Changing the frenum/frenulum

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Re: Changing the frenum/frenulum

Post by max999 »

Like I said, results seems good, BUT there is a problem. I still have problems during sex, it is painful, basically i can only put half dick in vagina, if i try to penetrate more I feel pain. But the frenulum is almost gone, how can i do? Will cutting more help or not? I'm not afraid to cut again, but i don't want to cut if it isn't needed. Maybe i have some form of phimosis and it's better to stretch foreskin instead of cutting more? I'm uncertain about what to do now, please help.

Oh, another pic, maybe it can help to understand the problem: here is "frontal view" of gland, i can't pull down the skin lower than this:
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Re: Changing the frenum/frenulum

Post by Lexi »

I found interesting information about the tying method.
I've had someone ask exactly how I did it, and there seems to be enough interest in this thread, so here's a long form writeup on exactly how I tied mine. I did this twice, the same way both times. Please read carefully! There's a lot of info here, much of it borne from experience. There used to be a yahoo group called "frenulumtying" that I would link guys to, but it looks like it went under in the last few months, so I want you all to have as much info as I can give you.

BEFOREHAND: Decide where you're going to pierce the thread through. Stretch your frenulum out from your dick like so:

The piercing should be right up against the shaft. You want to have about 1/4" (5mm) from the edge of the frenulum to the piercing. Any more than this can cause problems with bruising, inflammation, infection etc. Take it slow! You can tie again later.

Also try to avoid catching any large-ish blood vessels inside the tie. Sometimes it's unavoidable, but still.

- A good sturdy sewing needle, new with a sharp tip would be nice.
- Some kind of thin, single-fiber thread (I'll talk about that later).
- Something to anesthetize, unless you get off on jamming needles in your dick. I used Bactine, it has lidocane in it.
- AN IRON WILL. Getting over the psychological hump of doing this is probably the hardest part.

ONE. Thoroughly wash and sanitize everything -- your hands, junk, all your equipment. Rubbing alcohol is a good choice here. Thread the needle NOW, too! Your hands will probably be shaking in a few minutes...

TWO. Numb the area you're going to tie. Just slather on the numbing stuff for a few minutes until you can't feel a thing there. (Try poking it with the needle to test.)

THREE. Stretch the frenulum out as shown in the pic above, and pierce the needle through your planned spot. This can be tricky to do with only two hands! Pull the needle and one end of the thread through.

FOUR. Tie it. Notice in the diagram, it says to tie the loop around as flush with the head as possible. This is to avoid any leftover nubs of frenulum sticking to the glans. Use a couple surgeon's knots (look it up!), and tie it as tightly as you can. Seriously, torque it down.

FIVE. Trim the ends of the string to a couple inches. You're done with the procedure, but it's just the beginning of the cutting!

Over the next few days to a week or so, the string will cut through the frenulum. There may be some minor bruising, but don't get too worried about it -- your body is surprisingly quick at building new blood vessels to get things right again.

You do have to be careful about it though. Keep the area CLEAN and DISINFECTED. I just kept using the Bactine to do it. I also soaked it in warm water two or three times a day; this helps wash away dead skin and bacteria.

If it takes longer than a week, you might have to finish the cut yourself with a (brand new, disinfected) razor blade. I had to do this both times cause of my choice of thread, which I'll talk about now.

Because I used monofilament dental floss both times, I had some additional issues. It isn't stretchy, so I had to re-tie it almost every day, since the part being cut gets smaller and smaller, so the knot would get loose and stop cutting. Also, once it gets small enough, the floss just can't exert enough pressure to cut through the last really tough bits. That's why I had to use the razor blade at the end.

What I saw other guys using is this stuff called Stretch Magic. This 0.5mm stuff is the thinnest I can find: Pepperell Stretch 0.5mm Magic Bead and Jewelry Cord, 10m, Clear The Stretch Magic is nice because it's elastic and snaps back to its original size. This way, you tie it once at the beginning, and then its elasticity will constrict the frenulum as it cuts through. I'd definitely want to try it out the next time I tie!

The choice of thread is kind of important. You DON'T want anything braided, like sewing thread, or normal dental floss that's made of lots of little fibers. You want something that's a single fiber, preferably synthetic (so less chance of bacteria living on it), and a little elastic.

This sounds scary! There's honestly not much that can go wrong, as long as you keep up on hygiene and disinfecting. Also don't tie too much, as mentioned before! Small ties cut faster and heal faster.

If it DOES get infected, you might have to see the doctor, but... well, it SHOULDN'T get infected if you're careful about it!

This sounds painful! Actually, it wasn't really that bad. The piercing itself felt like nothing with all the lidocane. During the week it was cutting through, it would be a dull pain if I poked at it or tugged the string, but I didn't even notice it if I wasn't touching it. Just take an ibuprofen or something if the pain is getting to you.

Just did my first tie yesterday...i may have a crazy head or my frenulum is just naturaly desensitized because the piercing and tying were almost pain free with no anestethic...well i do use sterile hypodermic needles and the thread is just monofilament fishing line...while tying the knot i got it in position and then started cranking...there was a sudden burst of sharp acute pain but once i got it tight it was nothing,and i continued pulling like crazy on the ends as far as the line was stretching...also the most disconfort i got was from the ends of the line which i trimmed really short,but now i can say i feel ABSOLUTELY NOTHING more than the normal state of mu penis
Last night i went to masturbate and felt some slight pops(no real pain,just a bit uncomfortable)and saw it had separated quite a bit.Now i need to point out that the day after the firts tie i did a second one on the same depth and almost touching the firts.I figured this would cut curculation in the remaining middle section thus allowing me to cut the dead skin painlessly when the time would come.That is exactly what happened today on the sixth day and i have to say that 2 ties seem to do a whole lot better job than just one...the distance between the original attachment points at the top is quite big(may post a pic once it heals up,now it.s a bit sensitive)...also i have a drawing showing how the ties would look like with the frenulum extended(in actuality you tighten the first as much as it goes and then you do the second.
It has a line of temporary white tissue on it now but it basically looks like the two ties have doubled the cut.There is a small bit(about as big as small papule),right in the centre and each side is about 1.5 cm(totalling more like 3 cm when semi-erect-ish).I guess two ties would be better for time efficiency but make sure to get them as close to eachother as to not leave a bit in the middle.Also i did the first tie with 0.4 mm fishing line and the other with 0.18mm,and although the thinner one looked like it would get absorbed by the skin it actually worked faster because of the smaller surface area and higher elasticity(and a thinner needle hurts less )...also the remaining loop after removal was a bit smaller
Thought i'd share the final result now that it.s all done.I was left with a remaining piece of frenulum towards the urethra(where the black dot is) because mine was connected quite close to that and the tie didn't grab it.I just grabbed it with a pair of nailclippers(the only thing i found thin enough to grab it)and made a tie around it as well.It lost all circulation and turned white within the first day and 5 days later i just cut off the remaining dead tissue and freed up the tie.I am quite happy with the looks and although the thin line hasn't got much sensitivity the extra exposed area of the glans more than makes up for it.
The black dots mark the original attachement points and the distance between them is about 3.4 cm

I just need to make an input here.
I have not lost any sensitivity at all, but I have actually gained more sensitivity "the good feelings" cause I have more movement in my foreskin now and more movement under the glans. So I am 110% happy. That area dude77007, it actually is my sweet spot now ;D

I tied my frenulum to make it easier to wear the foreskin pulled back. It didn't feel very sensitive to me anyway. That's probably why I didn't notice a loss in sensitivity. Now the foreskin can move more freely in all directions.
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Re: Changing the frenum/frenulum

Post by max999 »

Found this on a textboox:


maybe i'll try like said here, cutting on the tight band
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Re: Changing the frenum/frenulum

Post by shavedmaleuk »

pumpenz wrote: Fri Nov 07, 2003 11:13 pm Hi there<br><br>I am 'uncut' but wanting to separate my frenum from my cock head. Anyone else done this, or any thoughts on the pros / cons of this??<br><br>Thanks<br>Chris.
yes my wife and i pierced my frenulum then cut through it with a scaple to allow the skin to go right back best thing i ever did now the skin stays back all the time and i now wank the head like a cut guy so yes get on and do it
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Re: Changing the frenum/frenulum

Post by Lexi »

An interesting forum on the topic.:
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Re: Changing the frenum/frenulum

Post by max999 »

Hi guys, i'll do a little update of my situation.
I continued with the clamp&cut technique, because it works and it's almost painless.
I made decent progresess, now also during sex feelings are better, i don't have pain but there is still a little discomfort sometimes, so i think i'll do another little cut. Probably i'll also try phimocure rings (or similar products) to expand the foreskin, that is a little tight.

Here are some pics of my current situation:

flaccid state:

erect state:

erect state, another view angle:

remainings of the frenulum, there is still room for another cut:

frontal view when erect, there is the maxium retraction i can reach without pain/discomfort:
Last edited by max999 on Fri Aug 17, 2018 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Changing the frenum/frenulum

Post by soundsgreat87 »

Nice work so far! Did you do a cut on the top behind the glans too? It looks like there's a little scar there.
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Re: Changing the frenum/frenulum

Post by max999 »

soundsgreat87 wrote: Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:49 am Nice work so far! Did you do a cut on the top behind the glans too? It looks like there's a little scar there.
There is a little scar but i don't plan to touch it, i want just to cut more frenulum tissue to have no more discomfort during sex.
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Re: Changing the frenum/frenulum

Post by blackisblack17 »

max999 wrote: Sun Oct 22, 2017 5:28 am
waterwagon wrote: Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:55 pm I was told this method by a guy maybe 20 years ago...and it worked well. The ridge is clamped Very slowly (over 15-20 minutesor more time) with a Hemostat. The pain is not bad at all, if you go slowly! Then leave the clamp on fully closed for another 20 minutes! When you remove the hemostat the crushed flesh has no feelings at all ...It can be cut with a razor or sissiors without any feeling at all! Do not cut beyond the crushed area as it will bleed like crazy. Put antibiotic meds on cut and bandage lightly. It healed quickly, in 3-4 days at the most. The critical items are closing the hemostat very slowly over at least 20 minutes and not cutting beyond the crushed tissue.. I also subincised my cock head using this same method a couple of years later. It only took two sessions to cut it to the shaft. Now I can slide my pinky finger into my cock down to my hand joint. Ah the things we do and call it pleasure!! Lol
Jay in Homosassa, fl
Did it (only a small cut of 2-3 mm for now) and worked very well, no blood and no pain at all. I closed the clamp only to the first snap (on the 3 avaible), it is enough to block blood flow and doesn't demage tissues (last times i tried to clamp it to the 3rd snap and it did some micro-tears, nothing serious but a little annoying). It's important to close the clamp very very slowly, and then leave them closed for 20 minutes. I used a scalpel (blade 15) to cut, probably also cutting with scissors is fine, but for me it was more "psychologiccally-friendly" to cut with razor.
Hello @max999, your frenulum cut progress is nice, I have a question, does it bleed after sometime, when the blood starts to flow back? I mean, as the clamp is used for stopping the blood flow for sometime, so does the blood starts to come back after some minutes? Or it does not bleed at all? Please tell me. And is there any important after care instruction besides applying antibiotic meds?
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Re: Changing the frenum/frenulum

Post by max999 »

Hi blackisblack17, interesting question.

During the first cuts, i didn't have bleeding, not a single drop.
During the last cuts, some minutes after the cut i had some little bleeding.
I always used the same procedure (20 min clamping) so don't know why it happened, maybe it's due to the different zones of the frenulum.
Or maybe it's because the last times i found tissue a little more hard to cut, so during the cut i didn't "centered" the cut exactly in the middle of the clamped zone.
However it's only a little bleeding, nothing traumatic. I also use a "styptic pencil" (something like this: ... pencil.jpg) to help stop bleeding, but don't know how it really helps.

Regarding "after care", there are no particoular instruction to follow, i also didn't used antibiotic meds and all went good. Just keep it clean and it heals fast. Obviously it's better not to masturbate the days after the cut, to not re-open the wound.

The last time i also took a pic a few seconds after cutting, here is it:
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Re: Changing the frenum/frenulum

Post by blackisblack17 »

max999 wrote: Sun May 06, 2018 7:52 pm Hi blackisblack17, interesting question.

During the first cuts, i didn't have bleeding, not a single drop.
During the last cuts, some minutes after the cut i had some little bleeding....
Thanks a lot for answering @max999. I am actually quite surprised how this clamping method stops bleeding altogether, like you even didn't bleed a single drop. So it sounds like a great method. Do you have any pics of how you clamped it or during the clamp? The Hemostat I ordered has small teeth in the place where the clamp happens, did your Hemostat also have teeth, I guess how all the Hemostat are designed.

Do you apply the "styptic pencil" before the clamp or after the clamp before cutting?

I hope I am not bothering you with so many questions, your cuts are the best I've seen.

A little bit of bleeding if happens by any chance would not be a big deal, so I am gonna try it, I think I will go for a small cut for the first time.
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Re: Changing the frenum/frenulum

Post by max999 »

Regarding the hemostate, i used this: ... 018OSR5DE/
I'm not sure of what are you talking about, but the hemostate has many small teeths in the clamping zone. Maybe you can post a picture of it so I can anwser better.
Unfortunately i don't have pictures of the clamping process, but it's not too difficolt to understand, just clamp on the tissue you want to cut.

I applied the "styptic pencil" after the cut, but don't know how much it's useful, however i already bought it so I use it every time.

No problem, i like answering because frenulum clamping is not very known on the web, i found informations on this method only on this thread. So I like to help.
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Re: Changing the frenum/frenulum

Post by blackisblack17 »

max999 wrote: Mon May 07, 2018 1:21 am Regarding the hemostate, i used this: ... 018OSR5DE/
Thanks for sharing these more info.

Here is the pic of my hemostat:
It has many small teeth, I have seen the type of hemostat many people use here has straight horizontal teeth, and not small dots like teeth as mine has, so I think I need to find a new one with horizontal teeth.
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Re: Changing the frenum/frenulum

Post by max999 »

Yeah, also my hemostate has straight horizontal teeth, don't know if the hemostate you have can work or not.
Also, how long is your hemostate? I also have a smaller hemostate but it's too stiff and it's difficoult to close it slowly, the 14cm it's the best choice in my opinion.
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Re: Changing the frenum/frenulum

Post by blackisblack17 »

max999 wrote: Wed May 09, 2018 5:24 am Yeah, also my hemostate has straight horizontal teeth, don't know if the hemostate you have can work or not.
Also, how long is your hemostate? I also have a smaller hemostate but it's too stiff and it's difficoult to close it slowly, the 14cm it's the best choice in my opinion.
I got this new hemostat, it has straight horizontal teeth, it's around 20cm long. I could not find a smaller one, this one will work I think.
I also have another question, some time ago you posted that you had some problem that you experience pain during sex and you posted a frontal view picture and you mentioned about not being able to pull down the skin completely without pain, so how is the situation now? Can you have sex now without pain, please post some update about your current situation.
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