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Question regarding saline and muscle building supplements

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:25 pm
by Kusnak907
Hi everyone, I’m new here. I’ve never tried saline before however I am going to be doing my first very soon and I’m very excited and slightly nervous.

But anyway, im a very thin individual young in mid 20s, no health issues, and I had a question for those out there who workout and take supplements such as creatine, does the body “hang on” to the saline longer than not being on creatine? I’m taking regular monohydrate and want to try saline however it’s very difficult for me to find private time off work and I’d hate for it to stick around longer than usual and have people notice.

I want to infuse my belly, will definitely start small say 500ml tdepending how well I tolerate it, I do have experience with saline infusions since of what I do for a living.

I appreciate everyone who took the time to read this!

Re: Question regarding saline and muscle building supplements

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:53 pm
by ncr1065
I move my ass on daily basis to a gym and take also creatin supplements.
Creatin "stores" water inside muscles. If you infuse your scrotum or belly, this is totally different, Creatin should not affect this.
But, if you workout, I assume you do this to get more muscles and/or to loose fat. Why do you want to inflate your belly, especially if you are a beginner? It is up to you, of course, but in my opinion a scrotum inflation does make more sense if you want a good proportioned body.

Re: Question regarding saline and muscle building supplements

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:50 am
by Shadowcs
Lots of people like to infuse the belly because it gives a temporary size. Even if they are aiming to get slimmer, that's usually because society says slim is beautiful. I myself want to get slimmer, but enjoy belly infusions.

Just like most guys who infuse large amounts into their scrotum, will not want it that size permenantly...