still but less of on

How much have you added?
Last edited by just4me on Tue Dec 06, 2022 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

12-5-2022 evening
I think that pushing through the pain and discomfort by walking and going about life as normal as possible. has made it lessen quicker.
Measurement this evening is 15” maybe a bit more.

I have a thread on here titled something like Fridays pump.
It is amazing to be at the Friday pump size all day every day.
Not all good. But still amazing.
It’s possible to not be terribly noticeable by shifting every thing to the left and that seems to help with making it less uncomfortable.
I find myself adjusting everything about any chance I get.
Dark jeans help hold things down and give me less of a profile.

Spent the last hour working on reports with a heating pad and that made a difference of half an inch is circumference. The heat lessens the discomfort though.

Shape is almost tear dropped. I hope it stay roundish and in one lump. It’s hard but still has some give.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

its been 3 weeks since my big add.
The only discomfort is very high on my sack.
It may be because of the weight because there is/was never pain or discomfort while
sitting or laying down.
I did another add 3 days ago. more on that when i have time

this morning I am down to 14.75"
much easier to hide.

I'm concerned about next week because the swelling tends to be unpredictable
and I added Tuesday and 5-7 days seems to be when the swelling gets at its maximum.
which is right when I have a presentation that is live and virtual.

It;s an hour long and I can keep the lights low for the power points.
Sit for some of it

Woke up chilly and measured at 14.75"
been sitting with everything wrapped in a heating pad.
No real difference in size cold or warm.
this is unlike pumping where cold tends to shrink size by as much as 50%
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »


12-6-2022 – 90C (or more) - right side
11-20-22 – 150cc - right side
11- 7-22 - 50cc - left side
10- 3-22 – 35CC - left side
6-19-22 70CC - left side

On 12-6-2022 I added 90+ cc more. 3 weeks after 150CC add.
The shape on 12-6 was nearly half round. The outer wall of the encapsulation was very hard while the inside, closer to the middle of my sack, was firm but still pliable. I decided to inject into this softer mass.

I decided to inject into an encapsulation because I thought that if it were added into a mass that was already encapsulated that there might be less reaction. It’s been 2 weeks and so far the side effects have been nil.
The painful and uncomfortable side effects.

That much at once kept me above 15” almost all the time.
At its biggest the mass was slightly over 16.25”.
The 90cc add.

Made the typical surgical sterile field to work in.
There is zero pain injecting into my sack.
18g needle 1.5” long.
I injected into the mass and it after some slight resistance it went in easily all the way to the base of the needle. This put the tip well inside of the stiff soft part of the encapsulation.
The original plan was to only inject 10-20cc of Surgilube using the same syringe for each injection.
-leaving the needle in my sack and disconnecting it from the syringe then refilling it is the easiest way to go. One injection site.
The 4.25 oz tube makes it very easy to fill each time with very few small bubbles.
Part of me knew that I would go to the extreme even when I planned to do a small injection. I really wanted to just see if injecting into a large encapsulation would be possible.

In less than 10 minutes I easily injected over 90CC into the soft side of the encapsulation.

I didn’t even realize how far overboard I went until the 5th syringe and by that point it didn’t matter so I used up the rest of the 4.25 tube.
Each overfilled syringeful (7x) was 12+cc and the last one was over 8 cc.

My skin was stretched till it was tight and shiny.
Afte the last add I removed the needle and a lot of yellowish/reddish liquid began gushing from the needle site.
A LOT. And it shot up in the air really high.
For the next 5-10 minutes I let it spray and then squeezed as much as I could out until it stopped coming out even with pressure.

I think that the encapsulation was bodily fluid and when I added so much surgilube it caused a lot of internal pressure.

There was no pain or discomfort and there was no smell.
That was 2 weeks and 2 days ago.
There has been zero pain or discomfort.
The only notable notable side effect has been being no less than 14.75” at any given time.

I am temped to do another add into the same area I added last time. I’m certain that more fluid will come out.
I can barely find anything from the left side from any of my previous injections. I believe that If I did a big add of at least 150CC on the left side now that I would have two very distinct balls.
I wont do this because right now it isn’t possible to completely hide or disguise my current size.

In the last 5-6 days it feels like the mass has dropped some and sways when I walk with no support.

Pros – Consistent size. No need to pump.
Cons – No relief ever from size and weight.
Not being able to totally conceal the bulge.
Some discomfort sitting and not being able to adjust “things”

I’m hoping to be able to pump in the next week. Right now I don’t think I could actually get into cushion and jar.
Last edited by just4me on Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by Squirrel »

Thanks for continuing to share your detailed experience. I had a similar oozing fluid experience about a year ago. Same type of fluid. It took me a lot longer to close up though. Spent a few couple months with a leaky hole that I had to keep redressing. It leaked a lot when I'd squeeze it every day for the first couple weeks. The rest of the time only a few drops to no more than 1-2ml would come out. Eventually after putting waterproof bandages on it daily it sealed.

After reading your description of how it happened, there were some similarities to mine. I Injected in to a previous soft feeling encapsulation, and was pretty big so there was internal pressure pushing it out. Going forward I'm going to try to avoid hitting squishy encapsulations. It's not always easy to determine what is a soft (fluid) encapsulation vs space that hasn't been affected by SL at my size though. Will provide more detail in my topic the next time I add.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by Squirrel »

A thought about swapping syringes with a single needle... Use two syringes. Fill one and let the air bubble rise while pushing the plunger on the one that's connected. Doing this will let you immediately swap syringes and reduce air contact time at the luer lock connector when swapping. I don't know how much it matters, but I personally believe that the air in our homes is not sterile and the less time our insides can be exposed to it the better. No research, just an opinion.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

I end up with zero air because of how i fill the syringes with a 4.25 oz tube. Once full I push some out before reconnecting.
I agree with you about home air.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

first pump after last add

on dec 24 i decided to pump for no more than an hour.
huge mistake.

I could tell that in the first 30 minutes i was expanding FAST.
usually there is no size gain in the first 30 minutes
after a break and a second session of only 20 minutes i decided to call it quits.

it was extremely difficult to get out of the ASTJ.
While blowing out i ended up springing a leak in the end seam of the tube.

16.75" in circum which is almost my biggest pump ever.
I didnt expect that much gain that fast.

Travelling was a trial and challenge.
I wasnt really in the mood to be searched and to answer questions.

it took over 72 hours to get back to my prepump size.

the encapsualted mass right now is larger than a 1 cup measuring cup.
it is firm to hard and tear drop shaped.
it has not migrated to the left side.
I do think that pumping makes it lose mass sooner and i hope to be able to pump again soon and see if i can get this below 14"
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

It feels like the mass has dropped.
Probably from the weight.
Though not as heavy as from pumping it's still heavy.
My guess is 80 or 90 per cent as heavy.

No pain or discomfort but it does get in the way a lot of the time affecting how I walk.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

Its been 6 weeks.
Jan 3 I added over 100CC
I Added into the same BIG mass on the right side.
I believe that through some vigorous activity some of it migrated up the right side and formed like a tube or surgilube that reached above my belt line.
The swelling was insane. and the right side of my fat pad got huge and was very uncomfortable.
The swelling on my left side mostly settled at 15" for over 2 weeks.
This size caused a LOT of complication with clothes and interacting with others.
I have to work in an office and interact with people a lot.
Casual Fridays werent a problem because the few people who know i pumped expected i would have a bulge.

no one expected me to have one every single day.

In order to sleep on my stomach I had to flop it between my legs and lay with one leg bent up to one side.
for another 2 weeks or more i was between 14 and 15"
14" is too big but it was a relief from 15'

I experienced two random swellings out of nowhere.
JAn 18-19 i stayed in bed for about 36 hours.
17+" for absolutely no reason at all.
Stayed home three days but by that saturday i was back down to around 15"

Feb 3-5 i was between 16" and 17"

I have mixed feeling about this new way of expansion.
I totally LOVE the feeling of growing as I inject the surgiube.
It's addictive and an obsession.
The two weeks or so following the add is amazing. increased size and slight swell.
its been almost unbearable to the point i end up in bed or just pushing through the discomfort/pain.
MAsking or hiding the size is impossible.
I honestly dont know how Squirrel and Major cope with the extreme size.
Maybe if I added in smaller amounts the reactions would have been less extreme.
BUT, in for a penny in for a pound.
10cc just didnt do anything for me at all.
upwards of 90 gave me amazing results until, like i said, the backlash happened with discomfort.

two days ago was down to 13.5" and just now i came in at 12.75"
i like around this size and wish i could just stay here.
i plan to pump tomorrow if i can find the time.

I am done with any more injections.
Like I said, Love rhe size and weight and look and feel
not so much the downside

If i won the lottery and could afford pain killers
and not go to work or interact with anyone for months at a time i really think i would take this to an extreme.
If you need some supplies then send me a message and We can work out a deal.
Last edited by just4me on Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

Size and shape
after reading about Squirrels attempt to have two equal masses i decided to try the opposite of what he and others were doing.

I decided to go for broke and inject a huge amount into one side only.
After the amount in my left side was nearly all absorbed injected enough to have one ball that was nearly perfectly round

now after 6 weeks the ball is still round and about the size of a tennis ball.
It never migrated to the left side and
also what i put in the left side never moved to the right.

I think the way to get two big masses on both sides is to inject into one side only till you get the size you want
and then do the same to the other side.

Also I found that injecting into the same mass worked well.
it seemed like it worked really good to inject before it got really firm.
on my las add on Jan 3 i felt a pop as i was over filling the mass.
I think this is part of the reason i had a migration up to my pelvic area.

If i am able tp pump tomorrow i'll post some before and after pics.
This is about the 9 month point for me and I'm hoping its all gone by or before the 1 year mark.

ITs ben hard to be active and I missed jogging and the elliptical.
Those of you who helped with information and advice and encouragement.. THANK YOU.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by Squirrel »

That stinks that you've had pain during the random size increases after the injection. I had the random increases too, but had zero pain when they happened. It just added unexpected complication to life. I mostly work from home so my need to hide isn't as great as yours.

TRYING TO SLEEP is a huge issue for me too! I never thought about it much with saline or dextrose because the annoyance was overcome by the high of the temporary size.
Now that I'm dealing with the size every night, and the excitement is gone, trying to be comfortable in bed is tough. Laying on my back is OK, but I have to decide where my legs are. Balls propped up with legs closed, or balls between spread legs?. sleeping on my belly is the best option so long as I've got a body pillow to straddle. It let's me decide if balls on pillow or bed surface are better. Side sleeping is a mess (and I miss it). Legs will be together (gravity), do I pull everything forward? Do I push balls back and squeeze dick up front? Do I push everything back? Every night is a challenge to find a comfortable spot. I truly don't know how the silicone guys do it.

The only time SL moved notably toward my body/fat pad, was on a 30ml add to the left side of my dick. Normally 10ml was very noticable there. This time, 10ml in showed almost no size growth. I did two more 10ml syringes. I'm the end, that whole side did get bigger like I hoped, but there was no big mass. It evenly spread down my shaft and in to the fay pad.

Again, predicting where SL will end up seems impossible.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

The discomfort is just too much. Makes me tired.
Stomach sleeping is the only way that works for me.
Lay down and then flop all this between my legs and keep them apart all night.
Side works for a while. I use a pillow to hold the mass up some so it doesn’t pull too much.

I just measured and I’m right at 12 this evening and hanging very low.
I like how I look with the hang and mass on the right side.
Left side is naturally bigger so im about even.

I was counting the days until I was a more workable size and the discomfort subsided.
I kept really good records of every thing and the changes were predictable.

14” alllll the time wasn’t a good experience because it was round like a grapefruit. Allmost all of that mass was on the right side. I cant find anything from the original injections on the left side from 9 months ago.

For a week and a half to two weeks after an add its great. Some swell and weight and no discomfort. Then its bad for 3 weeks. Constant.
Once that’s over Its great for about a month.
This last time it went so high that my belt rested on it.
I think I posted that I added too much and could feel with it burst through the existing encapsulation.
Then some “vigorous activity” pushed it the only place it could go. UP.
This caused some very severe numbness. Worried me for about a week.

It was very tiring and taxing to always be big. Like you said.. the novelty wore off.

Again, I did some very big adds. Some between 3 and 4 ounces. If I had added 20 or less like some do then maybe the side effects would have been nil or at least less.
Planning on a pump session this weekend.
First one since Christmas. Over 2 months

Someone needs to talk to the person asking about adding it to their lips.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by Boomber_mod »

just4me wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2023 8:53 am Yeah.
The discomfort is just too much. Makes me tired.
Stomach sleeping is the only way that works for me.
Lay down and then flop all this between my legs and keep them apart all night.
Side works for a while. I use a pillow to hold the mass up some so it doesn’t pull too much.

I just measured and I’m right at 12 this evening and hanging very low.
I like how I look with the hang and mass on the right side.
Left side is naturally bigger so im about even.

I was counting the days until I was a more workable size and the discomfort subsided.
I kept really good records of every thing and the changes were predictable.

14” alllll the time wasn’t a good experience because it was round like a grapefruit. Allmost all of that mass was on the right side. I cant find anything from the original injections on the left side from 9 months ago.

For a week and a half to two weeks after an add its great. Some swell and weight and no discomfort. Then its bad for 3 weeks. Constant.
Once that’s over Its great for about a month.
This last time it went so high that my belt rested on it.
I think I posted that I added too much and could feel with it burst through the existing encapsulation.
Then some “vigorous activity” pushed it the only place it could go. UP.
This caused some very severe numbness. Worried me for about a week.

It was very tiring and taxing to always be big. Like you said.. the novelty wore off.

Again, I did some very big adds. Some between 3 and 4 ounces. If I had added 20 or less like some do then maybe the side effects would have been nil or at least less.
Planning on a pump session this weekend.
First one since Christmas. Over 2 months

Someone needs to talk to the person asking about adding it to their lips.
I wrote that it is not desirable to touch the lips, but an interview is an integral part of life)))
But I agree with you that a big bag is difficult and tiring.
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