Pump selection question

Discussion about male impotence.

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Pump selection question

Post by ED&Confused »

First post here! A few years ago ED started. Urologist says it's due to age, and there's nothing else going on. I also have some degenerative joint disease in my spine, which I think limits feeling in the groin. Testosterone is also a very low-normal, but they don't want to supplement me.
I can get a bit of an erection, but it's a fraction of it's former self, way more soft than hard, and maybe only about 3", where I used to be about 7 or 8". Erections only last a few short minutes before they disappear, and I'm done for the night . That was a bit embarrassing, but hopefully I can get some help here!
I'm looking to purchase a Bathmate pump. The x20 or equivalent model 5 would be the proper size for a 3" erect penis (semi-erect), which is all I can muster right now. But the x30/7, or x40 would possibly be appropriate for the size I used to be able to reach. Thing is Bathmate says not to go larger than you need as it won't work as well. So, do I get the x20 ( model 5) as I'm well below the max for that pump, or do I get the larger pump (7 or 9") due to past size (but that larger pump will be waaaay oversized today, and possibly not work well for me). Thoughts?
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Re: Pump selection question

Post by Velcroman »

I feel pumping will help to stretch your penis and keep it able to fill with blood. Testosterone helped me little, there are several No Standing signs near my home that have paid the price of insulting me. I gave up the testosterone. There are several chemical ways that you can use to achieve a good strong and 'youthful' erection. Stay away from the online remedies unless you have money to burn. Talk to your urologist, if you get no help there try another urologist. It's up to you to do the research just don't take 'NO' for an answer.
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Re: Pump selection question

Post by 55r »

Giday Con, I don't get any erection at all due to removed prostate, but I do vac pump it up when I need one. My cock was never a big one but I use a 60 mm i.d. vac tube and it works prefectly as long as I'm shaved, and if not shaved I can still seal the tube with hand cream or evan water but you've got to keep pumping quite often, but when shaved it usually holds the vac very well. That's with the tube sucking against my skin with no silicone collar, so no problem at all.
To keep the erection up for 15 to 20 minutes, (as long as I dare in case of a blood clot in a vein), I pump it up then straight away fit a couple of doubled up rubber bands at the base then pump again, then fit a couple more bands and it will stay really hard and bigger than ever before.
It took a while for me to develope the tecnique but with practice it works. Give it a go.
Don't make the mistake of buying a smaller tube, 55 to 60 mm works well and you can use it either with or without the seal that comes with it.
Any questions, just ask.
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Re: Pump selection question

Post by asslicker061 »

The thing with the bathmate pumps is not length but diameter. Larger number, larger hole
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