
Body piercing and modification discussion.

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Re: Glansectomy

Post by Darthvin »

I seem to be following this glanscetomy with more interest than before. I have an obsession to shrink my penis and this could be the solution. However I'm in chastity permanently now but the mind is ticking! Glad you found your way to the site, hopefully I won't become what the old one did.
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Re: Glansectomy

Post by NuderThanNude »

Darthvin - You can still do chastity with a glansectomy however it does complicate it some. With no glans the shaft skin wants to more easily push through the bars and pinch. Another has to do with where your urethral opening is.

I know I don't need to tell you that before going forward with a glansectomy make sure all the boxes that would be necessary for you to love the result are checked. Wanting a shorter penis is a good one to have on the list though. Others might be, do you enjoy sex/masturbation? If so, will you have enough combined mental and physical stimulation to achieve orgasm afterward. Will you like the look of a truncated penis (namely your own). Will you want the end of the shaft covered with skin or bare and will the method you choose allow for that. ... there are lots more but you will have to use your own imagination. Everyone is different but there were things I didn't expect. Fortunately, they were all positives. If I can help answer any questions I'd be happy to.
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Re: Glansectomy

Post by Darthvin »

I kind of gave ownership of my penis to my partner - hence the chastity, my partner knows I don't like it but she does and I respect that. I think I'm only ever going to 'get away' with a full bisection and perhaps reroute. We do play sometime with talk about chopping it off etc I'm on the bridge with that. I do have PCD so anal (prostrate) orgasm is all I have. I can't actually remember the last time I 'cum'. It's not a pleasant experience for me. I do think of I went this route I'd probably have some fun on the way. Bit by bit perhaps but for now I can't even access it haha
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Re: Glansectomy

Post by Addigo »

Just curious, I guess. I encountered this thread by accident, and I found this topic oddly intriguing and interesting, though I am not usually interested in body modification, or most genital modification with the exception of circumcision. It may be the only glansectomy thread on the forum so from this one can assume glansectomy is not for the faint of heart. If OP is still around or checks this forum, I'll address my comments and questions to him though of course anyone else is welcome to reply as well. Please forgive my somewhat rambling post.

I find it surprising that you say removal of the glans improved sex, I would have thought it was the other way around, and that would have pretty much ended sex. My understanding is that you removed only the glans itself, correct? I was surprised at how many replies this post received, and that some other men expressed interest in removing their their own glans. For anyone interested OP posted photos in a post on page one, as some have asked previously about photos. I wonder how many women would like to have their husband's glans removed if they knew about this? Numerically, quite a few, perhaps, though the percentage might be very low. Of course persuading hubby that this was a good idea may be another matter entirely. :)
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Re: Glansectomy

Post by NuderThanNude »

Addigo - I'm still here!

I, like you, and probably all of the rest of the people in the world think that the 'glans' is 'the penis' and the 'shaft' is just there to put the glans out further from the body where it can do it's magic. Therefore without the glans there cannot be any sexual enjoyment or orgasm. I thought the same thing my entire life until one day, by accident, while doing another modification I lost some sensation in my glans and began to realize that my sexual enjoyment had surprisingly increased. Upon careful examination I realized that my sensations were now more in harmony and there was less of one trying to steal the show. Kind of like when all the instruments in a symphony orchestra are all playing in harmony the sound turns into something totally unique and incredibly awesome. Now imagine if one of the horns was louder and stood out - the performance would be spoiled. Previously sex was always all about my penis. Now my penis contributes equally to the whole performance.

I wanted to keep my penis shaft because I especially enjoy the more subtle sensations from it. In addition I still enjoy PIV sex and having something external to play with. Therefore I decided to remove just my glans. It is really unfortunate that it took me a good part of my life to realize I had it wrong all along. What is even more unfortunately is that most guys will never get the opportunity to experience what could be possible in regards to sexual enjoyment because of what they have been led to believe ... and rightfully so as who would question what they were given by nature. But like my pubic hair (which I hated since puberty) I found my skin was softer and more sensitive and therefore more erotic after permanently removing it. So much for nature knowing better. On a more positive note, removing my glans has changed my penis so much that it feels like a totally different sexual object between my legs. I now feel like I am getting to experience puberty for a second time where I can experiment and learn how my new penis can provide me with increased pleasure and new experiences.

I have found there are a few guys who range between liking the unique appearance of a glansless penis and wanting the benefits I experienced. However to most it is just a fantasy as they are unwilling to take the risks which involve both complications during the process and a possibly unfavorable outcome. After all you only get one life and one glans, To make matters worse, it is next to impossible to get a glansectomy done medically unless because of a medical necessity so that leaves all of the risks of trying to do it by oneself. Removing the glans isn't any less risky than doing a full penectomy.

In addition... since everyone is different not everyone will have the same favorable outcome as I have. Those with little mental sexual stimulation will need all the physical stimulation they can get. That person has to also be willing to savor the finer aspects of sex and not just go for the quick gratification. A glansectomy will come at the expense of penis length and too many men are too concerned with their masculinity are want longer penises, not shorter. I personally always loved my small penis and having it smaller was just another plus for me. In fact I love that it is now able to completely retract inside my body when flaccid so it is like I don't have a penis at all. How many guys do you think would want that despite how much better it made sex.

To answer the question of how women might react to such a modification... my experience so far is that at first they are a little shocked and taken back but once they get to realize the benefits of a male with a female like sexual response they become very enthusiastic (maybe that is why lesbians have such great sex). Would a women want, or try to convince her man to have his glans removed would depend on if she realized the benefits to her in advance such as having sex with a man that could have multiple orgasms with her and seem to last forever with no loss of sexual interest I would say, YES.

For anyone questioning what are all of the positive changes that a glansectomy has provided me with... It has been a while since I've written them, but I believe I discussed them in previous replies to this thread. I'll verify when I get time and if not i'll list them.
Last edited by NuderThanNude on Fri Jul 07, 2023 5:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Glansectomy

Post by Addigo »


Thanks for your great reply! Very interesting.
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Re: Glansectomy

Post by Addigo »

Some further comments.

Sorry, a closer re-reading of your earlier comments 'way back on page one, confirms what you said about previously answering at least one of my questions. Thanks for answering it again.

Based on your prior comments again back on page one or two, and the photos, I believe you still have your coronal sulcus, this is the area immediately behind the corona (rim) of the glans, that forms a groove if you still have your glans. I think this area has its own erotic feelings that are I think somewhat different from others, and is probably very under appreciated because the it is overshadowed by the glans. I think as you allude, there are several degrees and types of erotic feeling on the penis besides just the glans.

Considering some of the other procedures the medical profession condones and even pushes these days. I think it is ridiculous that a consenting adult male, who is well informed of the risks and hazards of the procedure, and has perhaps passed some sort of minimal screening to eliminate anyone who is being coerced, unsure, or for whatever other reasons, doesn't really want the procedure, cannot get an elective glansectomy performed by a doctor. You can certainly get an elective circumcision, and a thorough, or "tight" one at that, and a woman can get an elective clitoral hood reduction and labia plasty, that may remove quite a bit of tissue.

I like the hairless scrotum shown in your photos. Not sure if I'd want to make everything hairless, although it looks very nice in your case. It seems to me a hairy scrotum is especially unpleasant, thought, just my personal opinion, and making it hairless would be very desirable. And, you can't get that look by shaving.

Thanks again for your response.

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Re: Glansectomy

Post by NuderThanNude »

Addigo - I want to thank you for taking the time to question and comment on this fairly uncommon and misunderstood genital modification. Discussions like this can help people understand that glansectomy isn't just some bizarre method of 'self harm' or one that would eliminate the possibility for sex. That it actually has the potential (to the right person) of taking their sexual pleasure to a unbelievably new height. That the changes brought about by removing the glans aren't limited to aesthetics or how sensations are experienced, but of far greater importance ,is that it has the power to change how the body functions sexually. Which by the way was the most amazing positive aspect that I didn't even realize before hand.

Addigo, you are obviously more knowledgeable about the anatomy of the penis than most people. I too understood that there were wonderful sensations in the coronal sulcus and frenum areas that could be experienced if not for the glans drowning them out. Therefore my main goal in removing my glans was to preserve those areas and finally get to experience them to their fullest. As you mention they are each much different from each other and that of the glans. I cannot say that I didn't like my glans sensation but it was that they were too powerful and for too many years, without my realizing it, detracted from my sexual enjoyment. There was also a consolation prize to eliminating those overpowering sensations in that about a year later I realized that my dorsal nerve bundles had fanned out to totally cover the end of my shaft but at a much lower level that are now in sync with my other sensations. Let's see... gave up overly intense glans sensations - gained shaft skin sensations, coronal sulcus sensations, frenum sensations and even a more enjoyable, glans like sensation at the end of my shaft. Oh, and not to mention a much better, female like, sexual response.

I have to agree with you that when done in a professional environment this procedure could be done with minimal risks and provide more guys with a new sexual life. It could be no different as you suggest to a circumcision. The important thing, because of the fact that it is so final and irreversible, is that the person know for sure how they will respond to not having a glans and that it will be a "gain" and not a "loss" for them (unless they specifically want a loss). They also need to realize that the gains will come at a loss of penile length so that needs to not be an issue.

Nevertheless, I totally agree that people's thinking needs to change in regard to men. For all the things that women feel they have been discriminated against the same holds through for men - medical procedures are just one of them. I have recently gone through becoming really frustrated with men's clothes (I hate shorts that go to the knee and men's underwear that are uncomfortable and boring) and have started switching to some select women's clothes. Not from the standpoint of crossdressing but in finding clothes that are more comfortable, less boring, have more styles, colors and options, and are most times less costly.

I used home electrolysis to permanently remove most of my body hair. The scrotum was especially easy because when it was warm and thin it was easy to get the stylus to follow the hair into the follicle. As for the pubic area... to me that area is like my coronal sulcus and frenum area. Regaining the sensitivity and smoothnessI to that area that I had prior to puberty was the equivalent to sensitivity gains from my glansectomy. Having that area touched and caressed during sex will always take me over the top. Not to mention how much more pleasant it is for my partner when giving me oral. I have been through it all, and as you say, it is impossible to get that same result from shaving - or any other method of temporary hair removal for that matter.
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Re: Glansectomy

Post by Addigo »


Thank you for your detailed and informative response.

Only a a few comments, today:

I am not really into body modification, but somehow, this thread is so different, and so unusual that I somehow find it intriguing, and have felt compelled to comment. Perhaps this is because the usual comments about body modification seem to have a boring sameness about them; someone wants to talk about their meatotomy and show pictures, etc. which is fine, but predictable.

Of course, being hairy down there, or not, is a matter of personal preference. I have tried shaving off and on, and it does change the sensations, noticeably, so I can see that permanent removal would alter them as well, and probably be quite a bit better than shaving.

To address a few of your points, yes, if this procedure were available medically, I think that numerically a lot of men would have it done, though the percentage of men overall would probably be quite low. As you point out, it IS permanent. Two ways around this would be as previously mentioned some sort of screening process, and possibly doing the procedure in stages, something like, Doctor: "Okay, to begin with, let's just take a few millimeters off the tip today, and see how that goes. We'll let that heal completely and wait a few months. Then if you're okay with everything, we can look at removing more." I think caution, and taking it slow and easy with plenty of opportunities to stop the process, would be the key. This would add to the price, but there may be ways around that as well. Of course this is all hypothetical. The medical profession will do some very radical procedures now, but only in certain contexts. I see no difference between the said radical procedures and an elective glansectomy, but apparently the medical profession does.

If anyone wants to experience the sensations of the frenulum and the coronal sulcus for themselves, hold the glans with one hand, and completely cover it as best you can, then with the other hand, gently rub the groove behind the glans, and/or stimulate the area on the underside of the shaft immediately behind the glans. Be careful not to touch the back part of the glans closest to the sulcus .

The subject of discrimination against men, is one which I agree with you in principle at least, though we might differ on specifics.
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Re: Glansectomy

Post by NuderThanNude »

Hi Addigo,

It's think it's great that you are not into body modifications but still take an interest in learning everything you can. I really enjoy your questions and comments as they make me think before answering and that helps me introspect and get to know myself better. I think what makes this particular modification unique and interesting is that the results have been completely opposite of what one might expect. I continue to ask myself how that could be possible, even after 8 years.

As for the coronal sulcus and frenum they now exist around the entire circumference at the end of my penis shaft and are fully exposed to all stimulation. In fact when my penis is stroked now my shaft skin slides off the end of my shaft right over those areas.

I totally agree that pubic hair is a matter of personal preference. I have to admit that I dislike stubble from shaving and if my partner had stubble I would prefer that she just have pubic hair. For myself, prior to my permanent removal, I used to pluck my pubic hair one at a time with tweezers. That guaranteed that I pulled each one out from the follicle and left me perfectly smooth for a couple weeks. Also the hair came back finer and softer without the sharp end like with shaving. It was worth the time it took. As much as I like smooth pubes on my partner where her genitals are fully exposed I often like the contrast of my smooth pubes against a hairy bush. I do NTL hate getting pubic hair in my mouth and teeth while giving oral.

I agree 100% that a lot of people need to be protected from themselves. Not that I don't feel that everyone should be allowed to make their own decisions but they need to be allowed to suffer the potential consequences if they make the wrong decisions. However, in this world of people blaming everyone else for their wrong decisions it's other people who suffer.

I actually had 3 healed horizontal piercings (equally spaced vertically) along the back edge of my glans which allowed me to cut from the bottom up and to stop at each one and let things heal (without any regrowth) and assess how I felt about the result. In fact when I started the cutting my intent was to just partially separate my glans (½ way) from my shaft. It was after my 2nd cut which was completely through my urethra (and through the ventral nerves) that I got the taste of a partial loss of sensitivity in my glans. At that point I was able to slide my finger between the end of my shaft and my glans and allowed me to experience how firm (and good) the end of my shaft felt when erect without it's glans. It was the combination of that feeling and how much better the loss of glans sensitivity felt that made me then decide at that point to remove my glans completely. So for me it was a slow process with lots of time to think.

Addigo, you have my curiosity as to what specifics regarding male discrimination you feel we may disagree on. You can PM me if you don't want to discuss it here.
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Re: Glansectomy

Post by Addigo »

Thanks for your response

To clarify, when I said we would disagree on specifics, I was not thinking of any particular thing you have said, but speaking in more general terms, as you rarely agree with another person on everything. If someone does agree with you on virtually everything, it usually is a cause for suspicion! I'll examine your previous posts and see if I can find something specific when I have more time.

It's good you were able to do your glansectomy more or less in stages, as I understand it, so it was not a one time all or nothing decision. I think some sort of "try before you buy" method should be worked out for anyone who thinks they want this procedure, such as possibly temporarily numbing or shielding the glans before sexual activity.

Your thread has made me think as well. I had never given much thought to the coronal sulcus before, but you are right it is sensitive in a different way than the glans. So even if mods are not something a person would actually do themselves, sometimes you can learn, and gain a different perspective from people who have done them.

I think a lot of people who would probably find much on this website abhorrent, are actually more into body modification than they realize. Virtually everybody in the modern world practices some kind of body modification. For example they shave (somewhere), which could be considered a modification in a sense, and some very straight-laced people are not above having some (or all) of their body hair permanently removed. Also in some places such as the USA, many parents (especially women, IMO) have their newborn sons circumcised, which is undeniably a form of body modification. During circumcision, some doctors also perform a few extra little nips and tucks to the glans. The frenulum is often at least partially removed, and any little lip like structures at the opening to the penis are snipped off and the tip subtly rounded just a bit, for a better cosmetic effect. In addition many women have their daughters (or their own) ears pierced, which is also a form of body modification.

So that's all for now. I may private message you on the topic you mentioned or something else unrelated. but it may be a few days, and a few days before I respond again. Thanks again for your detailed responses. I'm sure I'll have more questions and comments.

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Re: Glansectomy

Post by NuderThanNude »

Addigo - I was just curious if you had discovered some other examples of male discrimination than I have or if any of my ideas need to looked at through a different light. The first main area for me has been body grooming which which has something I have been dealing with since I was in my teens. The second has to do with clothing which has been my most recent focus over the past decade.

If there is one thing people need to be careful of is "fantasying about something". It is easy to get caught up in a fantasy where the only thing that is is important is fulfilling it and the person can no longer think rationally. Some people are safe in that their fantasies are unachievable. But for others like myself, we can only fantasize about things that are achievable. For me two lifelong fantasies regarding body modifications have been castration and penectomy. Each could provide me with aspects that would be a positive for me. However my rational mind always ruled and reminded me that the negative aspects were much more overwhelming. The other thing of course is not fully understanding (or refusing to understand) the negative aspects. All fantasies need to also pass the test of time where we clear our mind of any thought regarding the fantasy so we can begin to think rationally and make the right decisions.

Your bringing up the coronal sulcus and frenulum just allowed me to have a revelation. I was always aware of those two areas and the wonderful sensations they could produce but they (especially the coronal sulcus) weren't easy to stimulate, and the glans, because of it's size always became the main focus. I also thought about them when considering shortening my penis further after my glansectomy as I like having a small penis for numerous reasons. The thing that has stopped me is that I did/do not desire to loose the sensations from those areas. However, I never made the connection as to why my penis feels so much better after removing my glans and why I can reach orgasm even more quickly without my glans - if I so desire. Evers since the first instant that I removed my glans from my body (and ever throughout the past 8 years) every time I touch my penis these same words automatically and involuntarily come to my mind "OMG, THAT FEELS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC". I have been wracking my brain throughout those past 8 years trying to figure out why that is. I now realize it is because those areas that produce the most wonderful sensations are right out front and in the open and are not being overwhelmed by my glans so they can now be experienced to the fullest. Thank you Addigo for that revelation!

Even though throughout my life my main goal has always been to find ways to take my sexual enjoyment to higher and higher levels I still considered glansectomy to be just a radical genital modification. However, as time goes on and I uncover more and more benefits (especially from conversations like this) I am beginning to understand that this could be a procedure (if performed professionally) could enhance sexual enjoyment for a lot of 'the right' people. I agree with you that it would be great if it could be raised to the same level as circumcision and be a voluntary procedure. After the right screening process that is. A more gradual approach to the process of removal (such as I went through) could provide additional safety from making the wrong choice.

It's funny how people find their own place where they wish to place a line in the sand. I've always been a "Black and White" kind of guy where possible. Circumcision, ear and body piercings ,breast implants, breast reductions, hair removal (temporary and permanent), blemish and mole removal, tattoos and etc. are all essentially body modifications. As mentioned previously males are discriminated the most in this area. They are forced to take unnecessary risks in performing them themself. I've always believed that people should be allowed to do what they want with their bodies as long as it doesn't negatively affect anyone else. For that reason I do not need a gray area in which to place a line in.
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Re: Glansectomy

Post by Addigo »


You are more than welcome for any positive benefits you feel you have received from our exchange! I must say, you have given me a rather different perspective on certain things I had never thought much about before, and I want to thank you broadening my horizons, as it were.

People often confuse fantasy with reality. Predicting the future with a fantasy extrapolation of the present injected with a strong dose of what the individual wants to happen, is naive and even dangerous. I can recall more than once, seeing ads for a certain toy when I was a kid that made the toy look like the most wonderful thing in the world. I would fantasize to no end about what I would do with that toy, and how great it would be. Then when I finally got the toy, I had to face the jarring realization that it was just a cheap piece of junk, and I quickly lost interest in it. Moral: Getting what you want and wanting what you get can be 2 very different things. Logical, rational thought often seems to be in very short supply in the modern world.

I think a gradual approach is definitely warranted. Looking down and actually seeing a few millimeters gone, may well trigger an "Oh, my God, what am I doing?" response from some men. It's those men who want to bail out early while they still can, and better a few millimeters so they can stop, than the whole enchilada, so to speak.

There are women who would regard an elective glansectomy as weird and abhorrent, and anyone who wanted it as freakish and bizarre. However the same women would have no problem at all with demanding that their fiance get a tight, "everything has to go," circumcision before they would marry him. (Infant circumcision is a subject I want to avoid, because it is emotionally charged, and could sidetrack the discussion).

And speaking of women, it would be interesting to hear a woman's reaction to this thread. I've noticed that every time I visit this thread there are always some "guests" online here. (members can see that info at the bottom of the page, not sure if guests can). The figure ranges for 2 or 3 to 8 or 10, and occasionally into the high teens, or even into the 20s. I wonder if there are any female lurkers peeking in on our discussion.

In the 1950s, a man who shaved his pubic hair would be regarded as neurotic, maladjusted, possibly mentally unbalanced and just downright strange. Today many men do it routinely (often with prompting from their wives or partners), and you can even get razors made especially for shaving the pubic hair.

All for now. more later.

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Re: Glansectomy

Post by Addigo »

I wonder if finding a different term for glansectomy would help get it discussed more often. Gleansectomy sounds so clinical. My nominee for a different term would be de-glans, or de-glansing, de-glansed, etc. As, "Have you ever thought about a glansectomy?" vs "Have you ever though about de-glansing?" It's not so clinical sounding, but still descriptive, so the meaning is apparent. Any reaction?

I think some adventurous older couples who are still sexually active might be interested in "de-glansing."

I think glansectomy or "de-glansing" should be discussed more, if for no other reasons, because a few men have to have it due to penile cancer.
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Re: Glansectomy

Post by NuderThanNude »

That's a really good question. Does the term "Glansectomy" prevent people from being interested in reading about or getting involved in discussions. I do know that a lot of people don't know the difference between a 'gland' and a 'glans'. Surprisingly when I try to correct then by emphasizing "glans' without specially calling them out for it (and sometimes, even if I do) they continue to use 'gland'. While I do think "de-glansing" might better better to use I still think it needs to be as specific as possible such as "Penis Glans Removal".

I also feel there needs to be a way to change the perception of removing one's penis glans. A lot of people might look at it aa a form of radical self mutilation and the person who does it is crazy. (and in some cases that may very well be true) Why would anyone remove the most sexually sensitive part of their body unless there was a good reason. People need to be made aware that for the right person and circumstances it can provide lots of benefits and actually be a substantial gain. For someone who has premature ejaculation it could be a cure. For me it not only improved the sexual sensations I experience but has also changed my sexual response to be more female like and eliminated any refractory period. The improvement in my sexual enjoyment is beyond words.For others it may be a way to rid themselves of an overly sensitive glans. And for others it may be merely the aesthetics. You cannot imagine how many people expressed to me that they love the look of a penis without a glans and wanted that for themselves.

So people were aware of the possible advantages that may put penis glans removal into the same light as breast reduction for some women or permanent hair removal for others.

For guys who have no other choice because of cancer of the glans... they need to know that with the right frame of mind it is not the end for sex. Sex could be even better than before.

It think additional discussions related to this modification can help others decide if it is right or wrong for them, understand the benefits and losses and possibly someday bring this modification into the mainstream in the medical profession.
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