Another Surgilube Experience AND Warning

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Another Surgilube Experience AND Warning

Post by Squirrel »

I finally bit the bullet and injected Surgilube 12 days ago. I'd like to thank gijoejw, electricbismuth, and others who have been sharing their experiences over there last year. Sorry in advance for the lack of pictures. I'll provide as much detail as I can and answer any questions you have though.

I started smallish to see how I'd react. My balls are naturally 7-8" around. Day one put in 40ml total, 20 on each side. Already had a small encapsulation on the left from a high concentration glucose infusion two weeks before that had a bad needle placement. Swelled to 12" then settled to 10" after two days. Day 3 I added another 20ml total evenly split between sides. Swelled to 12" again but settled to just under 11". Day 8, added another 10ml on the right to even things out. No noticable swell but ended up at may target of 11" aroumd. Day 12 added 10ml more on the left. Apparently I didn't need evening out on day 8.

Unlike others, I'm not noticing a very large swell after infusion. There's some but it hasn't been that dramatic for me. Maybe 2-3x the injected volume. I'm used to the swell from 15% glucose so I'm probably not a good gauge of what is a big or small swell. Compared to glucose that swells up for 4-5 hours after infusion, this stuff seemed to slowly grow over 12-18 hours to hit it's peak. Then another day or so to settle in to my new size. I also used 18g needles which are much larger than normal for me but it was actually easier to inject since i pushed the air out of the needle and a drop of SL was at the tip acting as a lubricant. Another happy surprise was that I had no leaking at the injection sites. Seems the thicker SL does not want to leak out like saline or glucose.

General feeling was like a squishy stress ball for the first day or two. After that, encapsulated lumps started to form. To keep the appearance of two balls instead of one big ball I've been wearing a leather ball splitter strap most of the time. It seems to be dividing the encapsulation a little bit and giving me the look I'm after. Like normal if I'm cold they shrink up and if I'm warm they hang looser. The challenge with this is that being warm makes them larger and looser but also easier to tuck and hide. If I get cold they shrink up and protrude forward which is somewhat difficult to hide.

Overall this has been a very pleasant experience. Less pain from the needle, less leakage, no sting from the fluid, semi permanent, etc. As always, cleanliness is key. At least with normal saline if there is contamination your body can process it fairly quickly. With SL I believe sanitization is even more important since any foreign stuff could get stuck in the encapsulation and stick around for a much longer time.
Last edited by Squirrel on Fri May 07, 2021 8:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Another Surgilube Experience

Post by gijoejw »

So... I did 65 ml each side last week. I don’t recommend doing that much. Now I’ve had a fever for 3 days low grade. I was very sterile. I think it was the volume I did. I only get the 2-3 times swell then it goes down. I will say if you pump you can change where it encapsulates but it generally stays were it goes. For me in a couple months it’s like 1/3 of original amount as the body consumes it. I’ve done it like 6 times over 8 years and I’ll probably stop with it this time.
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Re: Another Surgilube Experience

Post by Squirrel »

2 month update. I've now added 155ml of Surgilube overall. Started with 20ml per side and then added more for size and to even out the appearance as it's settled in. My goal is to look like I have 2 big balls instead of one big ball. To help with this I made a strap that I wear at least 12 hours a day that runs up the middle of my scrotum to help keep this stuff in place.

Overall I'm about the size of a 500ml saline injection now. Here's some things I've learned:
  • - Surgilube seems to slowly swell for about 2-3 days. Growth is 3-4x what I put in. During this time it can be massaged and shaped a little bit. It does not migrate on its own.
    - after the swell phase it sets in hard lumps or encapsulations.
    It also shrinks back down to about 2x what was injected. At this point it can't be moved any more.
    - It's really thick! I've used 10 and 20ml syringes with 18ga hypodermic needles. There's no way this could be pushed in with smaller needles or larger syringes unless you're using mechanical help to push the plunger or diluting the Surgilube.
    - the Surgilube acts as a lubricant (duh) for the needle. I was nervous about the larger gauge but it was very easy to insert.
    - there is little to no leakage from the injection site since it's so thick.
    - going in it has less sting than saline but a little more than all infusions the faster I go the more the sting.
    - many have reported discomfort or frustration with the encapsulations. I like them because they help with the shape I'm going for. The only discomfort I've had is when I injected too far to the bottom/back of the scrotum. It's passed within 2 days and massaging it helped.
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Re: Another Surgilube Experience

Post by Squirrel »

As many on here have mentioned... This is dangerous and a fair amount of folks have had unpleasant experiences. My experience has been good other than a little discomfort when I injected the wrong spots.

Based on some of the bad experiences detailed in here I decided to do the 40ml start and then top ups of no more than 20ml per time. It seems putting a lot in at once causes notable pain.

Clean and safe techniques are a MUST! I still suspect that a small amount of contamination that you might be able to recover from quickly on normal temporary infusions would be very bad with this since it sticks around in the body for 3-6 months.
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Re: Another Surgilube Experience

Post by Squirrel »

4 month update. Just did a top up of 20ml per side after letting things alone for a full month. A month ago I had added 40ml twice within a few days. This much so fast led to a low grade fever for a day and an overall size similar to about 300ml of saline after the swell died down. After a month that dropped down to about the size of a golf ball on the left and a grape on the right.

I've also noticed that everything stays pretty firmly in place on the left side. On the right side my body seems to want to move the Surgilube around. This leads to quite a bit of discomfort if I've added too much and it moves closer to my body.

Injecting as low as possible in the scrotum seems to reduce the movement and discomfort but not totally eliminate it.
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Re: Another Surgilube Experience

Post by gijoejw »

I’ve had the same experience. Last time I did surgilube it was too high. I’m taking a long break. The encapsulations get hard and can cause some pain if too high or near the testicles.

I’m not sure I want to do it again that hardness is frustrating but I know the body will absorb it. I’m back down to like 11-12” and two spots the size of walnuts on each side.
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Re: Another Surgilube Experience

Post by Squirrel »

My story has changed from cautious adventure to a warning to others. I took the plunge and did Surgilube in my dick. Started with one 10ml syringe evenly split on the sides. A week later did another 10ml evenly divided between both sides and the top. Everything was going to plan...

The third 8ml top up about 10 days later did not go as well. I put 5 ml on the right and 3ml on the left. My hand slipped while doing the left side and the needle tip shifted to a spot right under the skin. This little slip up gave me a dead/numb spot that ended becoming an open wound about the size of a small fingernail. 8-10mm around. The numb spot was noticable within a couple hours after injecting. It's been almost 2 weeks now and it's healing OK (not great). Talked with a Dr and all they said was to keep bandages on it to promote healing and reduce chance of infection. The challenge is getting a bandage to stay in place.

The best my Dr can figure is that I either got a little of the Surgilube in a small blood vessel or too much of it was around a blood vessel and it cut off blood flow to the area which ended up killing the tissue. If all goes well I'll likely end up with a small recessed scar there. If I don't constantly keep it covered and clean it could get infected leading to further issues and damage.

Be careful out there folks.
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Re: Another Surgilube Experience

Post by gijoejw »

Squirrel wrote: Fri May 07, 2021 8:53 am My story has changed from cautious adventure to a warning to others. I took the plunge and did Surgilube in my dick. Started with one 10ml syringe evenly split on the sides. A week later did another 10ml evenly divided between both sides and the top. Everything was going to plan...

The third 8ml top up about 10 days later did not go as well. I put 5 ml on the right and 3ml on the left. My hand slipped while doing the left side and the needle tip shifted to a spot right under the skin. This little slip up gave me a dead/numb spot that ended becoming an open wound about the size of a small fingernail. 8-10mm around. The numb spot was noticable within a couple hours after injecting. It's been almost 2 weeks now and it's healing OK (not great). Talked with a Dr and all they said was to keep bandages on it to promote healing and reduce chance of infection. The challenge is getting a bandage to stay in place.

The best my Dr can figure is that I either got a little of the Surgilube in a small blood vessel or too much of it was around a blood vessel and it cut off blood flow to the area which ended up killing the tissue. If all goes well I'll likely end up with a small recessed scar there. If I don't constantly keep it covered and clean it could get infected leading to further issues and damage.

Be careful out there folks.
I know what you delt with. I injected too shallow on my shaft and killed a same size area of skin and have had a scar there for many years now. It’s why I stick with catheters or I’m suppppper careful. I don’t think I’ll do any more at this point kinda tired of the hardness of the encapsulations but it’s def stretched my skin a lot over time.
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Re: Another Surgilube Experience AND Warning

Post by Squirrel »

wjsamx wrote: Fri May 07, 2021 11:38 pm You all make the same mistake, you keep adding and topping off. Don't.

You inject only 1 time the amount you want and wait for it to be all gone before you do it again. Same with KY and dex.
I'm sure glad folks shared their experiences with everyone to help others prevent complications. :?
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Re: Another Surgilube Experience AND Warning

Post by Squirrel »

Well after letting my injury from the last time heal I added more Surgilube again. Did 50ml in my balls and 20ml in my shaft evenly divided on both sides. Before the top up it had been two months since adding to my penis and 3 months since the last balls addition. Both were only about 50% larger than my old normal size.

To increase safety I'm now using catheters instead of straight needles. 20ga with 20ml syringes for the balls and 22ga with 10ml syringes for my dick. Everything went perfectly and there was no pain or signs of side effects during or after injection. The only mildly irritating sensation was that the skin on my penis felt very stretched the next day as it grew by itself. Wearing any kind of underwear was very uncomfortable. For the most part it was a mild annoyance... Unless I got hard. Then the stretching sensation was about a 2 out of 10 on the pain scale.

I'm now 3 days in and my balls are still the size of at least 500ml of saline. My dick grew for the first 24 hours then slowly started to shrink about 50% over the next two days. I'm expecting my balls to do the same over the next 3-5 days. Everything is mostly where I intended. Two defined large balls and a very round cock. The only thing I'd do different is to add further toward the end of the shaft next time. Right now when I'm hard the first half inch after the glans is normal and then it gets huge behind that. The big thing I've learned about doing this in the penis is that adding to the sides is the best path with maybe a little on top. Any additional to the bottom will cause a big donut. All adds to the top and bottom make my package protrude a LOT more so I'm staying away from that for the sake of being able to hide this at work or in public.

And FINALLY, I'm ready to share a picture. This one was when I woke up about 8 hours after adding this new Surgilube. I wore a leather ball strap and silicone cock ring as I slept to keep things in place.
50ml not, 20ml top 8 hours after injection
50ml not, 20ml top 8 hours after injection
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Re: Another Surgilube Experience AND Warning

Post by 4sumfun »

Glad to see everything vworked out and the results are awesome! Great job and hope to see more!
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Re: Another Surgilube Experience AND Warning

Post by Squirrel »

Here's where my size has mostly settled after 4 days. At some point I may add small amounts here or there to keep things symmetrical.
20ml top, 50ml bot Surgilube after 4 days
20ml top, 50ml bot Surgilube after 4 days
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Re: Another Surgilube Experience AND Warning

Post by 4sumfun »

Really loving how the foreskin is puffing up and around the head.
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Re: Another Surgilube Experience AND Warning

Post by Squirrel »

Despite the complications I'm still at it. This pic is a week after the last ball top off and about two months after my last dick injection. I'm very happy with where my balls are despite the lumpiness. My dick seems to have a permanent donut about halfway down the shaft. I'm letting that part shrink back down now but if it's still like this I may add more right behind the gland to even things out.

I can definitely say that if the surgilube is injected too close to the outer layer of skin it's bad news.
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Re: Another Surgilube Experience AND Warning

Post by yearonesummit »

Man that looks great! Too bad I'm too scared to try it lol. Seems like for every success story there are three bad ones to go along with it. How often are you having to refill?
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