Straight male to nullo?

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Straight male to nullo?

Post by Addigo »

Are there any straight males who have transitioned to nullos, or straight males who want to become a nullo?
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Re: Straight male to nullo?

Post by NuderThanNude »

Since the first time I saw my young female cousin naked when I was a young boy that has always been a fantasy of mine. My only problem is that I need something to play with.
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Re: Straight male to nullo?

Post by Addigo »

I think there are probably several straight males in a similar situation, (including perhaps, to some extent myself), they find the idea of becoming a nullo intriguing and interesting, at least in fantasy, but are afraid, or unable for various reasons to pursue it further.
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Re: Straight male to nullo?

Post by Darthvin »

The thought of no penis is very intriguing but not the testicles. I kinda like them and they have a purpose. If my long suffer partner let me, I'd lose it. I'm not entirely sure why either, just don't like it. But I do like playing with it in a non sexual way like all blokes do. I know you don't need a cock to orgasm and feel intense pleasure.
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Re: Straight male to nullo?

Post by Addigo »

Not sure, but I think if the penis is removed removed surgically by a doc who does transition surgery, they can preserve the nerves in the glans, and implant them in the pubic mound, then reroute the urethra, and preserve orgasmic capability. You do have to sit down or squat to pee though.
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Re: Straight male to nullo?

Post by NuderThanNude »

I believe what happens (in a lot of cases) is that the neurovascular bundle that contains the blood vessels and nerve bundles that feed the glans are separated from the shaft and then the glans is severed from the end of the shaft.That keeps the normal functioning of the glans and the glans is reattached to the body to act as a clitoris.

I believe that regardless if done by a surgeon or not, that unless all of the internal shaft is completely removed, that there will always be a stump that will get erect. Even a surgeon must tie off blood flow at the base of the exposed penis and must then cut a little further away from that.

I'm not sure if this would happen for everyone, but about a year after severing my glans from my shaft I realized that the entire end of my shaft now had glans like sensations but without the original intensity. It appears that the nerve bundles fanned out after they were severed. Therefore by rubbing the end of the stump a lot of sensations can be experienced. The fact that this stump would still exist would negate the idea of having my external penis removed. It would bother me to still feel my stump and it would never feel like my penis was gone.
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Re: Straight male to nullo?

Post by NuderThanNude »

Another thing I found interesting, that I never knew, is that the glans has it's own blood supply separate from the shaft (apparently through the neurovascular bundle). It gets erect separate from the shaft. Prior to removing my glans I played around with squeezing the blood out of my erect glans. It didn't increase the pressure in my shaft by forcing that blood into the shaft but I was able to force the blood just from my glans (back into my body) and reduce the pressure in it.
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Re: Straight male to nullo?

Post by Addigo »


I'm not sure exactly what you're saying in your next to last post. It seems to me, that you were talking about complete removal of the penis to achieve a smooth effect, and that unless this is done there will always be some erective capability and sensation left in the remainder of the penis, and if the individual wants this entirely gone, the entire stump would have to be removed at the base. Is this correct, or have I missed your point entirely?

I find the idea of removal of the penis while retaining at least some sexual sensitivity in the the remaining area intriguing, and I think if this were more common and more well known, it might produce more interest in the procedure, especially among straight men. But that's just my opinion.
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Re: Straight male to nullo?

Post by NuderThanNude »

Addigo - I'm not saying that I would want my entire penis removed despite fantasizing about it many times throughout my life. But if I did I would not feel like it was gone unless all of the internal shaft and root (in the perineum) were removed and I could not feel anything getting erect nor have any penile sensations.

So you are correct in your interpretation of my writing.

As for sensations... I can only relate to what I have experienced as everyone is different. But the severed end of my nerve bundles have fanned out and now cover the entire end of my shaft. Normally there is no sensations inside the penis shaft so when I first severed my shaft there initially was no sensation from the severed ends of my cavernosa bodies. If I pricked it with a pin or needle there was no sensation. However, after about a year I was able to feel a'weird 'pleasant' pain if I pricked it with a needle. Also, when I have an erection and I slide the lubricated palm of my hand over the end of my shaft I can feel glans like sensations but they aren't as intense as they were from my glans. Nevertheless, they are very pleasant and I would venture to say 'even more pleasant'. So if someone were to have a conventional penectomy where the penis is severed near the pubes (and still had internal penis shaft remaining)... Firstly they would still feel a lump or even a small stump with an erection and secondly by rubbing one's palm over the area where the penis stump is (as a woman would rub her hand over her clit) there is plenty sensation for orgasm.

The other variable in how much sensation remains is how the penectomy was done. Normally in a penectomy done by a surgeon the end of the shaft is drawn together and sutured and then the shaft skin is drawn over the end of the shaft and sutured. I believe that would lessen the sensation. In my case since I made small cuts and let it heal the entire end of my shaft is exposed. You can even see the difference in flesh texture and color and distinguish the internal structures of my penis.
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Re: Straight male to nullo?

Post by Addigo »

Thanks for the clarification.
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