Is 3.3% Dextrose and 0.3% Saline mix less painful than 0.9% saline mix?

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Is 3.3% Dextrose and 0.3% Saline mix less painful than 0.9% saline mix?

Post by AnotherCrazyCanadian »

Greetings all. I'm going to purchase more infusion liquid and I just came across something that's a mix of dextrose and saline. I find saline stings quite a bit for me, dextrose gave me no problems. But what about an infusion between the two? Would that hurt less? More? I'd be getting twice as much liquid for my dollar so I want to pursue it, but not if it ends up hurting more or something ridiculous.
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Re: Is 3.3% Dextrose and 0.3% Saline mix less painful than 0.9% saline mix?

Post by mRuss »

that ought to be less painful, I think. I've found 5% dex in 0.9% saline to be just fine (way less uncomfortable than goold old saline on its own)

Where did you find this mix?
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Re: Is 3.3% Dextrose and 0.3% Saline mix less painful than 0.9% saline mix?

Post by AnotherCrazyCanadian »

I found it over on Marcheese Medical Supplies, Canadian retailer. How much less did it sting? I tried Saline a few days ago and it was unbearable for me!
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Re: Is 3.3% Dextrose and 0.3% Saline mix less painful than 0.9% saline mix?

Post by Griffin »

I've never tried 3.3% dextrose, but with 5% dextrose, I've never had trouble with discomfort and definitely never had any pain. I'm familiar with that stinging or burning that comes with 0.9% saline and the dextrose doesn't have it at all. At least for me.
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Re: Is 3.3% Dextrose and 0.3% Saline mix less painful than 0.9% saline mix?

Post by inflationist »

Using any sugars at all is right next to suicidal.
Stop it! Learn!

You are feeling the results of Hyperglycaemia, this is when your brain is way overloaded with sugars. At this level you are as a matter of fact on the edge of or actually causing damage to your optical nerves, other parts of the brain and no doubt your Pancreas. It's foolish dangerous and just plane ignorant.
It's no sin to be ignorant but to refuse to learn is just stupid. You can kill, cripple yourself. Stop it.
If you feel a bit high you are in danger and are actually damaging your body. If you overload your pancreas enough times such that it just can't keep up you could become a type two diabetic.
You might have to be on insulin injections for life,
if you actually survive!
Have you priced insulin lately. Go to a pharmacy and ask the price of Insulin.
I don't smoke, never have but insulin makes the price of tobacco look dirt cheap.
Learn before you do shit like this.
Hope you have learned before you kill or permanently injure yourself.
I live with a doctor "an endocrinologist" specializes in Diabetes and she says it simply that you are crazy to do this.
What you don't know can and will kill you or "WORSE!" you want to be blind the rest of your life. Just for a momentary silly pleasure?
Don't take my word for it, talk to your own Dr. whether he/she is an endocrinologist or not. THe/she knows this too.
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Re: Is 3.3% Dextrose and 0.3% Saline mix less painful than 0.9% saline mix?

Post by cjfatnite »

Don't you have anything better to do than to post your rant on every thread? How much sugar is actually in these bags? A soda can's worth?
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Re: Is 3.3% Dextrose and 0.3% Saline mix less painful than 0.9% saline mix?

Post by electricbismuth »

1 litre of 5% dex should have 50g of sugar.
12oz Coke can has 40g of sugar.

If you're getting negative effects from drinking soda, don't do glucose/dextrose.
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Re: Is 3.3% Dextrose and 0.3% Saline mix less painful than 0.9% saline mix?

Post by ncr1065 »

It should not be forgotten that the dextrose will be absorbed slowly. If I infuse 2 liters it takes me 2-3 days to go back to normal, so it takes 2-3 days for the dextrose (which is still in my scrotum and not in my bloodstream!) to be complety absorbed. The sugar of soda will be absorbed within half an hour and is very quickly in your bloodstream, this is something totally different.

Therefore, infusing once a week shouldn't cause any problems.
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