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AUS (artificial urinary sphincter) Anyone with Experience?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 11:09 pm
by 729b4l
Not really Impotence issue but a health issue.

An artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) is an implanted device to treat moderate to severe stress urinary incontinence, most commonly in men. This has worsened over the 12 years since prostate cancer treatment of removal of prostate.
Part of the system installed resides in the ball sack and is squeezed in order to release the cuff around the urethra. Any ball pumpers had any experience with this procedure? My concern is that if I pump, I won't be able to squeeze the release bulb and urinate. Would hate to give up pumping but may come down to it some day.

Re: AUS (artificial urinary sphincter) Anyone with Experience?

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 11:42 pm
by one2pump
interestingly enough, i actually have the opposite problem as you do. i have what they call a lazy bladder causing retention, which has caused me to have to self cath at least morning and night to maintain bladder health. however, if i don't self cath in between the rest of the day i always feel bloated and full. so, i try not to, but sometimes (when drinking closer to the amount of recommended fluids) i will cath nearly every time i need to pee. i was thinking that the artificial urethral sphincter could be a viable option for me in this situation, but according to my urologist he would not consider doing it for some reason. i like you have been a pumper for a long time (literally since i was a teen, and now 53), so giving it up would feel like a real loss of something that is quite a bit of my personal identity at this point.