Trouble with tightness

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Trouble with tightness

Post by Raccaroo »

Hey everybody, new here! I tried searching for this but didn't find much.

I'm fairly new to pumping. Consistency factored in, I might as well be brand new. I first did it with a suntea jar about 10 years ago but didn't get back into it until about two months ago when I bought a long johnny from pumptoys.

I'm having an issue with pumping right now, and would like some pointers. If I'm doing anything wrong, please call me out. I'd rather look like a noob than hurt myself.

So I have two main issues with pumping that seem to be hindering my progress. First and foremost is my scrotum seems to have a really hard time getting nice and loose. I used to try the hot towel thing and that didn't do much, so I started taking hot baths. I'm sometimes able to get them loose for a few minutes, but even if I keep warm water in the cylinder, they start getting tight after only about 5 minutes. Once they get tight, they seem to just stay tight. My balls are capable of hanging decently low, enough to get that good thwap thwap going on when jerking it, but I have trouble getting them that loose and keeping them loose for the session. I do find a few things help. One is massaging it with cream lubricant I got from pump toys, but again this only seems to help for about 5 minutes. The other method is smoking weed, usually a strong indica will for some reason make my balls sag really well. But I don't like to pump high because I don't want to make a dumb mistake and hurt myself.

The other issue is while pumping, I tend to get really red, sometimes even purpleish (I stop once I feel pain or see purple) I thought the big thick seal would be an improvement over using a suntea jar, but it still seems to be lacking circulation. I try to keep the pressure at about 2.5hg, never going over 5hg.

I also drink a decent amount of water, especially on gym days. On gym days I probably drink a gallon and a half a day, and on off days its probably closer to a gallon, maybe a bit less. Being clean shaven helps a lot but doesn't remove the issue.

Through all of this, I'm able to get SLIGHTLY bigger testicles that feel harder and heavier, but they shrink back down to normal size after literally 5 minutes of pumping, and my scrotum has never shown any signs of filling with fluid or getting bigger at all. I'm keeping my sessions short while I'm new, usually taking a bath and pumping for 30-40 minutes with one or two breaks in between. I'm not sure what other info might be helpful. I just really want to start getting results, and I know it takes time especially since I'm new, but I also feel like I'm doing something wrong, or my biology is being difficult. I have a wet/dry heating pad I could try, and I suppose it wouldn't hurt to moisturize throughout the day and use some of the ball stretchers I have (I have a simple 1" leather band and a smaller half inch rubber one with a cock ring.

Again, if I'm an idiot, tell me. I really want this, I'm willing to do what it takes.
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Re: Trouble with tightness

Post by neonpumper »

Are you pumping with water in the tube? If not put hot water in the tube as hot as you can take and mix in 3/4 of a cup of epsom salt and rap a heating pad around the tube to keep the water warm.
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Re: Trouble with tightness

Post by pipefitterdom »

You’re totally not an idiot, and on the right track.
As with weight training, don’t expect oxballs after 60 days.
Post baseline photographs for comparison later

Your routine is perfect, don’t be hard on yourself and expect amazing results too soon. It wouldn’t hurt to add sets to bring your 40 minutes up to 90 as long as you keep up the frequent breaks for circulation and adding lubrication. Enjoy the journey and savor every ounce of weight they gain. Once you become hopelessly addicted the size is just a side effect.

At first you are just going to notice bigger balls and as they settle back down the fluids will migrate to your sack. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. They are kind of a mystery like that but if they stop responding after several sessions it might be time to let them rest. Eventually they will respond at almost an alarming rate! Also, getting used to the seal takes a little time until you build up some girth. Epsom salts have benefits,especially if you pump too enthusiastically, go too far and do damage. Hair conditioner is slicker which helps with the seal and reduces the risk abrasions. Slather it on liberally at every break.

The hot baths should loosen you up, but you never mentioned the temperature in your man cave. I go without air conditioning most of the year for that reason. You can also bundle up to stay almost uncomfortably warm, just on the verge of perspiration.

Anything else, don’t be afraid to ask.
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Re: Trouble with tightness

Post by just4me »

Raccaroo wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2017 8:47 am Hi,
I’m going to weigh in here because I am relatively new to this too. I had similar experience as you.
First it took time. My balls pumped up first and only when I started. I got almost nothing in my sac. It helped my scrot to relax with I relaxed my lower belly and manually stretched without lube. Lube made stretching too slippery and I couldn’t get a good grip.

It helps me to relax my mind and body. I think the two are connected.

For me, I think the key was consistency. When I first started I pumped every day and sometimes multiple times each day for a short time. An hour with breaks every ten minutes to start with. Nothing extreme on the pressure.
It takes time. so stay the course. What you are doing sounds right. I am a wet pumper. If you aren’t trying this then you might give it a try.

Stay calm and take your time. It will happen
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Re: Trouble with tightness

Post by biffosmudge »

Don't to be to hard on your self here !!

The long johnny is a great tube but as the name suggests it has only a 4" dia and ideal for longer pumped results thus pulling down the tube once all you meat (including balls) have expanded.I started with theses types of tubes before moving to bigger jars and the full force of the vacuum is more equal around in the BIGGER jars.

The guys who have responded here have given advise i would have only given myself.

Your mention redness, is a sign that blood vessels may be protesting a little to early in the pump and would avoid 5hg in this tube for now and keep an average of 3hg ? at least for tube One of a session and reduce the time to 20 mins but keeping warm with a safe heat pad around the tube, heat is very important as this is what the sack responds to.

I say 20 mins because if you do 40 mins ( 20 x 2) take a break re lube and jelqing of the cock and balls mostly balls and there ball sack, as this will allow fluids to migrate that may have been trapped by the tube seal / base and re tube !!!

Out of the tube and between pumps what you do is equally important, jelqing and use of moisturisers like cocoa butter and some even use olive oil as the sack skin needs TLC to.

As others may say ease back into pumping and remember your pulling down a tube and expanding along the way.
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Re: Trouble with tightness

Post by bignlow »

The only thing i can add is that if you're entry size is quite large and you're of small stature you could be pulling too much abdomen into the tube that takes a lot of the pump off the balls. Do you bloat at all in the abdomen just above you're cock and balls.
As has been said, it doesn't always happen and it can take a while for things to start happening.
If you are of small stature you may need a narrower tube to start with.

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Re: Trouble with tightness

Post by SFBallpumper »

Besides warm water in the tube, your body must be warm, too. Especially make sure that your feet are warm, and your head too, if your room is cold.
It’s the pleasure of the pressure...
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Re: Trouble with tightness

Post by Raccaroo »

neonpumper wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:11 pm Are you pumping with water in the tube? If not put hot water in the tube as hot as you can take and mix in 3/4 of a cup of epsom salt and rap a heating pad around the tube to keep the water warm.
I use water when in the shower, usually filling it from the faucet at about the same max heat I can stand on the rest of my body. I haven't tried epsom salt yet, but I've found the only heating pad I have is really really weak and cools rapidly as my body absorbs the heat from it, so I'll have to get a better one.
pipefitterdom wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:13 pm The hot baths should loosen you up, but you never mentioned the temperature in your man cave. I go without air conditioning most of the year for that reason. You can also bundle up to stay almost uncomfortably warm, just on the verge of perspiration.
It's not too warm in my house, though sometimes I turn the heat on in the bathroom while I shower just to help as much as I can. I'm a total baby with heat; water my wife says is just right literally hurts my skin, and I tend to overheat really really easily. Funny you mentioned bundling up, I got desperate one day and put on a bunch of thermal shirts and a big puffy jacket, and sat under a big thermal blanket too. I sometimes find wearing leggings helps to get them loose due to being pressed against my thighs, but obviously I can't use those when pumping.
biffosmudge wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2017 8:32 pm Your mention redness, is a sign that blood vessels may be protesting a little to early in the pump and would avoid 5hg in this tube for now and keep an average of 3hg ? at least for tube One of a session and reduce the time to 20 mins but keeping warm with a safe heat pad around the tube, heat is very important as this is what the sack responds to.
So maybe until I start seeing them give in a bit, I should stick to a lower pressure at first? I was always under the impression that if you don't get hard in the tube, you aren't using enough pressure, but I am starting to think that's not as important as maintaining a pressure that wont cut off circulation...
bignlow wrote: Wed Nov 15, 2017 9:17 pm The only thing i can add is that if you're entry size is quite large and you're of small stature you could be pulling too much abdomen into the tube that takes a lot of the pump off the balls. Do you bloat at all in the abdomen just above you're cock and balls.
As has been said, it doesn't always happen and it can take a while for things to start happening.
If you are of small stature you may need a narrower tube to start with.

I don't know how I stack up stature wise... I'm 5'9", moderately stocky, and have thick legs and wide hips for a guy so maybe that's part of it. I don't bloat too much, but I definitely see a lot of my pubic pad getting pulled in with it, which seems to be remedied by moving the tube down more (away from the bellybutton) though that tends to hurt some of my tubing around the base of my penis. If I have pumped for a bit and my balls are still loose when I take the tube off, they do get stuck in the seal and need a little tugging to get I feel like the opening is just about the right size for me, but not sure.

Thank you everyone for the help. You all have been super pleasant, and I appreciate it. From what you are all saying, it sounds like it's a combination of a few things like not enough heat, maybe too much pressure too soon, and perhaps my body is just adjusting to it a bit slower than average, so I ought to be patient. I suppose I ought to take pictures for progress sake, but I gotta get some progress that's even visible in photos first. Wish me luck!
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Re: Trouble with tightness

Post by biffosmudge »

Good to be of assistance :) and from your last post you seem to me heading on the right track :) in the right frame of mind and pumping is personal, no one pumper pumps the same, so find your own groove and just enjoy. 8)
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Re: Trouble with tightness

Post by Raccaroo »

Good news! I seem to have gotten some progress.

Now with the wife working again, I had some privacy to spend about 2 hours today pumping. Granted about half an hour of that was soaking in the tub.

Here's what I did, in case anyone else has the same issue and is just starting out. Also it drives me nuts when people say "solved!" and don't say how.

I soaked for about 30 minutes, using water as hot as I could stand without it hurting or making me super red. I used my cream lube and jelqed and massaged before pumping, and about every 15 minutes (or however long it took for the water to cool)

After half an hour in the tub, I sat down by the TV continued. I filled the tube with the hottest water I could stand without pain, and sat on my crappy heating pad. I was wearing a warm thermal shirt and jacket, and wool socks, with a blanket draped over my lap. I think I refilled the tube 3 times, and reapplied lube and massaged each time.

I also drank about a half gallon of water through the whole session. I did not smoke, though I might next time if I have more time to do so, as that helps my balls loosen up immensely. Still, I didn't have the issue of turning purple, my scrotum being too tight, or anything like that. The end result was a pair of testicles about the size of a large egg each, and a nice full soft sack. I didn't get any good pictures because my phone is garbage, but damn, I was impressed. I kept the pressure at about 2.5hg for the first hour, and once noticing there were no issues with circulation, i upped it to 3hg for the last half hour/45 minutes or so.

I can tell this is going to have to be my method, at least until my sack gets stretched out more. I just had to really really fight against my body's hatred of heat, and use fresh hot water every 20 minutes or so, with the occasional jiggle of the jar to mix the water and keep it hot around my balls.

Thank you guys for your help! I don't want to jump the gun and say problem solved yet, but this is by FAR the most results I've ever gotten, and it was so exhilarating (TMI) I had to jerk off TWICE in the first half hour after I finished. I put on my cock ring/ball stretcher combo to keep them big for a bit longer, and man... MAN. I see why you guys love this. I'll be patient and safe, but I can't wait to get even bigger!

EDIT: I forgot to mention too, that I didn't have any issues with my cock getting too puffy, especially the infamous doughnut around the glans which can be really painful to touch. I think the lower pressure over a longer time really helped with that, as I've never seen my balls this big, but have definitely gotten a bigger pump in my cock while using this tube. Perfect!
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Re: Trouble with tightness

Post by neonpumper »

Does your wife know about your pumping? It would be a huge help if she did, the more you pump the faster you will make gains. If you have to hide it from her, it will be hard to make big gains.
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Re: Trouble with tightness

Post by pipefitterdom »

Sometimes it works amazingly well.
Sometimes it doesn’t.
Just don’t get discouraged and carry on.
It gets easier as you make permanent gains.
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Re: Trouble with tightness

Post by pumpman12 »

biffosmudge wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2017 8:43 pm Good to be of assistance :) and from your last post you seem to me heading on the right track :) in the right frame of mind and pumping is personal, no one pumper pumps the same, so find your own groove and just enjoy. 8)
I couldn't have said it better myself.................the last line, that is.............ENJOY the pump. No two pumpers are alike, find what works for you and build off of that.
Man I love to pump so fuckin if I could only do it three times a day.
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Re: Trouble with tightness

Post by Raccaroo »

neonpumper wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2017 11:55 pm Does your wife know about your pumping? It would be a huge help if she did, the more you pump the faster you will make gains. If you have to hide it from her, it will be hard to make big gains.
She knows. Luckily we are pretty open about our sexuality, and she understands that I like to do things that are autosexual, or focused on making me feel sexy to myself. She does the same. Nothing makes sex more fun than taking care of yourself so you feel sexy to yourself, too.
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Re: Trouble with tightness

Post by bigricky »

Adding to what has been said, I would refrain from wet pumping, especially with hot water, because the risk of blistering the penis head is great and will end your pumping for weeks while they heal. I suggest lots of manual stretching and masturbation of the penis prior to pumping, make sure you are very sexually stimulated before you begin and feed your pump session with plenty of your favorite pornography. Make sure you are very well lubed, I start with an initial coating of Polysporin ointment well massaged into your sac and around the area of the seal. Pump at the highest intensity you can without discomfort and take regular breaks every half hour for manual massage, stretching, flopping and swinging and masturbation. Then back into the cylinder you go. I would eventually move on from the long johnny straight tube and invest in the Monster-tube Junior from…. it is a worthwhile investment and will give you the massive natural shape you desire. Excellent site and customer service. I hope this helps, it is good advice based on personal experience.
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