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Help with self piercing ampallang with PA

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 7:34 pm
by Cyberbob1978
Hi guys I heed help,I'm going to do a ampallang piercing on myself but I have a pa,I would like to do a piercing though my urethra how far back do I go??

Re: Help with self piercing ampallang with PA

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 6:50 pm
by AndyJ
Anywhere in the glans in OK. As long as there's some room between the back of the ring and the bulkhead at the back of the glans there should be no problem.

Some guys want the piercing to be further forward. It's technically feasible for the AMP to cross underneath the PA. Since there's room in the fossa navicularis it shouldn't obstruct urine flow to any noticeable degree, and it might even be useful to prevent the PA from migrating.

Remember an AMP takes a lot longer to heal than a PA; it's going through quite a bit of flesh instead of just skin.

Are you determined to do this by yourself? You're obviously experienced with piercings, but you'd want the ampallang to be positioned properly horizontal instead of going through on a slight diagonal. Having someone to assist, or even just tell you when it was lined up right, would be a big help. If you're going to step up to a major piercing like an ampallang, you'd want to do it right.

Re: Help with self piercing ampallang with PA

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 8:34 pm
by NuderThanNude
See the photos I posted in this thread "Minor to moderate penis modification." for some examples of my placement.

My first ampallang was through the middle of my urethra. The second was located just above the top of my urethra. The third was through the middle of my cavernosa bodies. I preferred doing them right behind the rim of my glans as they were less obvious that doing them in the smooth surface of the glans.

Re: Help with self piercing ampallang with PA

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 11:56 pm
by Cyberbob1978
Thanks Andyj for the reply,yes I've done all my piercings myself,and saved myself hundreds of pounds,it is only this one left to do,it was just the placement behind the pa that was worring me,as I want it to go though the urethral,I've got numbing cream and piercing Tweezers so I'm good there,I'm just waiting for the bar to come then I will do it,will also post on here when it is done

Re: Help with self piercing ampallang with PA

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 9:43 pm
by AndyJ

You might use a very fine needle to check the positioning; if you have to pull it and come back at a different angle it shouldn't be a big deal.

Maybe I'm overthinking this, but an ampallang is a serious piercing, and I'd hate to see someone have to do it twice, or live with something not quite satisfactory.

Re: Help with self piercing ampallang with PA

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:41 am
by bigduck59
This is mine. Did mine also!

Re: Help with self piercing ampallang with PA

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 10:47 am
by eternity
I did a 6ga. ampallang. I intended for it to be above the urethra. I did not want urine getting into the ampallang. I botched the first attempt. I let it heal and then I did it again. The second time around was better. Mind you, I was removing a 6ga. plug of my glans tissue. I can still see the indentation from the botched first attempt. What I have now is just a little off center.

Now, for how I did my ampallang. I used a industrial leather punch that I sharpened. I placed this punch into a drill press and pressed the punch through my glans. I was so close to having an orgasm. I never felt any pain. It is cool as the punch penetrates to surface. There is sort of a crunch. My experience is that the initial penetration of the glans, the skin of the glans, is the most sensitive. Again, I did not feel any pain. I knew that I had penetrated the glans when I realized the crunch once again.

Re: Help with self piercing ampallang with PA

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 10:50 am
by eternity
Here is a pic of my ampallang:

Re: Help with self piercing ampallang with PA

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:05 am
by Cyberbob1978
Done it last night,used numbing cream did mot feel a thing,lot of blood but I knew that it is a little wonky but i can live with it
Ampallang piercing 2
Ampallang piercing 2
Ampallang piercing 3
Ampallang piercing 3
Ampallang piercing 2
Ampallang piercing 2

Re: Help with self piercing ampallang with PA

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 4:51 am
by Ballooon111
Cyberbob1978 wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:05 am Done it last night,used numbing cream did mot feel a thing,lot of blood but I knew that it is a little wonky but i can live with it20230815_083316.jpg20230815_083257.jpg20230815_083316.jpg