Pumping story

A discussion area for talk about and pictures of female pumping.

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Pumping story

Post by Francisdanslouest »

I’m planning to write a pumping story. It’s featured in some of my work, but not as a major element. Any insights welcome in English, French or German
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Re: Pumping story

Post by Francisdanslouest »

If you want to read how I’ve included it so far, contact me.
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Re: Pumping story

Post by crakerjack »

I always love a good written pumping story....Can't wait
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Re: Pumping story

Post by Francisdanslouest »

Ok it’s written. Not sure how you can read it though. I only use my email, no website, FaceTime etc etc.
Any ideas welcome!
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Re: Pumping story

Post by Francisdanslouest »

It’s written. It’s in English. How you can access it is as yet a mystery to me. Any ideas welcome. I don’t use Facebook etc and have no website.
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Re: Pumping story

Post by B33FDICK »

if only there was a way to read words people have written.
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Re: Pumping story

Post by Francisdanslouest »

If only…. :?
Bright ideas welcome.
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Re: Pumping story

Post by TinyMe »

Copy and paste?
Oh to have even an average sized cock….
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Re: Pumping story

Post by Francisdanslouest »

Thank you for the suggestion. I don’t know whether it’s allowed to do that here and it’s quite a long story. If anyone can clarify that, it would be helpful.
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Re: Pumping story

Post by imsnowman »

Most things seem to be allowed. Maybe you can break it up into a few posts.
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Re: Pumping story

Post by Francisdanslouest »

Let’s find out! Here’s the introduction, without which the rest makes less sense. Please let me know whether it’s worth my continuing to post it.

Who’s who…
Most of the women mentioned in this story are part of a group that originally met at the gym. Gaëlle is the oldest at 42. The others are in their thirties. Most of them have their own book-length stories, but only Gaëlle has had a four volume novel devoted to her published in real life. She’s slim, 5 feet 7 tall, (1m68), with short blonde hair and green eyes. With her late husband Jérôme, she has had many experiences, from flashing in public to multiple-partner sex with both men and women.
Jay is Gaelle’s new partner. He is 37, American and looks just like his father, Jérôme (yes, that Jérôme, who was unaware that he had a son). He had a lot of swinging experiences with his previous wife, from whom he is divorced.
Odile is a relatively new friend of Gaëlle. Early forties, brown hair and eyes. Widowed and trying to catch up on sexual experiences on which she feels she has missed out. She has leanings towards submission. Bigger bust than Gaëlle, but then, as Gaëlle herself says, haven’t most women?

Now read on….

“Jay, can you answer the phone,” Gaëlle called from the bathroom. Jay cleaned the flour from one finger and dabbed the button to put the phone on speaker.
“Oh…I’m sorry…I was expecting Gaëlle…never mind…I…”
“Gaëlle will be here in just a moment. I’m Jay. Who shall I say is calling?”
“It’s Odile…just someone that Gaëlle knows vaguely.” Jay made an uncomprehending gesture to Gaëlle who had emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a towel. She perched on a stool beside the phone.
“Odile? It’s Gaëlle. What do you mean vaguely? I’m very aware that I haven't been in touch but we're still friends, aren't we? If it's any consolation, it's not just you I'm feeling guilty about.”
“Don't worry. I'm just as culpable. I didn’t mean to be a nuisance, but I thought I should try to catch up with you.”
“You never bother me. Are you too busy to come round for coffee right now? There have been big changes in my life and it would be nice to tell you about them, if you’d like that?”
“I have news, too. In half an hour?”
“I shall look forward to it. See you shortly.” Gaëlle put the phone down.
“Odile?” Jay queried.
“You'll like her. She's a good person as well as an attractive woman. A widow. My age. Smaller than me but bigger boobs. Has two grown-up children, so more womanly than me, if you see what I mean. Shoulder-length brown hair the last time I saw her.” Gaëlle explained to Jay who Odile was, how they had met and about the sex-toys room at Barbara’s house.
“That hardly fits the description of a vague acquaintance,” Jay commented, after Gaëlle had told him about leading Odile round her house like a dog, using the tubes that were attached to Odile’s vacuum-pumped nipples as a leash.
“Hardly,” Gaëlle agreed. “Odile is very enthusiastic but I always feel that she’s rather insecure when it comes to sexual experimentation, as if she isn't altogether convinced that she should be doing this. She is a lovely lady and I feel bad about not having been in contact for…oh…several months now. I'm appalled at myself! It's disgraceful!”
“Not half as disgraceful as I'm about to be if you don't put some clothes on!” Jay teased her, tugging at the towel. Gaëlle fled into the bedroom, calling back over her shoulder:
“Make yourself useful! Brew the coffee and put out some of your muffin-things if they’re done.” Jay’s culinary speciality, muffins, had become established as a treat for visitors over the months and the praise lavished on them by various people had encouraged him to experiment. The batch about to come out of the oven included banana, chocolate and hazelnuts. They tended not to last long.
By the time Gaëlle was dry and dressed, the percolator was burping cheerfully and a plate of Jay’s offerings was on the table.
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Re: Pumping story

Post by imsnowman »

Very readable. Nice plot. Thanks for posting.
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Re: Pumping story

Post by Francisdanslouest »

Worth my posting part two, then?

Francis 😁
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Re: Pumping story

Post by Francisdanslouest »

“I hope Odile remembers my address,” Gaëlle murmured to herself, peering down into the street. “Ah! Here she comes!”
Odile paused outside the street door. “She’s lost some weight,” Gaëlle called over her shoulder to Jay. “She’d never have worn leggings before. Is that the news, I wonder?” She went to open the door to Odile.
“Gaëlle! It’s wonderful to see you! Looking as lovely as ever, too,” Odile exclaimed, hugging her.
“This is Jay. You’re looking rather good yourself,” Gaëlle said. Odile and Jay shook hands.
“Am I? It shows? Excellent!”
“I can feel you buzzing from here, Odile,” Gaëlle said. “Come and sit down and try one of Jay’s muffins.”
Once they were sitting on the sofa, armed with coffee and a cake, Gaëlle said: “How about you give us your news first, since you’re sitting beside the most important part of mine?”
Odile took a deep breath.
“Well. Some months ago, Barbara had a blind date with an American man and they hit it off instantly. He’s wealthy, so not a gold-digger and he’s crazy about golf, almost as much as about her. She plays, too, now. When she began jetting round the world to exotic golf courses with him, she asked if I'd look in on Dora, her mother. That was fine, until she realised Dora needed someone there all the time. She asked me if I’d move in as a full-time, live-in housekeeper. Dora died two months ago and I was ready to move back out. Then, just last week, Barbara came on a flying visit. She begged me to stay on and take care of the house. So, I’m selling my place and I’ll have all of hers when Barbara’s not there and her mother’s apartment when she is. She pays all the bills and I have all the advantages and none of the expense of living in a lovely house! Aren’t I lucky?”
“It certainly sounds as if you are,” Jay said. “I understand you even have a swimming pool?”
“Yes, and I’ve got into the habit of swimming every day.”
“Aha! Hence the slimline look,” Gaëlle said.
“I’ve been working on it, as I said. So I mustn’t eat too many of these delicious cakes!”
“I’m working him up to making a birthday cake for me next year,” Gaëlle said. “This is Jay, who is now a very important part of my life, …all parts of my life, if you see what I mean?”
“That’s wonderful. Congratulations to both of you. All parts meaning the sex parts, too?”
“Oh yes!”
“Really?” Odile thought for a moment. “Lucky you. Listen. My birthday is next month. Would Jay like to practise for you by making a cake for me?”
“As long as you realise it will be an experiment, I’m all in favour,” Jay said. “and as long as we are invited to have a slice!”
“Of course! A birthday party!” Odile exclaimed. Then her face fell. “Three isn’t a very big number for a party, is it?”
“I can make more than one cake, so why not invite all your friends?” Jay said.
“That’s the problem,” Odile sighed. “Aside from Gaëlle, I don’t really have friends.”
“Gabi? Nath, maybe?” Gaëlle suggested. “Ah, no. Gabi is in Australia with her rugbyman.”
“Nath would be nice, but I can do without her husband,” Odile said. “Gaëlle? I know you have your girl gang. Would you like to bring them? It would be nice for me to meet some new people and I’m sure I’d get on with any friends of yours.”
“Oh, You would! In fact, Leila was saying only last week that there’s a new friend of hers she’d like us all to meet.”
“I’d be happy to combine that with a party for my birthday, so let’s do it,” Odile exclaimed.
“Careful, Odile! Feed that bunch with cake and they’ll be there for hours, from the way they plough through my offerings,” Jay commented with a broad smile. “Give them a pool to play in and you’ll never get rid of them.”
“Can I ask you to make the arrangements, Gaëlle?” Odile asked. “The last birthday party I organised involved small children, with games and balloons.”
“We can have those, too!” Gaëlle said. “I need to remind myself of the space you have around the pool. Can we go and have a look?”
“Of course…just as soon as I’ve finished this muffin. I’m not wasting that!”
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Re: Pumping story

Post by Francisdanslouest »

“Wow. Quite a statement,” Jay said, as they pulled into the drive of the impressive villa.
“Part of the divorce settlement from Barbara’s ex-husband. He was a banker with a short fuse on a filthy temper, she told me,” Odile explained. “Would you like to see round?”
She guided them through the house. Gaëlle had seen some of it, but it was all new to Jay and he duly admired the spacious accommodation.
“I suppose you told Jay about the toys room?” Odile said as they approached a door that Gaëlle recognised.
“Of course!”
Odile turned away. “Then perhaps I won’t show you yet. Let’s go down to the pool.”
“Amazing!” Jay said, as he went down the spiral staircase and was faced with the pool. “It must be great to have it…I was going to say on your doorstep, but you don't even have to step outside!”
Odile laughed. “It means I don’t have to worry about a costume either.”
“You swim naked? It’s a fabulous feeling. I haven’t been skinny-dipping for years,” Jay said.
“Well, if you fancy a swim some time, don’t hesitate,” Odile said.
“How about right now?” Jay asked.
“No problem. I haven’t swum yet and I try not to miss a day, so if you want to go in, then so will I.”
“Great idea. Let’s all have a swim,” Gaëlle said. She stripped naked and dived in, quickly followed by Jay.
Odile took longer to undress. She took off her shoes, her top, her bra and her leggings and stood for a moment wearing only her thong underwear. Gaëlle floated on her back and examined her friend. Her belly is flatter and her buttock muscles have tightened up a lot since we last swam together. She looks good.
Odile stepped out of her thong and slid into the water. “Just do your own thing,” she said, swimming across to them. “I know you like to swim lengths, Gaëlle, and I’ve learned to follow your example.”
After fifteen minutes, Odile climbed out and disappeared up the spiral staircase. Jay and Gaëlle continued to swim for a while.
“I think I know what happens next,” Gaëlle said. “Listen.” There was a clink of glass on glass. “Yes! I thought she would.”
“Drinks?” Jay queried.
Odile, still nude, was coming down the stairs carrying a tray with a bottle of champagne and glasses.
“And the rest,” Gaëlle said. “Look closer.”
“Oh. Wow!”
Odile’s swollen, dark pink nipples were enclosed in little glass tubes. Inside another glass tube, her distended clitoris stuck out like a miniature male erection, all the more so because thick, dark pubic hair almost hid where it protruded from between the outer labia of her sex.
“You look fabulous,” Gaëlle called out as Odile walked towards them.
“You think? It’s more how it feels than what I look like that’s important to me, but thank you for the compliment.”
“And from your expression it must feel wonderful,” Jay said.
“Oh, it does! When I’m all pumped up I feel as if I’m trembling all over.” Odile placed the tray with care on the tiles by the pool and sat down, dangling her feet in the water. “Especially right now. I’ve been torn between dying to see people’s reaction and the fear that they’ll think I’m weird. You are the first people since Barbara I've dared to show myself to like this.”
“Can I look more closely?” Jay asked. “Gaëlle has told me a little about pumping but it’s the first time I’ve seen the results in real life.”
“Of course.”
Jay swam to the poolside where Odile sat with her thighs apart.
“You can touch,” she said.
Jay took hold of the clitoris tube between forefinger and thumb. Odile caught her breath. He pulled on the tube lightly. Odile’s eyes closed in rapture and she thrust her pelvis towards him.
“Please will you play with me?”
“Like this?” Jay maintained a minimum of tension on the tube while he moved it in little circles.
“Oh! Yes. Just like that.”
Odile leaned back, supporting herself on her hands. Her moaning became more pronounced. Jay let go of the tube and Odile released the breath she had been holding, but then Jay flicked the tube with a fingernail. Odile’s squeal made Jay jump. He did it again.
“That’s like delicious torture,” Odile said. “It makes all my insides lurch.”
Gaëlle climbed out of the pool and came to sit beside Odile.
“What you don’t know, Jay,” she said, “is that Odile likes to be dominated when she’s turned on.” She took hold of the tubes that enclosed Odile’s nipples. “So if I do this…” She tugged on the tubes, stretching Odile’s already elongated nipples, “she really enjoys it, don't you, Odile?”
“Please don't stop. It's been too long since someone teased me. I've missed you, Gaëlle.”
“I'd better make up for lost time, then.”
“Come on, Gaëlle. Let’s give Odile what she wants,” Jay said. Gaëlle and Jay spent the next few minutes experimenting to see how close they could bring Odile to an orgasm without actually letting her come. Finally, when she was wriggling and writhing uncontrollably, at Gaëlle’s signal, all three of the tubes were whipped away.
Odile’s orgasm racked her entire body. She rolled around in convulsions and more than once Jay had to stop her head from hitting the tiles.
“Wow, quite a performance!” Jay said.
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