Deep sounding

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Re: Deep sounding

Post by alan69 »

Keep sounding -- even if you're using a smaller sound. The trick is to not let it heal smaller. Keep it open. I think I have a very average cock, and if I can stretch to my size -- anyone else can. It just takes determination, patience, and regular sounding. Keep stretching and then hold it open for as long as you can. Alan.
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Re: Deep sounding

Post by mysoundhole »

alan69 wrote:Keep sounding -- even if you're using a smaller sound. The trick is to not let it heal smaller. Keep it open. I think I have a very average cock, and if I can stretch to my size -- anyone else can. It just takes determination, patience, and regular sounding. Keep stretching and then hold it open for as long as you can. Alan.
Hi Alan your right about the meatus healing back to its orginal size , I didn't sound any yesterday because of a really bad cold I have right now .
I plan on sounding today with this dam cold to keep it open , it doesn't take but a day or so before its back smaller in size again .
Yea this cold sucks big time , its the worse cold I have had in months . If anything I guess I'm giving my urinary track a break to clease everything out including my bladder .
I'll most likey sound today to keep my meatus hole open and leave my bladder alone , a short sounding session to keep things in check .

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Re: Deep sounding

Post by alan69 »

Once it finally gives up trying to go back, you can take time off, but right at first -- when you have conquered new territory, it is important to keep it dilated for a few weeks. Alan
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Re: Deep sounding

Post by mysoundhole »

alan69 wrote:Once it finally gives up trying to go back, you can take time off, but right at first -- when you have conquered new territory, it is important to keep it dilated for a few weeks. Alan
Hi just finished sounding with my Hegar and Dittle sound , 9MM -10MM and 10.7mm/30fr , sounded for a good half hour and with this cold I had to stop but atlease I opened things up inside .

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Re: Deep sounding

Post by mysoundhole »

Had to take a break from sounding the other day because of this dam cold , it was a killer ! I'm starting to feel better , my new Van Buren sounds arrived yesterday and after I opened up my two packages I wasn't smiling because they shipped me TWO 34FR Van Buren sounds . I ordered a 30FR and a 32 FR because I had already ordered a 34FR from this same guy or business .
I contacted E-Bay and told them about it and they contacted the seller same day , the seller refunded me all my money without having to send back the two 34FR sounds .
I wasn't going to pay to ship them back because it was their mistake shipping me the wrong two items , now I have to reorder them again .

Anyway I need to get back to sounding again before I have my hand surgery on the 16th of this month , shit I won't be able to sound at all for a month after the surgery and thats going to suck .

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Re: Deep sounding

Post by Oregazmick »

alan69 wrote:Keep sounding -- even if you're using a smaller sound. The trick is to not let it heal smaller. Keep it open. I think I have a very average cock, and if I can stretch to my size -- anyone else can. It just takes determination, patience, and regular sounding. Keep stretching and then hold it open for as long as you can. Alan.

I can confirm Alan's comments from my own experience. If I have stretched my peehole (meatus) a bit too much so as to make it sore, then the body seems to fight back by trying to heal itself with the hole a smaller size. This is where a peethru device comes into its own as it can be kept in place continuously until things have settled down and the hole has not been able to shrink.

The ideal is to stretch very gently over a long period of time so that it does not become sore. Increments in diameter should only be half a millimetre at a time when it is appropriate to go up another step. Personally I have never used manufactured sounds but homemade devices. I read somewhere recently (on this Forum?) that sounds go up 1 millimetre at a time, which in my opinion is too much. When a sound is inserted the skin of the peehole needs to stretch not by its diameter, but by its circumference. So if the diameter increaces by 1 millimetre the skin has to stretch by a whopping 3.14 millimetres!

On another tack:
mysoundhole wrote:Had to take a break from sounding the other day because of this dam cold, it was a killer!
I confess to being a bit mystified initially, you don't breathe through your urethra do you? :) Seriously though, I hope you are now feeling much better.
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Stretching increments

Post by alan69 »

I have found that stretching by more than 20 thousandths of an inch ~ 1/2 millimeter is difficult and often painfull. Sounds that go up in fr (French,) are an easier stretch, because one french is about a third of a mm. Wulfhuund, who was the absolute King Of Stretch, used even smaller increments. He started with an iron rod and coated it with the plastic that is used on tool handles. It forms a layer of only few thousandths. Then he would re-coat with another layer, and so on. This is Wulf with an Oral B electric toothbrush (about 7/8 inch) Alan
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Re: Deep sounding

Post by alan69 »

Well they wouldn't accept the file 'cause it was a .bmp. So here's another picture of Wulf.
wulf bigfinger2.jpg
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Re: Deep sounding

Post by mysoundhole »

Dang the whole finger down the hatch ! :lol: Hey I have to ask this question with fingers in your cock , nails carry a ton of germs so how do you keep from getting a UTI when sounding with your finger .
It looks cool and I wouldn't mind having my fingers buried deep in my cock but the nail & germ thing keeps me from doing that UNLESS you put a rubber over your finger .

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Re: Deep sounding

Post by alan69 »

Well, Wulf used Neosporin as a lube. I personally always sound with gloves for the very reason you mention. I am always doing something with my hands, and it's not always the most sanitary. Even though I keep my nails very short, and scrub with anti-bacterial soap, you're very right. Nails can carry things that shouldn't be there. Now -- having said that -- you'll find as your hole gets larger and more used, it also becomes far more resistant to infection. It secretes more thick and slick lube and it is open to the air more than before. It also becomes the home of some of the same good bacteria that grows in a woman's twat. These bacteria excrete some acetic acid, which lowers the pH. This favours them but discourages interlopers like staphlococcus and streptobacillus. Always be careful. If it feels unsafe, then it just might be. Alan
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Re: Deep sounding

Post by mysoundhole »

alan69 wrote:Well, Wulf used Neosporin as a lube. I personally always sound with gloves for the very reason you mention. I am always doing something with my hands, and it's not always the most sanitary. Even though I keep my nails very short, and scrub with anti-bacterial soap, you're very right. Nails can carry things that shouldn't be there. Now -- having said that -- you'll find as your hole gets larger and more used, it also becomes far more resistant to infection. It secretes more thick and slick lube and it is open to the air more than before. It also becomes the home of some of the same good bacteria that grows in a woman's twat. These bacteria excrete some acetic acid, which lowers the pH. This favours them but discourages interlopers like staphlococcus and streptobacillus. Always be careful. If it feels unsafe, then it just might be. Alan
You right about that , its been four days not sounding because of this cold thats almost most gone , dealing with sinus now and after that clears up I'll be good .
I'll have to do alot of sounding this week because next week I'm having usrgery on my right hand the hand I sound with SUCKS !
Yea I won't be sounding at all for a month unless it heals up faster then expected and I hope so , I wish my penis plug would get here .
I ordered a nice 11mm penis plug from e-bay last week , problem is its coming from China SLOW GETTING HERE !
They have alot of nice looking penis plugs cheap , cheaper then most amaerican made Penis plugs .
Not sure how good this one will be but I guess I will find out whenever it arrives in the mail .

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Re: Deep sounding

Post by alan69 »

This guy will get there. He is determined.
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Re: Deep sounding

Post by mysoundhole »

alan69 wrote:This guy will get there. He is determined.
That's more like BOOTCAMP style training , where's the Jackhammer ! :lol:
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Re: Deep sounding

Post by soundsgreat87 »

Alan -- you can open the BMP in Paint and save it as a JPEG instead. I'm... very excited to see a guy with an electric toothbrush down his cock :shock:
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Re: Deep sounding

Post by mysoundhole »

soundsgreat87 wrote:Alan -- you can open the BMP in Paint and save it as a JPEG instead. I'm... very excited to see a guy with an electric toothbrush down his cock :shock:
LOL heres one for you , fishing worms ! Yea drop a few of those down your cock and see how fast you cum , the longer the worm the faster you cum ! :lol:
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