Sounding Novice & homemade objects

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Sounding Novice & homemade objects

Post by Bidadforfun »

Hello all!
New here and just started enjoying urethra play. I am looking for suggestions of household items. So far I have used a thermometer (not glass) and knitting needles (not the hook end). Makes me ooze precum like crazy. Also, what is a good lube?

Thanks guys! :)
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Re: Sounding Novice & homemade objects

Post by AndyJ »

You can buy packs of different-sized rubber sounds off eBay for $15 or so. They're about a foot long, with strings of bumps and a flanged end so they can't slide completely inside. Being flexible, they're easy to use at any angle, and the silicone is easy to sterilize.

There are a bunch of lubes you can use, but my go-to is plain old vaseline, a.k.a. petroleum jelly. It's cheap, slippery enough, easy to clean up, and doesn't stain clothing or bedding.

If you improvise sounds from household objects, sand or polish any burrs, edges, or sticky-outy bits so they're smooth before you try inserting them. The urethra is soft and easily damaged.
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Re: Sounding Novice & homemade objects

Post by Bidadforfun »

Thank you! I am try to avoid purchases online as to not alert my wife to this new found pleasure. She has no idea about my personal enjoyment activities as I like to call them!

I will be looking for anything that could “double” as a sound but be totally a normal household item so as not to arouse suspicion.

Thank you for your advice!! :)
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Re: Sounding Novice & homemade objects

Post by AndyJ »

Ah, that makes it more difficult.

Look at various writing pens. The long one-piece ones with the removable cap are a good start. Use sandpaper or a razor blade to remove any raised logos or writing. Remove the ink tube. Make sure everything is smooth; the inside of the urethra is delicate and easily damaged. Wrap several layers of string around the top end; use glue or fingernail polish to anchor it in place. That's your stop, to keep it from disappearing completely inside your urethra.

It's not the end of the world if it happens; standing up, walking around, and maybe urination will push it back out, but it's a stressful adventure you probably would want to avoid. Also, anything that's stepped or necks down at the outside end may not come out as easily as it went in; that can cause a whole 'nother layer of stress if you're trying to remove it because you have to pee.

I've read of men who used felt tip markers or dinnerware handles, but those are far too large for me. Anything you use, make sure there are no sharp edges or steps. I guess you could whittle pieces of wooden dowel from the hardware store, as long as you smoothed and painted them. Standard sizes are 1/4, 5/16, and 3/8" are available; 8mm to 11mm, roughly. The average, non-stretched urethra will handle something between 8.5 and 9.5mm, but some men are much smaller or have tight strictures that prevent insertion unless stretched over time. It's normal for a sound to be tight, and to hit tight spots. You might have to pull it out and re-lube. Don't force it; you can cause damage. With experience you'll know how hard you can push, but you don't need a "learning experience" when you're just getting started.

Do you have a sex shop or "porn emporium" anywhere nearby? Do a web lookup. Being able to buy pre-made toys is a lot less hassle than making or adapting stuff, if you can do it discreetly.
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Re: Sounding Novice & homemade objects

Post by Bidadforfun »

Amazing advice sir! Very thorough, and I appreciate that very much!
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Re: Sounding Novice & homemade objects

Post by WFO »

I have inserted a foam earplug wrapped in the sperm bulb of a condom, then cut the condom off at the end of the urethra. My wife doesn’t like the taste of cum. It works great but is a little sensitive to remove because the ear plug has to first be compressed to insert, then expands while inside. She has complained about the lube oozing out of the condom. I could tie a tight knot in it right above the ear plug before inserting it. Have not tried that yet. Another thing I’ve done is apply an elastrator band just behind my coronal ridge. I compress the glans prior to doing so and it makes a soft little clit for her to play with while the rest of my cock is hard as a rock. I’ve also applied cock rings at the base while doing this. It is great for receiving oral as well as fucking, but usually it is too big to easily slide in unless I use a toy on her to loosen her up before inserting. With the bands on the cock you have to be mindful of the time spent in foreplay or you end up not being able to finish without removing them and doing it by hand. But it is a nice distraction. I especially enjoy feeling her front teeth clenching just behind the elastrator band and her pulling on me that way. It’s like she really wants to eat it. But that’s a favorite fantasy of mine and many guys probably wouldn’t like the thought of it,
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Re: Sounding Novice & homemade objects

Post by Bidadforfun »

You are lucky to have such an open minded partner!
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Re: Sounding Novice & homemade objects

Post by straightma1e »

Bidadforfun wrote: Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:40 pm I am try to avoid purchases online as to not alert my wife to this new found pleasure. She has no idea about my personal enjoyment activities as I like to call them!
Amazon has drop boxes in places around the world. You can buy good quality sounds through them and have the package shipped to a drop box near you.
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Re: Sounding Novice & homemade objects

Post by Echo_Hotel »

For "quick" sounding, i.e. not leaving in for any long period, I can recommend aluminum rod for it's ease of shaping and polishing with metal file and some working your way up to 1000 grit sandpaper from your local hardware store. I got my start with some aluminum "candy canes" I made way back when. Just be aware that aluminum isn't really urine safe in the long term so you aren't making plugs from this stuff.
Other diy favorites are the stiff wire with a glob of hot glue on the end, metal chopsticks, pens, bits from a socket wrench set, various drink stirrers aka swizzle sticks and so on.
Remember if the worst happens and you get a bladder infection BE HONEST WITH YOUR DOCTOR! Telling your doctor you were careless with sanitation while stuffing things in your dick gets you a smirk a few questions about exactly what you were stuffing in your dick and a prescription for some antibiotics, saying you don't know what happened gets you multiple thousands of dollars of testing done and a prescription for some antibiotics, and those tests involve catheters with VERY sharp edges WOULD NOT RECOMMEND.
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Re: Sounding Novice & homemade objects

Post by AndyJ »

Tell him you have recurring urethral strictures and you're only sounding so you can pee normally. Sounding is the official approved procedure for stretching the tight spots out; it only lasts for a few months at most. Some urologists prescribe sounding at home; others want the money from continuing visits.

In half an hour I'm off to the hospital to have a camera jammed up my dick so they can look inside my bladder. I just ran an 8mm sound in to make sure the pathway was clear.
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