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Breast Inflation - Bruising

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 6:52 am
by not_quite_erin
I tried doing a breast inflation for the first time the other week. All seemed to go well, I got the better part of 500ml into each side. Was good, though at that size they were more like I had been eating too many burgers. I am keen to try again and go larger, but I ran into an issue I haven't seen mentioned.

After everything went down, I ended up with a big bruise across my chest. Can anyone suggest what I may have done wrong?

Sadly no pictures from this effort, hopefully next time.

Re: Breast Inflation - Bruising

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:26 am
by phranti
How big was the bruise? I've had bruising before from caching a small vein with the needle (bruise was about 1 - 2 inches in diameter). It may be that you inflated too fast or too much.
There's a busier boob thread ("boobies - finally had another chance"), might be worth asking in there too.

Re: Breast Inflation - Bruising

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 8:10 am
by mjim7
I've also had this problem, pretty certain it is caused by going too deep with the needle. The worst bruising I had was from a 21g 45mm needle going deep and I must have found a small artery as the pressure of the blood pushed the Saline back into the drip set. When I removed the needle I had a real gusher followed by a massive bruise, looked like a gunshot wound. Now I use 19g 20mm butterfly cannula and only insert about 10mm about 15mm below the nipple. If I go any deeper, a bruise is almost certain. With the 10mm, if there is any bruising it is tiny and doesn't last very long. So I think the deeper you go, the higher the risk of bruising. Another thing I noticed is when the infusion is finished and I remove the cannula, sometimes there is blood oozing from the injection site, so I let it bleed and after a short time it drips almost clear saline, at which point I seal the hole with superglue gel. If I seal the hole immediately and don't allow the blood to flow out, then I usually get bruising. For me also infusing too much Saline doesn't give the best result, anything more than about 350ccs per side starts to spoil the shape until they start to shrink again. Hope that helps.

Re: Breast Inflation - Bruising

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 8:31 am
by not_quite_erin
Thanks for the advice. I have posted in the other thread now as well.

I think you might be right about going to deep, I don't know if going to fast was really possible with 21g needles.