Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

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Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

Post by kalahari »

Although not circumcised myself, I'm really fascinated by the topic and interested in the changes brought about to the penis as a result. In particular, changes to the glans - I'm aware that the glans changes from being purple in colour and silky smooth to the touch, to having a more dried, slightly wrinkly appearance and not as smooth to the touch. I've also read somewhere that the corona of the glans tends to flare out more. Can anyone say if this second point is true, does it flare outwards, and can anyone provide before and after pictures to prove the point?
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Re: Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

Post by Dude19 »

I have done my fair share of research on the subject of circumcision and the effects of it. However I was circumcised at birth so I can't provide and personal experiences but I can provide some of the research I have done. The main effect of circumcision for the glans is a lose of sensitive. This is caused from the glans being exposed to open air causing it to dry out and basically it builds a thicker skin. There are also many other effects caused by circumcision which have a major affect on the whole male genitals. One of the effects that I learned about that happens with infant circumcision was that the meatus shrinks a little so it can't be infected as easily.
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Re: Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

Post by kalahari »

That's very interesting, Dude. I was hoping to find out about the corona flaring out when the glans dries out after circumcision, but I certainly didn't know about the pee hole narrowing. That has interesting implications for the sexually aware, I think. If the effect is universal amongst the circumcised, use of urethral toys (sounds, penis plugs) must be that much more difficult for them. Are circumcised guys more likely to get themselves meatotomised than the foreskinned, therefore?

Where did you find the reference pics you posted?

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Re: Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

Post by jd29 »

Very interesting. I was circed at birth, but have had a decent sized meatus. imho. Been sticking random objects in on and off for a long time. I have no plans for a meato. Just stretching slowly. A few years back, before I took a break from sounding. I was comfortibly able to insert a max 10mm dia sound. Started stretching again a few months ago, and the 10 was super easy, but the 11 was not, for a while.

Bought a silicone sound, at 11mm it went in and felt great. 1/2 hour later the 11mm sound went in with out discomfort. 2-3 weeks ago, found that I could insert a thinner SS sound into the silicone one, and over the course of 2 hours play was able to insert 12mm for about 10 minutes before I had to stop. I pushed my limit again and have taken a small break.

So I think stretching is dependent upon the individual's body as to how much the body will give to the stretch.

Personal goal, is to be able to insert a finger. Vibes are real fun when I find the right one. Slender bullets are the best imho. I had two inserted a long time ago. Lined up going down the urethra, not side by side, mind you. That would only be a dream at the moment.

As for the flare question I really can't answer that one,

Thanks for the thought provoking question

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Re: Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

Post by kalahari »

I've done a little internet research into the narrowing of the pee hole phenomenon.
The normal meatus (urinary opening) in an intact penis is a long slit. Apparently meatal stenosis (narrowing of the peehole) is a common complication of circumcision, caused by exposure of the irritating effects of pee on the peehole and rubbing of the peehole on clothing.
Narrowing can cause the pee to emerge at greater pressure than it should and the stream tends to travels further. It seems that a guy with a stenosis may need a meatotomy (surgical reopening of the meatus). So there's your excuse for a meato!
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Re: Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

Post by TetherSpout »

Fascinating indeed. I always believed that the narrowest part of the male urethra was the pronounced embedded constriction composed of tough ligament tissue encircling the urethra that occurs at the top of the fossa navicularis inside the glans, typically a half cm or more below the surficial slit or meatus. That's what most of the medical literature says, but I have found it is not always correct. Meatal stenosis is apparently more common than many think and can not only interfere with micturition and ejaculation, but also throw a monkey wrench into how to properly size and fit a tetherspout.

Tetherspouts are two-part assemblies (spout and retainer) that depend on the retainer being positioned below the aforementioned constriction and being large enough not to be able to pull thru the constriction after the spout is in place. When the peehole itself is narrower than this embedded constriction, it is not possible to measure this constriction. Only fitting by trial and error will work and, depending on how severe the stenosis is, it may be impossible to insert any retainer that is large enough to work. That's when a meato may indeed become the only option left.

Personally, I think I'd be quite pleased if I discovered that I had meatal stenosis, whether it came from circumcision or some other cause. I would immediately be finding ways to cut or stretch that slit open without affecting the constriction underneath. What fun that would be! It's always better when I can torture or torment my dick for a reason.
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Re: Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

Post by bigduck »

I can tell you from my personal expereince of circing myself that i love the feeling of my exposed glan. My feeling have been increased and sex is so much better. Im able to enjoy sex without the worry of smelling or getting an infection under the skin. Good luck to all those uncut.
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Re: Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

Post by tom84 »

sorry for my english (google translator) I am very interested in your circumcision , can you help me do the same thing ? or give me the procedure.
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Re: Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

Post by Lexi »

The glans becomes brighter when a keratin layer forms, which also provides for a further desensitization what can u. U. also mean a stimulus and loss of sensation. That's why I wear my foreskin closed and open them only to masturbation, urination and washing. :D
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Penis with Frenulektomy
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Re: Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

Post by Homera »

To my understanding the flaring of the glans depends on the frenulum being cut at an age when the rest of the penis is still undergoing development and this allows maximum flaring and a nice mushroom shape to develop.
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Re: Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

Post by kalahari. »

Thanks Homera, so a flared corona only happens in those circumcised at birth?
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Re: Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

Post by soundsgreat87 »

I doubt that. I've seen lots and lots of dick pics, and I've seen tons of cut dicks with non-flared heads and uncut dicks with massive flares.
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Re: Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

Post by stefan1962 »

hi, i have circ myself in 2006 and i like it. Have buy a clamp and do it.
28 after circ
28 after circ
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21 days later
14 days later
14 days later
...before with line of cut
...before with line of cut
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Re: Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

Post by kalahari. »

Nice result :D
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Re: Circumcision - Changes to the Glans

Post by stefan1962 »

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