My experience with Surgilube

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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

I'll put some of this here because it applies and the rest in Ball Pumping.

Pumped yesterday morning for over and hour
Then again hour and a half list night
And this morning a little over 3 hours.

Have the right side of the jar filled to almost 8”
And the right side to almost 7”
Haven’t been this huge in a long time

The surgilube side is insanely hard and wide.
I’m glad I didn’t inject both sides like I had originally planned.
Took 20 minutes to get free.
Positive pressure helped blow me out
But it hurt so bad that I went to my knees.
Measured right after and then 20 min later
Its been a long time since I was at 16”

The weight is incredible.
Bulge is not even hidable.

Cock is the same size as a red bull can around.
It will go down over the next few hours though.
More than 5 hours of pump time in less than 24 hours.
Been a crazy few days at work. This helped me relax

Cant even feel the surgilube blob.
too much fluid
its interesting that my left side use to hand a LOT lower after pumping
now my left side sticks out more to the left and not as low.
The right side is a LOT lower.
Maybe because the left side is filled with the expanded surgilube?
and the fluid from pumping migrates to the right side?

Time to take a nap and then see if I can help a coworker move to a new place,
I don’t see hiding this and probably not the best think to lift too much.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

30min + 40 min +30 min = 15.25"
used to take over 2 hours for that
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by Fastalt »

Thanks for the great step by step descriptions, will follow them
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by schwampf »

Looks great! How much pressure you pump?
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

schwampf wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 2:29 pm Looks great! How much pressure you pump?
up to 5hg
Jar has a slow leak so presure falls and i have to hit it again every 5 minutes or so
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

Pumped a little over 3 hours today.
most of it moderate pressure.
It's weird how the side I put the surgilube in doesnt go as far down the jar as the right side
the left side used to hang lower by far
but now it looks like things have traded places

I can feel it shifting places a little.
I'll wait till December to add any amount.
and then try to keep it between 1 and 2 ounces at a time

fixed my ASTJ
a big tube of superglue did the trick.
hopefully it didnt hurt the acrylic.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

Took 48 hours off of pumping after pumping a minimum of 90 minutes 5 days in a row.
Encapsulation was a lot smaller this morning
I think this is a good thing because it was looking like I would have trouble adding any more.
Now that I know more about what to expect I can let this get out of the way for a few months
and then inject in a different place
Everything I read said to go as low as possible in the sac
I thought i did go as low as possible but it either moved around or
I injected wrong.
It's possible that when i injected low i didn't take into account that the injection site would be different than then end of the needle.
This morning I meant to only pump for 2 30 min sessions with a break in between
ended up going 34 then 30 min and lost track of what I was doing because i usually go longer and
managed to stop with a 3rd 15 min session

the encapsulation is about the size of a tennis ball that is smashed half flat

I wish i had asked my mentors in this process what shape i would end up with and if its possible to have a round shape.
At first I didnt like the crescent shape I have but now I think its better because it cradles my left testicle
and makes it less protruding.

Our weekly meeting has been moved to Zoom instead of in person so that helps
We all still have to go into the office but instead of meeting in one conference room
we stay in our own office or work area
being 14" and very firm... its a good idea to Zoom
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

About 3 month update.
Pumping has definitely caused the encapsulation to shrink.
A week ago i pumped really aggressively. Took a week off and the mass is now about the size of a ping pong ball.
Pumped this evening for about 90 minutes and the mass tripled In size. To about the size it was 2 weeks ago.
Still very firm when not pumped.
Feels like it is attached to the skin inside of my sack.
Wish it eas more free floating.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

Another update and new injection

its been a little over 3 months since I did around 110 CC
I started with 120 CC but there is always some that gets away.

I've had some amazing pumps. Some well over 16"
Had a really rough time for a while which i suspect is because of the amount I injected.

About a week ago I tried to inject and mistakenly pushed into the encapsulation.
Nothing went in and the Surgilube just pushed out through the injection site.
Spent a lot of time and effort making sure any residual amount was squeezed out.
There wasn't too much and there and there haven't been any side effects other than being frustrated at not getting it right.

Yesterday afternoon I pumped for about 4 hours and got close to 16" again.
The small mass that's left got realllllly got big.
It's pretty amazing that such a small amount left behind can expand that much.
went to work today about 14" and came home and was close to 13"
My sac was loose and I decided to try again. (spur of the moment decision.)
This time I only injected 2 ounces or 60CC
This was at least 60CC as I over filled the three syringes so I could push the plunger in far enough to start at 10CC

Went through the whole process of keeping the working area and skin sterile.
The worst stinging comes from the alcohol.

Pushed a drop of surgilube onto the injection site and that made it go in easier I think.
This time I didn't pump before injecting so my skin was thicker and it was hard to get the needle all the way in.
1.5" needle all the way to the base of the syringe.
The first two flowed in easily but the third one took some work.
Maybe because I was pushing it into the new mass?

I cant feel any of it in my sack right now and this is because the viscosity is pretty thin.
NOT thin coming out of a needle but it definitely is when in the sack.
The first time I injected what I thought was low.
This time I went below the remaining encapsulation.
Not much blood at all.
I'm hoping that by injecting right below and against the existing mass that they will be close and not look or feel to awkard.

Still only injecting on the Left side as I like the asymmetrical look and feel.

I chose today because I have next week off and the first time I injected the first week was non eventful.
I'm hoping that by injecting less that my body wont react so severely.

I'll wait for 48 hours before pumping because I think it takes a day or two for in injection site to fully heal.
If I pump Wednesday evening I'll give another update.

Next plan for injection is on or around Dec 18.
Depending on how this goes I'll probably only do 120cc again.

Thanks for the emails and questions.

So far about 170cc.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

Injected Monday evening. (second time - 60CC)
This is 48 hours later
Plan was to pump for two 30 minute sessions.
With three injection sites on the same side, I got soreness.
Had no choice but to walk a lot Tuesday afternoon though.
Every step hurt and it hurt to bend over.
Tuesday morning about zero pain and my skin looks good.
No pain at the injections sites while in the tube.
A little sore at the bottom of my sack but that may be due to the rubbing in my pants. Friction?
At the 30 minute mark I came out of the tube to make sure things were ok. No trouble getting out of the ASTJ. BUT. I was touching the opening like I do after pumping an hour or more.
5 min break
Then after the 30 minutes I decided to go a little longer. Addiction?
Decided to go only 15 more minutes because I have to work tomorrow.

An hour and 15 min and right out of the jar I ended up at 15.75”
Usually it takes about 3 hours to reach that size.

I was reviewing my notes up to this point.
It’s been 3 months since the first time
I’m hoping the reaction this time will be less and I can add another 2oz in 2 months.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by IApumper85 »

I really appreciate you detailing your experience. I will be doing some here soon, hopefully it goes as well as yours has!
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

Read it all.
What everyone who has done this has written.
I wither wish I had not done it OR had doubled it.
It took me at least 2 years to prepare mentally and commit.

The upside is very up.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

pumped this morning for about an hour and a half and got the same size as yesterday morning.
i feel bigger so maybe im still 15.75 around the equator but measuring around bottom and top is different.
this is about the limit that i can get up to and still go into work.
Going ot be hard to wait for 2 months to try again
Last edited by just4me on Sat Oct 22, 2022 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by just4me »

14 hours later.
come home at 13.75
pumped for about 90 minutes and ended up at 15.25
going to give it a rest for a day i think.
the original encapsulating is swollen very big and hard.
the new blob feels mooshy but firm.
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Re: My experience with Surgilube

Post by Squirrel »

Thank you for sharing the details of your experience with us all. Surgilube is a little different for everyone it seems. The more info we all have the better prepared anyone who's considering this will be (so long as they take the time to read the experiences).

Pumping after Surgilube is a ton of of fun. I almost completely stopped pumping when I switched to salinee and glucose a decade ago. But after starting SL two years ago it's gotten very fun again. There's something about fast gains... :D
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