Tetherproducts.com now open for business - please comment

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Re: Tetherproducts.com now open for business - please commen

Post by TetherSpout »

Hi Austfred,

Thanks for your kind words. I can understand your misgivings about tetherspouts being easy to remove, if you've never stuck anything into your penis before, but believe me... it's not difficult. The hardest part is installing them, because you have to blindly feed the spout through the retainer while both parts are inside your penis. Taking them back out is intuitive and much easier. Just push the spout out of the retainer with a pen or some other appropriate probe (the spout will easily slide while the retainer stays trapped in place inside the widening of your fossa navicularis) and then either individually squeeze the two parts back out, or pull them out with thin forceps or tweezers. I don't know how I would be able to clearly show that in photos and I think if I verbally tried to describe it in more detail, I would just insult your intelligence.

As for your second question: my reasoning for why I think pulling on you penis with a tetherspout, rather than with a strap or noose wrapped around the glans, is such a more effective way to lengthen your penis, is extensively documented in Album 11 of the TetherSpout Chronicles. Unless you are prepared to spend years, or possibly even decades, before you see substantial gains, I dare say it might be the only way. But before you can use a tetherspout for that purpose, your urethral orifice will need to substantially toughen up and become inured to wearing a tetherspout under constant tension. I won't sugarcoat it. That could possibly take up to a year or more before you are able to apply appreciable tension, depending on how determined you are. But the rewards are enormous. I can keep my own penis under 2 lb. of tension literally all day long, with short rest breaks only every 2 hours or so. Unless you have carefully read Album 11, you'll have no idea how good that can feel. I do it mainly for the pleasure. Possibly lengthening my penis is just an added bonus. Just to give you an idea of what's possible, I can also put my penis under more than 4 lb. of tension, but then it starts to hurt after only 20-30 minutes or so. I can extend that by numbing the orifice with a benzocaine solution like Orajel (used for toothaches), but then I have to be extra careful not to block blood circulation at the tip for too long.

I hope this answers your questions.
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Re: Tetherproducts.com now open for business - please commen

Post by austfred »

Hi Tether,

Thanks for the detailed reply

I was thinking an extender such as the ones sold by autoextender (www.autoextender.com) could be used with your tetherspout. They appear sturdier and you can adjust the spring tensioners with a screw.

You say it can take a year to toughen up to allow the tetherspout to hang a couple of lbs. Does this affect your sensitivity or have any other impacts on how your penis works say during sex?

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Re: Tetherproducts.com now open for business - please commen

Post by TetherSpout »

Hi Austfred,

I assume you're using an extender that relies on compressible springs. If you can rig it up to apply tension not only to your glans but also to a tetherspout at the same time, that would probably be more effective than just using a tetherspout alone. But it sounds rather complicated to me. Putting it on and getting the distribution of tension between the noose or strap that grips your glans and the tetherspout just right, may be a lot tougher than you think.

I think you'll have an easier time just using a fiberglass tensioning rod like I show in Albums 11 and 12. You can still apply tension to your glans at the same time, just by attaching the strap or noose separately to the rod, but it would probably be much easier to regulate. The advantage of the fiberglass rods is that the tension is not very sensitive to how far the rod is bent, but rather much more so to the effective length of the rod, which can be easily adjusted by just moving the point of connection along the rod. The tension stays very uniform as you move about. In contrast, the tension induced by compressible springs can be very variable and sensitive to just slight variations in the degreee of compression as you move about. Those changes may not be very noticeable right now, while just tensioning your glans, but they will be if you add a tetherspout.

Either way, you'll find that a tetherspout does not affect sensitivity and causes no visible or palpable changes whatsoever in your penis, regardless of how you use it.

Best regards,
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Re: Tetherproducts.com now open for business - please commen

Post by austfred »

Hi Tether

>I assume you're using an extender that relies on compressible springs.

I started out using one of those but moved to a Leluv slider extender which does not have springs so I could experiment with stress relaxation extending rather than creep as occurs with spring based extenders. With stress relaxation you readjust the screws after your penis relaxes a bit under the initial stretch. You can repeart this process a few times during a session. I currently use a DIY velcro strap instead of a noose as I find this more comfortable. I place a short silicone sleeve directly behind my glans and the strap goes over the top.

>If you can rig it up to apply tension not only to your glans but also to a tetherspout at the same time, that would probably be more effective than just using a tetherspout alone.

I probably could but suspect the tetherspout would only be stretching the glans as the extender clamps down behind the head and stretches from there to the base.

I suggested the autoextender to you because the headpiece used in vacextenders sold by autoextender could also be used to attach a tetherspout.

>I think you'll have an easier time just using a fiberglass tensioning rod like I show in Albums 11 and 12. You can still apply tension to your glans at the same time,

Yes I checked that out. Interesting but not practicable for me as it is not discreet and family circumstances do not permit me to walk around at home with my dick hanging out. I get a similar effect by wearing circular golf weights or a lead coil attached to my penis which I can wear out under clothes. I use such an all day stretch as an adjunct to my extending and believe it does help.
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Re: Tetherproducts.com now open for business - please comment

Post by Kept4Her »

My biggest problem is getting the tetherspout out. Does not seem to matter what lubricant I use, it appears to cause the retainer to stick to the tetherspout and getting it broken free can be a painful experience. Any advice would be very much welcomed.
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Re: Tetherproducts.com now open for business - please comment

Post by slkdyk »

If you are talking about the the spout (metal part) sticking to the retainer (rubber part). For me the spout was too tight in the retainer. Not really tight but would not slide freely. I have access to a lathe so I made a new spout just a few thousandths of an inch smaller in OD, this made all the difference. If this is the problem, once it is out use the sandpaper that came in the kit to open up the hole in the retainer slightly. Like I said it only took a couple thousandths for things to slide freely.
Sorry I could not answer the phone, I was tied up at the moment. ;-)
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