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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 3:23 pm
by Squirrel
I've found that i get less fever, and discomfort complications the larger i am before adding SL. I pump very infrequently. In my sample size of one, SL has a higher risk of complication when small, when the tip of the needle or catheter is too close to the skin, or when too much is added. It sounds like you did a reasonably small add after already being large which made the risk of the needle tip being too close to the surface pretty small. In that scenario I've had no fevers or painful side effects. Keep us posted but it sounds like this should be a smooth add.

Re: My experience with Surgilube

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 9:51 am
by just4me
Squirrel wrote: Wed Nov 09, 2022 3:23 pm I've found that i get less fever, and discomfort complications the larger i am before adding SL. I pump very infrequently. In my sample size of one, SL has a higher risk of complication when small, when the tip of the needle or catheter is too close to the skin, or when too much is added. It sounds like you did a reasonably small add after already being large which made the risk of the needle tip being too close to the surface pretty small. In that scenario I've had no fevers or painful side effects. Keep us posted but it sounds like this should be a smooth add.
I read and reread all your posts and giJoe too. For over 2 years.
The part about injecting too close to the skin was my biggest concern and I thought I read about needle length.
I decided to go with 1.5” needles and then I could hold back if I needed.
Each time I injected I managed to get the needle all the way in or with less than a quarter inch to go.
The first time I pumped and warmed up long enough to get my skin thinner and loose. Wish I had injected much lower.
The second time I guess I wasn’t as loose or thin as I thought. The fever started the next morning.

I’m afraid to predict this time but I will say that after over 48 hours I don’t have a fever…. Yet.

Reasonably small add? I managed to get in close to 50cc. (2 oz) What is a BIG add to you? Ha ha

I’ll keep posting the process and experience. Kind of a diary.
Thanks for the advice and help!

Re: My experience with Surgilube

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 10:29 am
by just4me
It will be easier to compare this time to last time because I injected the same time/day of the week.
Its easier to compare that way. (just got lucky)

Wednesday 11-9-2022
Injection site much less sore today.
Didn’t even think about it much all day long unless I moved too fast or had to bend all the way over to pick up folders.

Didn’t get to measure this morning but this evening I was at 13.25. That’s an inch increase in 24 hours with no pumping.

All day long I waited for the fever and chills to hit like last time because last time that started the next morning.
And by the 3rd day I was close to a temp of 100.

Just pumped for 90 minutes and measured at 15.75”

So far I’ve only injected on the left side. I like the asymmetrical look and if I ever go on the right side I’ll know more of where to put it.
Also…. Its going to be hard to inject with my opposite hand.
Pic is after pumping 90 minutes very low hg.

I can feel the beginning of an encapsulation. (<48 hours) This is very fast compared to the last two times.

Re: My experience with Surgilube

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 9:11 am
by just4me
Thursday – 3 days since 3rd time
This morning it was cold in my place and the encapsulated mass seemed a LOT higher than were I injected. I injected well below my testicle and now it is actually above my testicle.
The mass is a banana shape and it feels connected to what is left of the first mass.
Thursday morning = 13.75
Thursday evening 14.25 – Surprised by that much swelling after a long day at work.
Measurement just now at home is 13. 5 and in the tube for no more than an hour.
Zero pain today at work.
Bending over is awkward. When I bend over at the waist the size presses against my upper thigh and abdomen. No pain or discomfort. It’s a sporadic reminder.
This, today, Thursday morning felt a little off balance and was prepared for the fever and chills.
- Last time at this point in time I had a Fever of 100 and was totally wiped out after just sitting behind a desk all day

Monday evening = injected 50cc
Tuesday no pumping 12.75” dia 12 hours later
Wednesday morning – no measurement
Wednesday evening prepump size = 13.25
Wednesday evening – pumped up tp 15.00
Thursday morning – 13.25
Thursday Evening pre pump – 13.75 –
Thursday evening post pump – 14.25” in 63 minutes.
I’m only pumping for an hour this evening and wont be able to pump again for 48 hours.
Cautiously hopeful about the reactions

Circumference doesnt seem to be as drammatic as the look.
I think there is more volume being added with the pumping but it tends to go below the equator of measurement and not so much to the sides.

Re: My experience with Surgilube

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 1:00 pm
by just4me
10 days since injecting 50CC
Pumped at a moderate level tonight for the first time in a week.
Prepump measurement was 12.25”
Post pump 13.75”
12-13 is a good size for every day getting around.
Last Friday it was in the way when bending over and moving things at work.
I wish there was a way to push more in with out so many needle jabs.

Ordered 3 more tubes yesterday.
Each one is 4.25 oz that’s about 125CC
I dont anticipate injecting that much at once unless i can find a way to use a syringe gun.... which i cant seem to find
I’ll post in a separate an updated amount I have injected because I was really wrong about the first time.
If I wake up in time tomorrow I may put in an hour before work

Re: My experience with Surgilube

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 2:31 pm
by just4me
36 hours since last pump
been staying between 12.75 and 13.75"
I can feel three distinct masses from encapsulating.
the original one is high and front
second is low and middle and third is mid to the left.

the second one is a little sore after walking so much today.
it tends to nestle between my legs.
easy enough to adjust and keep things to the side unless i have to squat down and after that
nothing goes where it wants to go on its own.

the 4.25 oz tubes came today
They look huge.
20CC syringes come Monday.
I plan on injecting 60CC or three syringes then.

pumped for 90 min this evening. feels ver yheacy

Re: My experience with Surgilube

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 3:03 pm
by Squirrel
For less injection sites i switch syringes. A 60ml injection in one spot takes 3 syringes without removing the catheter. I sanitize my hands constantly. Before every time I touch a syringe. Also, because I fill the syringes from the plunger side this gives me time to stand up the next ones and allow the air bubble to slowly move to the top so i can push it out.

I've used a caulk gun to compress syringes before but I don't recommend it. #1, It's not sterile or clean. #2, If you need that much pressure either the needle/catheter is not in a good spot, or you're using too large of a syringe or too small gauge needle/catheter. #3, You lose the ability to feel what you're doing because of the mechanical help. You're forcing something that might not be right.

Stick with manually pushing syringes. If something is off you'll be able to tell. After doing this a couple times you start to get a pretty good feel of how much pressure on the plunger is normal.

Re: My experience with Surgilube

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 3:03 pm
by Squirrel
Your results are AMAZING by the way.

Re: My experience with Surgilube

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 12:02 pm
by just4me
Squirrel wrote: Sun Nov 20, 2022 3:03 pm For less injection sites i switch syringes.
#3 is the one that concerns me the most.
That reminds me of the time I wasted a whole tube of surgilube and 4 syringes because I got the needle placement wrong and decided to abort.
I bought the 30ml syringes before I found out that I couldn’t push the gel through it and looked for a medical grade syringe gun. Even talked with a supplier but I couldn’t tell if you had to use their syringes etc or any kind. I did look for smaller ones at home depot but they would have had to be adapted too much and I dont think there would be a way to control it because of the bulk.

I did another add this evening.
Took all the precautions.
I’ll tell how much and the other information later.
I managed to swap the syringe and use the same needle without removing it.
One injection site. zero pain. waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak.

Re: My experience with Surgilube

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 1:47 pm
by just4me
Added to right side.

Re: My experience with Surgilube

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 2:09 pm
by just4me
Left is same size as 2 pics before this one.

Re: My experience with Surgilube

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 11:05 am
by just4me
This is a long post and covers three days.
so far the side effects have been bearable. I am waiting for the fever and chills etc though.
11-20-2022 Sunday
Friday three new tubes of Surgilube came. 4.25 oz. – 120CC
Monday the 20CC syringes will arrive.
My plan was to take it easy and inject half of the 2 oz – 60CC tube into my left side and then maybe do an add on the right size with SOME of the 4.25oz tube.
Deep down I knew that if I even started that I would inject it all. I even warmed up both tubes.
Pumped at low pressure for 90 minutes and got to 14.25”.
Squirrel and I have been discussion how to sit or position to make injecting easier
Keeping the needle inserted while changing the syringe.
I came up with this idea for two reasons.
1. Fewer injection sites = less pain
2. Fewer needles = less expense.

After pumping I went through the sterilization ritual and made sure I only used clean towels, sheets and spreads.

Instead of sitting on the edge of the bed I sat in the lazy boy and propped my sack up with some clean towels covered in Sterile Gauze.
Laid a big pillow across my lap with all the materials spread out beside me on a TV tray.
1. Practiced twisting in the needle and untwisting to know how much pressure I needed to get it to seal without using more than needed. This took surprisingly little effort.
2. Injected 12cc and then carefully removed the syringed from the needle leaving the 1.5” needle inserted. I kept this buried at least an inch for the whole process.
3. It was easy to remove the syringe and attach the next one and inject it. It takes about 20-30 seconds for the process.
a. Inject
b. Remove empty syringe
c. Fill syring
d. Attach syringe to inserted needle
e. Push it into my sac
4. The first 4 went very fast because they were already full.

When I first got the 4.25 oz tubes I thought there was no way in the world I could ever inject that much. They look like full sized toothpaste tubes.
I toyed with the idea of only injecting 2 more times and tossing the rest.
I don’t know if this stuff stays sterile once its opened.

5. The needle stayed in place with no discomfort or blood and I just kept filling and injecting.
6. I’m pretty sure the mass of surgilube was big enough to protect the insides of my skin from getting poked or scratched.
7. Simple process
a. Remove plunger and lay it on sterile surface.
b. Squeeze surgiluge into syringe in one steady squeeze. The opening of the tube doesn’t allow for ail bubbles in the syringe. This helped it go really fast.
c. Reattach the syringe and inject.
d. Repeat.
8. I emptied the entire 4.25 tube and folded it over and over on its self to make sure nothing was left inside.

The only waste from this was what I lost putting the plunger back in.
Each time I filled the syringe I filled it to the very top. This was there was no air bubble anywhere. There is a small ridge or bump that the plunger has to go past and what came out of the end of the tube doing that is all that was lost.
I estimate that each syringe was overfilled to between 12-13CC.

The combined total for both tubes was 6.25 oz.
184 CC total and my conservative estimate is that I managed to get over 150 inside me.

It was incredible to see my sack grow with each syringe.
After I felt like the injection site was secure I put on a bandaid and sat with a heating pad. An hour late it looked at least twice as big and the measurement came in at 15” around the equator.

Sleep was difficult.

11-20-22 – 150cc
11- 7-22 - 50cc
10- 3-22 – 35CC
6-19-22 70CC


6 hours of sleep and woke up and measured
An hour in the heating pad and I was back up over 15”

I felt out of it today at work. Half awake.
No pain (yet.)
Came home and measured at 14.5.

6:30 started a pumping session
Two sessions totaling less than 50 minutes put me at 15.75.
36 hours
Woke up at 14.75
No pumping this morning.
Warmed up with heating pad for an hour and measured at 15.25
Half an inch doesn’t sound like much when it’s linear.
When it comes to total mass it’s a different story.
Slight stinging that comes and goes.
I’ll predict that in 12 hours I’ll be around 13”
No fever… yet.
No pain at injection site this time. Replacing the syringes is the way to go.

20 hours since 150CC
Still waiting for fever or bad reaction.
Slight sharp pain in upper sac. Feels like outside of skin.

It usually takes me 90 to 120 minutes to pump up to the size I’’ve been staying at all day.
24 hours .
Sharp ting standing. It’s on sack wall and not testicle.

22-23-2022 - Wednesday
3 days since 150 Injection
Spent all day on my feet. Standing or walking because it feels better to hang that to be squished.
Wasn’t able to measure last night or this morning
Its 6 pm and I came in at 14.25”

Going to be in the tube for as long as I can stand it or 90 minutes.
Slight pinching in my sack skin. Not at injection site.
I think this happens when the surgilube attaches itself to the wall of they sack.
Surgilube is bigger than a tennis ball all day.
-Contemplating injecting 20-40 more in the right side and then 20-30 more in the left. I think the right side is still soft enough that I could inject right into the current ball.
55 minutes of pumping at ended up at 15.25”
Right test. Hurts because of the swelling of the surgilube mass pushing it higher and against the neck of the ASTJ.

I’ll prolly wait a day or two before pumping again.
Avoided another fill today.
Been staying between 14" and over 15" all the time.

Re: My experience with Surgilube

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 1:55 am
by just4me
yesterday did a lot of yard work in the cold
came in am measured and even cold was 14.25"
More yard work this morning
and warmed up before measuring.

Down side is that the right side of my sac is sore from rubbing
I put a sock over my entire package and problem solved.
150CC is a firm but pliable mass.
If half of it goes away in the process thats still going to leave a lot of size for pumping

Re: My experience with Surgilube

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:00 am
by just4me
4th day in a row of not being less that 15.25"
spent over 24 hours right above 16.
Its encapsulating and hurts a lot.
very much in the way and not tucking in a shirt.
15" is too much to hide.
Once the pain is gone i cant wait to pump again.

Re: My experience with Surgilube

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:40 am
by just4me
15.75" after work.\
It’s been almost 2 weeks since a huge add on the right side.
27th was really painful.
28th-12-2 has been very painful and last time with this much pain I ended up staying in bed a few days.
Not much helped all week except laying down.
Bending over is really bad because I feel like im on the edge of splitting open.
Standing hurts.
But its one place very upper sac and it’s the skin not my test. Or inside.
I think this is where the surgilube is attaching to the wall inside.

Evening – the pain is much less and more of an ache. I really think in addition to the surgilube attaching its self that it is also the weight.

Skin on skin has caused a lot of discomfort.
It feels like a pinching where the pain is/was
This evening I got home and walked around there was almost no discomfort.

Wearing cloth0loose sock around my entire package helped with the skin on skin hurting.
Wearing two pairs of underwear gave lots of support but the discomfort was still nearly unbearable. Eventually what helped the most was simply pushing everything to the left side and keeping my pants way to the right. (zipper)

Yesterday I was really questioning my sanity for doing this much.
Today… wow. When the pain is about gone I wish I had done more.
My left side, which used to be my bigger side is dwarfed by the right side.

The original surgilube lump is down to the side of a grape.
Ive been 15”+ for about a week now. Its been burdensome all the time.

The downside for right now has been:
the pain/discomfort
Difficulty hiding.
Getting into my car.

I want to add to my left side again.
But at 15” now. Im pretty sure I would end up around 18” if I did 4oz in both sides.