
Body piercing and modification discussion.

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Re: Glansectomy

Post by NuderThanNude »

That's a really good question. Does the term "Glansectomy" prevent people from being interested in reading about or getting involved in discussions. I do know that a lot of people don't know the difference between a 'gland' and a 'glans'. Surprisingly when I try to correct then by emphasizing "glans' without specially calling them out for it (and sometimes, even if I do) they continue to use 'gland'. While I do think "de-glansing" might better better to use I still think it needs to be as specific as possible such as "Penis Glans Removal".

I also feel there needs to be a way to change the perception of removing one's penis glans. A lot of people might look at it aa a form of radical self mutilation and the person who does it is crazy. (and in some cases that may very well be true) Why would anyone remove the most sexually sensitive part of their body unless there was a good reason. People need to be made aware that for the right person and circumstances it can provide lots of benefits and actually be a substantial gain. For someone who has premature ejaculation it could be a cure. For me it not only improved the sexual sensations I experience but has also changed my sexual response to be more female like and eliminated any refractory period. The improvement in my sexual enjoyment is beyond words.For others it may be a way to rid themselves of an overly sensitive glans. And for others it may be merely the aesthetics. You cannot imagine how many people expressed to me that they love the look of a penis without a glans and wanted that for themselves.

So people were aware of the possible advantages that may put penis glans removal into the same light as breast reduction for some women or permanent hair removal for others.

For guys who have no other choice because of cancer of the glans... they need to know that with the right frame of mind it is not the end for sex. Sex could be even better than before.

It think additional discussions related to this modification can help others decide if it is right or wrong for them, understand the benefits and losses and possibly someday bring this modification into the mainstream in the medical profession.
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Re: Glansectomy

Post by Addigo »


Yes, I've run into "Glands" vs "Glans." I think this is a potential problem. I was thinking in full PR mode (not that I'm in PR), where the objective would be to make the term sorta soft and euphemistic but still get the idea across, and not use any "hard" words that would stir up unpleasant emotional associations with the term. Maybe that's not possible. "Removal" is a hard word, bad, diseased, or badly injured body parts are "removed," but it certainly gets the idea across because that is what you're doing, and maybe there's just no help for it. Anyway, the operation, at least for now, is stigmatized as you said. I'll keep thinking about terms and perhaps submit a list of all I've come up with.

There is a female procedure which was on the fringes for a considerable time, that is labiaplasty (note the term), that is a woman's getting excess tissue trimmed from the lips of her vulva. If memory serves 30 or so years ago, the only women who had this done were porn actresses and aspiring trophy wives, and I believe there was primarily only one doctor in Canada who performed it. Since it had utilitarian value, in that it removed excess tissue, which would be a mechanical obstruction, and cause discomfort, it more or less went mainstream, though it is called controversial. So, it may to be possible for fringe procedures to become more mainstream.

Not sure if either of us had commented on it before, but I think removing the hair from the scrotum was especially good, because this area is very sensitive but under appreciated. It's one of those areas that are "drowned out" but the overwhelming glans, which tends to get all the focus. Seems you have a more diffuse sexual sensation, and have erotic stimulation from several different places that are typically ignored. Esthetics is not something to which I've given a lot of thought. I think a lot of men would like the look. It's quite striking. I think there are probably a lot of other reasons various individuals may consider glansectomy.

There are probably many reasons a man might want his glans removed. And, if word ever gets out that it improves sex for the woman as well, there's a whole different factor that could push to make it more accepted. I agree with you previous statement that some women would try to persuade their man to have his glans off if the procedure were more commonly avaialble. Who knows?
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Re: Glansectomy

Post by NuderThanNude »

Good point. I agree that my words for glansectomy are direct and to the point a word on the same order of "labiaplasty" would give a more favorable impression of the procedure. I am certainly interested in hearing what anyone following this discussion may come up with.

I for one believe labiaplasty improves the look for a woman. I always loved the 'camel toe' look with nothing hanging out of a young woman.

I am totally onboard with you as to scrotal stimulation. For me it has to be soft caressing and almost like tickling. That can drive me up a wall. Surprisingly most of the skin all over the body can be very erotic. I have found that the permanent removal of my scrotal hair has made my scrotum cooler and that it is always high and tight now - which I love. My permanent body hair removal has exposed a lot more areas for sexual stimulation.I think that is why, when I have read about the movement toward "penetration less sex" I am convinced that it could work for me and provide a higher level of sexual enjoyment. However, I think what penetration less sex accomplishes is basically the same thing that glans removal does in making sex less about the penis. And in reality, the penis is the glans. So by getting to still be able to experience the more subtle sensations of my penis combined with all the other pleasurable sensations all over the body, I think that takes the pleasure to an even higher level.

Does removing a penis glans improve or lessen sexual enjoyment for the woman is an important question in a man considering having it done. The feel of the penis is definitely different without the glans. Where the glans is spongy, and soft the end of a glansless penis is much firmer so most women will probably feel that difference. However the penis will be shorter and more rigid, The woman will definitely feel the end of the penis shaft more as it probes around inside their vagina. How the woman reacts to that depends on the woman. My experience so far is that women like when their partners sexual response more closely matches their own. A man being able to last longer and capable of multiple orgasms along with her own can be a real turn on. Probably why lesbians have great sex. If the woman is turned on by the uniqueness of a glansless penis it can add mental sexual stimulation for her. All in all I think women who are adventurous and open minded will be more receptive to a glansless penis. Having the woman be the one to initiate the request for her man to have his glans removed can really add to the experience for both.

Anyway I'd love to learn of other ways a glansless penis could provide more pleasure for the woman.
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Re: Glansectomy

Post by Addigo »

Thanks for your detailed reply. I agree, I would like to see some additional commenters, as I am about commented out for the time being. It would be interesting to see what alternate names others could come up with, or to get their perspective on the topic in general. It would be great to hear a few women's observations as well. I may take a break for a while. I need some time to collect my thoughts.

I'll be back. Thanks for a very interesting exchange.
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