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New Guy - Help, Please

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 9:13 am
by Simmer69
I've been watching this forum for about nine months, and I've been really amazed by the realm of possibilities with this obscure fetish. I finally got the balls (ha!) to try it myself, but I have some questions about my experience. I was hoping to discuss it and I thought that some of the photos I took would help to illustrate my concerns. Unfortunately, every time I attempt to upload the photos, I receive an error message indicating the file is too large (413 Request Entity Too Large). Before I proceed, can anyone help me understand how I can attach my photos?

Re: New Guy - Help, Please

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 4:19 pm
by kiwibop
Hi Simmer. I haven't uploaded any photos for a while, but from memory max size is 2 Mb

Re: New Guy - Help, Please

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 10:50 pm
by Oregazmick
It seems that you need to reduce your image file size to just under 2MB. If you do not already have a program capable of doing this, then a well known free one is the Gimp ( ), and one approach might be to reduce the quality of your jpg image, you can go down a surprisingly long way before quality loss becomes evident on a computer screen, and doing so reduces the file size dramatically. If that does not do it, you could reduce the image size, but don't go too far, some of us like photos that fill a desktop screen, postage stamp size ones are no good at all!

Re: New Guy - Help, Please

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:52 pm
by Simmer69
Thanks to both kiwibop and Oregazmick for their replies, and for the helpful information. I'll experiment with Gimp and see if I can reduce the file size. If so, I'll post some photos soon. If not, I'll start a separate post and ask some more questions. Thank you!

Re: New Guy - Help, Please

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:37 am
by Simmer69
500ml_First Attempt_a.jpeg
I finally got around to uploading some photos from my first experience with saline. Thanks to Kiwi and Oregazmick for the help.

I'd like to ask some questions about what I experienced, from those of you that have done this many times before. First of all, it was an incredibly exciting experience, but at the same time it was very scary. I was trembling as I went through the process, but at the same time I was painfully erect! What a rush! I'm not the least bit scared of needles, but I am scared of a serious health impact, and scared silly about an infection. Fortunately, there were no negative consequences to my first endeavors.

What I experienced in both my initial attempts (of 500ml and then 1000ml) is that a great deal of the saline migrated into my penis. This was not my intent, and what I experienced is that my cock became so swollen that it was pretty worthless for anything other than a freak show! Instead, I had hoped that the saline would stay in my scrotum, and that my cock would sit on top and could become erect without being grotesquely disfigured (and insensitive). I have seen scores of photos on this forum of guys who have enormously inflated scrotums, with a normal size penis sitting on top, or even swallowed up by the size of their scrotum. That is what I would like to achieve.

I realize that everyone is different, and that the results will vary accordingly. But I wonder if there are some things I can do differently to achieve the results I desire.

First of all, I attempted to follow the suggestions on this forum. I ensured the most sanitary possible conditions (including surgical gloves, antibacterial solutions, etc.). I bathed and I warmed my groin beforehand. I kept the saline warm (following a brief spin in the microwave) using a hot pad on a low setting. I used a soft, silk ribbon to tie off below my scrotum and above the base of my penis. I used an infusion set with an 18 gauge needle. I inserted it between my testicles and seated it firmly. I set the drip to a slow but constant rate.

My first attempt was 500ml, and it took approximately 1 hour to complete the transfer. My second attempt was 1000ml (several days later), and it also took about 1 hour (a faster drip rate). As you will see from the photos, much (if not most) of the saline went straight to my cock! While this was an incredible erotic rush, and it gave me a fantastic (though bizarre) hard-on, it seemed that most of the solution bypassed my scrotum. I have seen photos on the forum of guys that have infused the same meager amounts, and who had enormous scrotums. My saline was all in my cock, which felt like it would explode!

Here are my questions:
Is there a way to direct the infusion to obtain a specific result? In my case, a large, heavy scrotum, with penis on-top or even submerged?

Can this be done by placing the tie-off at the top of the scrotum, but below the penis, and leaving the penis entirely out of the "loop?" Are there any concerns about trying this method?

Am I using a drip rate that is too high, thereby causing the flow to exceed the capacity of my scrotum (at least until it has time to expand)?

I bled and then leaked water like a stuck goose, especially following the 1000ml session, despite attempts to staunch the flow with Super Glue, denture adhesive, and waterproof Band Aids! Is an 18-gauge needle too large, and did it contribute to some of the other issues above?

I'd appreciate any wisdom you may share!


Re: New Guy - Help, Please

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 12:43 pm
by justabitbigger
I'm going to make a guess that the reason why you're having so much migration is your scrotum has filled to capacity and the saline has no where else to go but to start filling your shaft. I believe even if you tie off, the moment you untie, the migration will begin, though slower and maybe not as much.

I think the only way to start getting the results you're looking for is to stretch your scrotum so it'll have more capacity, and then you'll have less migration. This can either be accomplished by more infusions, always stretching more each time, or you can start ball pumping, or both. I ball pumped for years (got up to over 16 inches) before I started infusing, so when I started with saline I could take 2 liters with little migration. I eventually worked up to 4 liters, but there was all sorts of migration at that point. Into my abdomen, towards my ass, and of course my cock was fully filled...but damn was that sack huge! It's been a while since I've infused and I don't think I could push past 2 liters at this point. I'd have to work my way up again, which would be fun if I had the time and supplies.

The reason why you bled and then leaked water like a stuck goose is because you may have hit a vein in your skin when inserting the needle (causing the bleeding), and then leaked water due to the size of the needle. 18g is quite large. I use a 19g, and have trouble sealing. There's a lot of pressure trying to escape! There's a few threads here on successful sealing techniques. Some use super glue and others denture adhesive. Apply a some pressure on the site for a few minutes with a sterile pad, and then apply dab of what ever you're using on a bandaid and then cover the hole. That works for a lot of people.

Re: New Guy - Help, Please

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:17 pm
by Simmer69
Thank you for your detailed response and helpful considerations. Your suggestions certainly correspond with many other similar observations throughout the forum. It looks like I need to keep at it, without rushing, and look for the desired results over time. I'll post and share any subsequent experiences that may be useful to the forum members. Thanks!

Re: New Guy - Help, Please

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:58 am
by mRuss
hi Simmer. Glad you could join us in saline land.

Looks like your scrotum did indeed fill to capacity, and the skin of your penis was plenty happy to pitch in to find room for the rest of the saline solution. This will probably not be too different in future infusions; it's just how you're put together. Thankfully we all believe in slowly changing the way we're put together, and saline can actually help a bit in the process.

I would recommend wearing a ballstretcher or stretching collars on your scrotum. This will give your sac more room to hold more fluid in future sessions. Ballstretchers can be worn frequently (some wear them every day).

If you purchase some VetWrap(tm) you could use it to wrap around your erection to minimize fluid migration. I've only seen a few people try wrapping their shaft and generally the methods they choose don't work so well, but I am pretty sure this stuff would be able to keep your shaft from swelling. It sticks to itself remarkably well but doesn't tend to stick to other things. It can be reused but it never works nearly so well the second time around.

Anyway, however you progress, here's a toast to your personal growth :)


Re: New Guy - Help, Please

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:28 am
by Simmer69

Many thanks for your response! I appreciate your observations, and your recommendations. I forgot to mention in my original post that I developed four small blisters on the base of my penis, following the 1000ml session, that subsequently ruptured, leaving some unpleasant wounds that took several days to heal. Proof positive, I fear, that I went a bridge too far on my first efforts! For future attempts, I'll start by getting into shape with some appropriate stretching in advance. I'll post my results.

Again, thank you for your support!