AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Talk about ball pumping, stretching, ball enlargement techniques.

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Re: AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Post by AndyJ »

Hi TM!

My balls tend to ride high, and getting a grip to pull them both down at the same time isn't always possible. Even though my scrotum is temporarily enlarged, it's fairly firm, like it's full of cotton or something. Between the two, I can't get an "OK" grip between both balls and my body.

I have a "fork" I made, two 8mm rods 11mm apart. The rods are 150mm long, which I thought would be plenty long. Maybe about half the time after a pump session I can work the prongs behind one ball, then the other. My scrotum takes about 140mm of the fork then. I can usually wear it an hour or two after that before it becomes uncomfortable and I take it off. No sign of circulatory issues, though.

I do 60-second pulls of each ball every day, tugging them down, but their suspensory tissue seems very tough.

When I started pumping in 2020 I had almost immediate results... but progress has been extremely slow since then. A lot of it was probably due to me not pumping as much as I should have, but I've been pretty steady lately.

I figure I'll eventually get stretched to where I can get a weight on, it's just taking a lot longer than I expected.
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Re: AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Post by TinyMe »

Keep it up, I’m sure you’ll get there, perseverance is the key.

However, I think split rings are likely to be the way forward for you, and using two. One should be the size that you need, possibly 39mm which seems to be fairly common size (see my thread for pictures as I sold some recently) and a much larger one, say 50mm.

The trick is to have a smallish pump in a very warm environment to get the sack as pliable as possible, whilst getting some size in the testes themselves, and then put the big one on - which hopefully will go on fairly easily as it’s quite large (probably best to have warmed them up first) without the testes pulling back through as the pump will have enlarged them a little.

Then you put the smaller one on.

Undo the screw but don’t take them apart but open all the way up so they make an S shape. Position one half above the bigger weight but below the cock, hanging the other half down behind the scrotum. Then rotate that other half up from your scrotum backwards towards the perineum, them up towards the back of, the top of, and then down your cock towards the front of your scrotum to meet the other half.

It’s a bit fiddly, but it worked for me.

I hope all that makes sense, and it’s worth a try, especially as the split rings are freely available on eBay for not much money.
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Re: AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Post by AndyJ »

Okay, I'll try that in the near future. I have a bolt-together split ring that's the "correct" size, which I determined by measuring my hand when I achieved an "OK" grip above the balls a couple of times, and a larger ring. Thanks!
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Re: AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Post by TinyMe »

No problem, let us know how you get on 👍🏻
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Re: AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Post by AndyJ »

Well, I just got a nice blister on my glans after a marathon 6.5-hour extender session, so I'll have plenty of time to work on my balls for the next few days. I probably should have stopped at 4 hours, but the discomfort level was low and I kept going instead.
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Re: AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Post by AndyJ »

I'm still at it. I've been averaging 3 hours per day at 3"Hg since the last update. I can tell I'm making progress, but it is still too tight to get a ring on.

On the other hand, my balls have been staying will into the "normal" size range between pumps, instead of shrinking back down to grape size, even though I'm on testosterone replacement therapy. And they're always firm now instead of being squishy.

Progress is slow, but it *is* progress.
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Re: AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Post by AndyJ »

So, another five weeks. I'm averaging about four hours per day with the pump.

My scrotum pulls visibly longer in the tube, and still snaps back up like rubber, but even in cold weather it no longer pulls up flat, and when it's warm I can actually feel some hang sometimes.

I can pump for half an hour to an hour and a half before the lubricant dries out or is absorbed. I've been trying to avoid greasy oil-based stuff, but it looks like that might be the next step. I don't understand exactly what's going on, but once the lube dries past a certain point, things quickly ramp up from "experiencing some discomfort" to "OW! OW! OW!" I can re-lube and everything is OK again.

My plan was to sleep while pumping to maximize time in the tube, but I wake up every hour or so and have to re-lube.

Now that the weather is warming up I hope to see more hang while out and about.
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Re: AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Post by TinyMe »

Sounds like good progress 👍🏻

Have you tried coconut oil? It works very well, especially when liberally applied. Sure, it may get a little messy, but it retains its lubrication well and will save you having to reapply so often.

I warm mine up a little, either on the radiator or in the microwave so that it becomes liquid before I apply it. It also leaves you with a much nicer smelling package than some other lubricants/moisturisers do.
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Re: AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Post by AndyJ »

I've been using coconut oil for the last couple of months. It's a good lubricant, but it still absorbs or dries out; I have to remove the tube and slather on another layer from time to time.

So far the best lube I've found is real silicone lube. It will last for hours. But it's very expensive, hard to wipe off my hands, and hard to wash off my scrotum later. Most "silicone" lube nowadays isn't silicone, or has only minute traces of silicone; most products that say "water base silicone" are actually glycerine, as far as I can tell.

If I pumped in a jar it would probably be a complete non-issue, but lube seems to be important in a straight tube.
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Re: AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Post by TinyMe »

Do you put water in the tube? I find that doing so is a real hinderance to getting out as it dilutes whatever lube you might be using. Heat pad only (again) for me.

Also, this is what I use and it doesn’t absorb, no matter how long I stay in.

Cocofina Organic Odourless... ... b_ap_share
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Re: AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Post by AndyJ »

No water. It would be a big hassle, and since the tube is only a 2-1/8" cylinder, only a small part of the skin would touch it.

I use an infrared heater most of the time, though.

I'm using plain food-grade coconut oil from the grocery store; it supposed to be 100% coconut with no additives. All of the cosmetic/lotion grade coconut oil products I looked at were full of parabens or estrogenic additives, which I'm not enthusiastic about applying to my balls.
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Re: AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Post by AndyJ »

Still making slow progress. Another quarter inch of stretch in the tube, and hang is noticeably better, though I haven't been able to make repeatable measurements.

I don't remember if I mentioned it before, but I had a number of scars on my scrotum from a case of boils and a subsequent infection. The scars didn't like being pumped at all, but over time the discomfort went away... and so did the most of the scars. I can't feel any evidence of them at all. There's just one - the worst one - left, and it's only barely visible, though it is still easy to feel; it feels like a soft spot on the side of my scrotum.
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Re: AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Post by AndyJ »

I'm right at six months of intensive ball pumping now. In the last couple of weeks I've seen a sudden improvement: now I'm getting a couple inches of hang during the day, instead of things snapping back up flush.

I expected a slow but steady improvement and not a sudden change, but I'm not going to complain. I'm hoping to get more.

I have a new tube, 2-1/4" in diameter, two pieces of brass tubing, a 12 volt heating pad, a thermostatic controller, and a 12V silicone heating pad. The plan is to epoxy the two brass tubes to the pump tube, then wrap the pad around the tube with more epoxy, permanently attaching it to the tube. I've verified that the heating pad works, but I still need to wire the controller up and make sure it works.

One of the brass tubes is the correct size to accept the thermocouple for the controller. The other is the correct size to take my digital cooking thermometer's probe. I'll only be using the thermometer to check if things feel too hot; thermostatic controls can sometimes fail.

I have a 115v thermostat on the resistance heating pad that I use for shaft pumping. It's set for 110F, which feels downright hot on my shaft... but when I wrap it around the ball tube, I get burnt. As in, blisters and peeling skin. I think it's because there's not any blood freely circulating through the scrotum like in the shaft. Adjusting the temperature on that controller is a ripping pain in the ass, requiring the manual and usually two or three attempts. It's worse than trying to program a 1970s VCR. It was just simpler to get another controller and heating pad dedicated for ball pumping.
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Re: AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Post by AndyJ »

So, a six-month update. The 2-1/4" tube and heater bits fell off the to-do list, but I've averaged over an hour a day with the 2-1/8" tube, sometimes as much as six hours. And of the 180-ish days, I've probably pumped for 160 of them.

My scrotal skin has stretched quite a bit, though it mostly remains pulled up firmly against my body. For the first eight months or so I pumped at 3" Hg, eventually bumping it up to 4". A few weeks ago my pump died, and I switched to a breast pump, which pulses between 3" and 5"Hg, set with a bleeder valve.

I'm a bit disappointed at the lack of progress. Most of the problem seems to be the wossnames that connect my balls up into my body. On rare occasions I can pull my balls down quite far, but mostly I still have to dig them out, and sometimes I can't even get a thumb and forefinger between them and my abdomen. I'm reluctant to tug them down much harder than I'm pulling already, for fear of damaging something up inside.

In better news, the combination of stretching, Red Light Therapy, and pumping has greatly minimized the scars on my scrotum, that came from a serious attack of boils some years ago. The skin is thin there, and I can feel the difference running a fingertip over the area, but Mrs. Andy says there's very little visible indication of anything now. A big difference from the big puckered scar a couple of years ago.
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Re: AndyJ - going from flat to some hang

Post by AndyJ »

A few weeks ago I bumped the vacuum from 3"Hg to 5"Hg. After a few days I started seeing some results. My scrotum stays full from day to day, and I feel it rub my thighs as I move around, as it used to do.

I haven't tried a weight again, but I've done an hour or two at a time using a "Cable Clamp", which is a hinged ring with a ratchet. I'm alternating between increasing the time and tightening the clamp, watching for signs of circulation problems, etc.

The clamp has very square edges. I thought it would put uncomfortable pressure lines on my testicles, but that was not a problem, even when tugging on the clamp. I had thought a large radius would be needed for comfort, and wondered why so many weights are nearly square.

Progress has been very slow up to this point, but now I think it will go a bit faster.
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