Surgilube Risks and Info

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Surgilube Risks and Info

Post by Balanceact »

Hello all,

Looooong time lurker (15+ years), thank you to all that have shared during the years.

I wanted to start a threat inquiring if anyone with medical knowledge or experience can chime in on some risks of surgilube injections specifically in the shaft. I think there are many people here(including myself ~25ml) whos taken the plunge but wouldn't mind some more info on the subject. Some questions to start this thread...

What are the risks of an embolism? Can surgilube move through the bloodstream?

Why do some experience pain after injecting while others don't complain much about it?

Someone mentioned getting an auto immune disease after repeated infusions and surgilube, is this a possibility in the future?

As an aside, I remember reading about a doctor injection surgilube once, I always wondered his risk assessment when performing this on himself...

In conclusion anyone else, please chime in with responses/suggestions.

****This is not a request for medical advice

**I do not want to scare anyone but expand our shared knowledge base.
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Re: Surgilube Risks and Info

Post by flcomputer_man »

Not a Doctor, just read medical texts for fun on this entire subject and more.


An air embolism, also known as a gas embolism, is a blood vessel blockage caused by one or more bubbles of air or other gas in the circulatory system. Can you get an embolism from injecting Surgilube? Sure. Is it likely? No. Why not? Because when loading your syringes with either Surgilube or KY you fill them from the bottom up. This lets the bubbles rise to the tops of the syringes. Then you press down the plunger until the air and a tiny bit of Surgilube or KY comes out of the syringe. Then you attach your needle and continue to press the plunger down until you get either Surgilube or KY coming out of the needle before you pierce the skin of the penis.

Can Surgilube move through the blood stream?:

Surgilube bloodstream movement:
Surgilube absolutely can and DOES move through the blood stream via the lymph system. Lymph fluid which is always moving through and under the the skin of the penis and really all of the skin in the body is always traveling towards the heart, once to the heart, it drains into the subclavian veins, just below the collar bone. Those veins then carry the used lymph fluid with the Surgilube in it out of the lymph system, where the lymph fluid and cells are then mixed with deoxygenated blood, through the right side of the heart where it is pumped off to the lungs for re-oxygenation and then headed to the liver for filtering out of contaminants. Eventually these contaminates go through the kidneys and are mixed with waste water from the body which is excreted through the ureters out of the kidneys into the bladder where you pee it out. This is a closed loop system. New lymph fluid is always being made and circulating under the skin to bring nutrients to the skin and remove contaminants and old blood cells.

Lymph Flow: The fluid in the lymphatic circulation system amounts to about 2% of body weight - about 1.4-3 litres. This volume is probably about the same as the amount of lymph fluid formed each day and returned to the blood stream in 24 hours. It contains tons of white blood cells and leukocytes that work to control infection. The speed of the Lymph system cleaning out the fluid from under the skin varies in each person as to their health and the amount of white blood cells. Also the Immune system has something called Immunologic memory which is another important characteristic of adaptive immunity of the Lymph node system. After a while of seeing the same substance it reacts less and less with each subsequent encounter with the substance as long as the substance is not causing the body distress. This is what I THINK(my own opinion) happens to us when we've injected so much over the years; is it stops reacting and clearing it out and allows it to stay under the skin after it is encapsulated.
When you pump after an injection I don't know if you know, but the lymph fluid is pulled through everything, encapsulations, and skin, and will clear out previously encapsulated nodules of SL. That is until you fill past the point of no return where the Lymph System starts to ignore the SL. Then you're stuck moving it around and manipulating it manually for the first 72 hours until the immune system starts cordoning it off and the encapsulation process begins.

Pain While Injecting:
As I was explained to me by boomer_MOD:
Pain means you've hit a vein with the needle bore. Another thing to think about here is most people on this forum have a very high pain tolerance. Some don't. I like to insert the needle at a snails pace until it's fully sunk under the skin. That way if I lightly hit a vein and get pain I back the needle out and move it to the side and reinsert it until I'm under the skin in a space and don't feel any pain. Our veins and blood vessels indeed have pain receptors and this stretching of the skin surrounding the vein allows the sending of the pain signal results in pain or aching after a needle stick.

Contamination and Infection Control:
Treat it as a surgery. I know me personally I order sterile everything. Gauze, 4x4's, gloves, I use a 32 ounce container of 90 percent isopropyl alcohol(I know others say 70 works better because it doesn't evaporate as quickly, but I keep the area soaked). I scrub the skin for about 5 minutes ahead of time with 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate you can get from the vet they give your dog a bath with it before major surgeries to eliminate as much bacteria as possible. Then I wash the entire balls and shaft with antibacterial hand soap for another minute or two. Then I use sterile gauze soaked in sterile water to rinse the area off, then the same kind of gauze to dry the area. I then soak my hands in rubbing alcohol I pour in a disposable bowl for 1 minute and pop open the sterile gloves.

I am very prepared for an infection. I have on hand large quantities of antibiotics of every type that I have stockpiled for the end of days. I order them in bulk from China, Germany, India and they come in 100qty packs. I keep a close eye on the injection the first week. I have yet to have any infection.

Autoimmune Question:
No data one way or another. I only found one instance of anyone mentioning it with a quick mention in passing and no further details.
I think that constant injections without time for your immune system(lymph system is part of the immune system) may injure it if not given any time to recover, Sure. But if you look on here most people doing this mod have been injecting for 5-10+ years with most no effects or issues. I'd think there would be more evidence if this was a widespread problem.

Accidental Injection into vein or vessels:
I always pull back the plunger to check for blood before I inject the Surgilube. However the static pressure it would take to put the Surgilube into a vein, you'd know instantly you'd done it when you felt the hot white pain from the Chlorhexidine in the Surgilube. Next you wouldn't be able to get it into a vein, they are too small unless you're getting it into a major one. Even 23 Gauge needles are too large to get in most veins. If you are paranoid you can also pre-stick the location with the needle only and wait a minute to see if any blood enters the bore or leur lock then if you don't see any attach the syringe and inject.
Last edited by flcomputer_man on Sat Apr 20, 2024 4:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Surgilube Risks and Info

Post by just4me »

I’ll weigh in here with what I know from reading and experiences. Also a couple of questions. It took me at least a year and a half of asking questions from squirrel before I could inject surgilube into my sack.



Can Surgilube move through the blood stream?:

Surgilube bloodstream movement:
How long does it take to go through the process that you describe? Is this why some of us don’t have symptions for a week or more after injecting.

Pain While Injecting:
I didn’t think the blood vessels had nerves to cause pain if injected. A Small blob of surgilube at the injection site helps it glide in easier. I have injected in multiple areas without pulling the needle completely out. Pull out half way or so then change the angle and push back in a different place. A 1.5” needle allows different angles.

Of all the risks with injecting my biggest fear is contamination and infection. Treat the injection process as surgical. Stay sterile.
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Re: Surgilube Risks and Info

Post by flcomputer_man »

Yes I think everyone's body is different when it comes to the clearing out of the Surgilube and the pain factor. I updated the above post about the lymph fluid as well. I am sure too that twisting your penis or balls a certain way also can cause the encapsulations to leak or burst which is why we sometimes get an unsuspecting temporary growth out of the blue of the lymph system finding a few drops of Surgilube and flooding the area under the skin with lymph fluid.
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Re: Surgilube Risks and Info

Post by gijoejw »

Thing is, the shaft is kinda dangerous due to if you inject too shallow you can cause necrosis. Ive done that, not fun. I only do my sac. Now ball sac is very different, you go past the entire skin layer and into that void area. To my experience it has never flowed anywhere or moved. Body encapsulates it and thats it. If you pump, then those body fluids do remove slowly some of it and the body consumes it. So i believe the sac is a much lower risk vs your shaft but any time you inject, there is risk. Period. Being sterile and clean is paramount. I still have never had an infection over 12 years and i dont ever plan on letting that happen. Once your body encapsulates, youre good to go. Also, dont do over 60cc unless youre really used to it, you will get a strong fever as your body does its thing.
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Re: Surgilube Risks and Info

Post by flcomputer_man »

Thanks for the extra info about the ball sack gijoejw as I don't have any info about that and have never injected there after accidently getting a hydrocele on my left testicle due to Surgilube migrating from the bottom of the shaft into the sack somehow. It was so painful and took forever to go away!
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Re: Surgilube Risks and Info

Post by gijoejw »

Yeh don’t want it near the upper testicle area or base of your shaft. Can be painful. I always go low as i can in the sac to make it larger but away from those areas.
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Re: Surgilube Risks and Info

Post by legendbuster »

This is all based on my personal experience

I’m circumcised and I’ve injected SL maybe 5-8 times mostly in my dick. The very first time I ever injected was a test to see how my body reacted. It was maybe 5ml on the lower part of the shaft. I didn’t have any reactions. In the times since I’ve injected higher and more laterally on both sides.

I’ve experienced flu-like symptoms after injection almost all times afterwards but I think that’s because I usually injected between 20-40 ml and my body just didn’t know what it was and reacted accordingly. The last injection about 3 weeks ago actually gave me to immune reaction which was very pleasant.

As for pain, being circumcised I believe has been detrimental to my progress though due to scar tissue underneath the skin. My hypothesis is that the injection of SL causes the skin to stretch and tear those adhesions underneath which has caused me incredible pain in the past. I’m talking about pain that simply doesn’t go away and stays at >8 24/7 for two days or so. I had at one point considered going to a hospital just for pain relief but I stuck it out and it eventually subsided. Topical pain ointments and OTC pain relief meds were my best friends. I do wonder how many men who have injected SL and are circumcised have experienced pain too. It was usually always localized near my circumcision scar area. All other pain I would experience would be dull aching stretching sensation where the SL would warm up and drain down into my scrotum and stretch those vessels and muscles down there.

Piercing a blood vessel shouldn’t cause much pain other than bruising in my experience.
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