WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3, 4 *12/1/2015*

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WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3, 4 *12/1/2015*

Post by metalheavy6 »

Hi I'm metalheavy6. I just joined today when I saw WowImBig's pool party story and I wanted to contribute. I'm a fan of her big beautiful pussy and I hope she enjoys my continuation of her story :)

I made a new thread because I didn't want to hijack the original, plus I know someone else was about to post in the original anyway. Here are the first two parts, by WowImBig:

The Pool Party (Revised)

By: WowImBig

Part 1

There I was, wading in the shallow end of the pool, with my fellow classmates at our senior year pool party; trying to act normal while I was hiding the biggest dirtiest secret ever. Last night, I was pumping my pussy with the monster pump cup I made... and I fell asleep with it on me... suction was strong as ever. 7 hours later I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock, screaming at me to wake up for school. I tried jumping out of bed like usual, but the monster cup wouldn't let me. I ended up falling out of bed, I had to turn off that damn alarm so I grabbed a tennis shoe by my bed and chucked it at the alarm. luckily it hit the snooze button and silenced the sound.

It took me a second to remember the pump session the night before, and that it had stayed on all night. I pressed the release valve and tried to pull it off, but it wouldn't budge. I wished the cup was see through so I could see how big an all-nighter made me. Excited and scared at the same time, I connected the hose, pressed the release, and blew air into the hose so that it would force the cup off of me. I felt the end release, slowly my fat pussy slid out. Horrified with what I was seeing, the noise of the alarm going back off only added to my distress. I leaned down and grabbed the cord and unplugged it from the wall.

I looked up at my calendar and realized the red circle was around today, shit! The pool party was today! attendance is mandatory! Oh fuck, I better think of something quick.

My mind dazed back into reality. I was in the school swimming pool, with a pair of my boyfriends swimming trunks on. I made up some excuse that I had a bad reaction to bikini area hair remover, and the rash on my legs hurt too much to wear my bikini bottoms. I was using this same reason to avoid my boyfriend at all costs. I felt bad, but I couldn't let him know what I had done to my pussy. What would he think of me all deformed like this?

I could feel my pussy swaying with the current of the water, it felt like I had a backpack hanging between my legs. I was so horny, I needed to satisfy my aching pussy. The growing need to cum almost matched the enormous size it was. I looked around, trying to figure out where I could get enough privacy to take care of the overwhelming urge to touch myself... I noticed the bathrooms over next to the entrance. It took everything in me not to grab myself and cum, I began sweating in anticipation. I wanted to look at my pussy so badly. I swam over to the edge of the pool, my legs weren't of any help because of the throbbing beast between them, so my arms had to do all the work. I slowly stepped up out of the pool on the side staircase, and tried to do so without wobbling. I ran my hands over my hair and squeezed out the excess water. I noticed a boy from my science class staring at me from across the way. I looked down and noticed that the trunks were clinging to the outline of my cunt. Fixing them quickly, I looked back up and around to make sure no one saw. He couldn't have possibly known what lied beneath my swimming trunks, so I blew off the whole incident as nothing. Besides, I had to play with my cunt right now, it was throbbing and pulsating so badly. Quickly, I headed off to the bathroom, waddling a little in my hurry. I saw the bathroom door in front of me and reached out to push the door open. I looked around the bathroom, and luckily it was empty. Where would be the best place for me to hide? I thought, when the bathroom door open behind me. I could feel the presence of a tall person standing very close to me. I turned around and was shocked to see it was the boy from my science class.

"Mark, you're not allowed in here! This is the girls restroom!" I said assertively.

"If you're a girl, explain this..." as he reached down and grabbed my pussy mound.

I gasped, the air stuck in my throat.

"What the fuck is this between your legs?" he asked.

"Nothing!" I stammered, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Get in there." He said as he motioned to the sauna room.

I did as I was told, Oh man! What was I gonna do? What if he tells my classmates? What if he told my boyfriend!? I would die of embarrassment. What would they say about me? I didn't wanna think about that now. He followed me into the sauna, and he closed the door and locked it from the inside. What the fuck was he going to do to me?

"Pull down your trunks." He said.

I hesitated, and shook my head..."no, please, don't... don't make me have to... I just can't..." I said.

"Do it, or I'll do it for you."

"Please, please don't do this to me!" I pleaded.

"Fine, I'll do it for you." And with one swift motion he pulled my trunks down and stood back up and stared at me with his eyes bulging.
"What in the fuck?" His jaw dropped open, and his head tilted down towards my cunt. He pulled something out of his pocket, and by the time I recognized what it was-- the bright light from his camera phone flashed.

"No! Please! Stop!"

"You better do whatever I tell you to... or I will upload this to Facebook to show everyone at school what you look like."

I nodded, reluctantly.

"Why is your pussy so big?"

"Uh...," my throat grew dry and my heart pounded in my chest.

"Well, you better tell me or this is going online..." he began to pull out his phone.

"From pumping it," I spurted out.

"Why would you want to deform yourself like this?"

All I could do was shrug and look at the floor. My worst fear was now a reality, my mind whirled with embarrassment and regret.

"I'm waiting for an answer..." he admonished.

"It was an accident, okay? I fell asleep with the pump on me by accident, and woke up several hours later when my alarm for school went off. It wasn't supposed to happen like this!" Tears shot out of my eyes, and all the emotions I had inside me poured out in one lump.

"Relax, okay, I don't want you to freak out. I am actually kind of intrigued by it, and amazed at how large you were able to grow. Don't worry, as long as you follow EVERY one of my requests, you will never have to worry about anyone else finding out. It will be our little secret."

He seemed sincere enough... only if I had known what was in store for me though, was another thing altogether.

Part 2

It was the last week of school, and I made sure to text my boyfriend that I was coming down with a cold and he better stay away from me or I might get him sick. I knew this would work because his brother's immune system was weak since birth, so this meant he could possibly infect his brother so he had to stay away. He just responded with," K... :( "

Mark had specific instructions for how I was to come to school today. He told me to shave everything down there, wear a long skirt to school, and meet him by the locker rooms 15 minutes before the first bell rings for class. I did as I was told, and he was already there waiting for me when I arrived. He had a large shoe box with him, and he told me to read the instructions included inside the box while in a locked bathroom stall. Upon opening the box, there was a large cup, about 17 inches long, and that was coated with Vaseline and the note read,

"Place on vaginal area, and then flush the toilet 3 times in a row."

Confused as I was, I did exactly as the instructions said and then I felt the cup suction onto me, :::swish swish swish::

Oh! It felt so good! I let out a moan, and then realized where I was at, I have to be more careful!

I let my skirt down and it covered the still-attached pump on me, and headed out the bathroom.

Mark was standing there, grinning. He held a little remote control in his hand, and said, "wireless..." and he pressed the up button and I instantly felt it suction on to me harder, ::swoosh::

I leaned over, and was able to hold in any moans I wanted to release. I looked him in the eyes, and he had a deviant twinkle when he winked.

"See you in science class!" He chuckled, and briskly walked away.

It was hard walking normally with the contraption between my legs... so all I could do was walk really really slowly. It sucked, but at least I didn't waddle-- as much.

By 5th period, I was pretty accustomed to the feeling, once or twice a period he would send a ::swoosh:: my way, and one time I accidentally let out a moan... I played it off like I was intrigued by the literature we were reading in class... Although some of my classmates looked at me weird for the rest of the day after that. I heard a couple kids whispering behind me and I am pretty sure I saw them pointing at me... but I just tried my best to ignore it-- since there was nothing I could do anyway. I had to keep my promise to Mark, for my own well being and reputation.

Finally, the last bell rang to signal the last class for the day-- 6th period-- science class with Mark. It was the only class I had with him, and I was worried about the outcome of it all day. I was the last one in, since I had to walk so slowly, so the only seat left was the one right in the front and middle. I slowly and carefully sat down in my seat. Today's lecture was about Outer Space. How boring. I began doodling to keep myself awake, ::swoosh:: I readjusted myself, and glanced back at Mark to see him grinning, he nodded toward the white board. I looked back around and noticed the word, "Vacuum," written in big bold red letters. My heart skipped a beat, and I felt like I might throw up... I continued reading... Outer space is a Vacuum... Oh my, I almost fainted there... I was so relieved.

The teacher called on Mark, who I guess was raising his hand. He asked the teacher, "What would happen if a person were to be exposed in the vacuum of outer space?"

"Well, sadly, the person would explode." My teacher responded.

::swoosh swoosh swoosh::

I let out a large breath of air, so as to not moan.

I felt my pussy growing warmer, ::swoosh swoosh swo--:: and in the middle of the last swoosh, I noticed the feeling that something was plugging up the suctioning hole... Thankfully!

I could feel my heartbeat pounding in the warm cup around my pussy. I wondered what was plugging up the end, well whatever it was, I was thankful that it did. I felt the trigger trying to work several more times during class, but it did nothing to affect me. So I smiled back at him, to show him up.

After class let out, Mark wanted me to meet him at his house that was right down the street. He gave me the address and told me to tell my parents I was going to have a sleep over at a friends house and not to expect me back home for the night.

All the while, I had the pump cup still attached on me. I was pretty used to it now, and I was able to walk a little faster than when I first put it on me. It just felt warm and heavy, but other than that, I was used to the feeling.

I showed up on his doorstep, and rang the doorbell. The door opened immediately, Mark stood there in swimming trunks and flip flops.

"Entree," he motioned me to come in.

I was worried what he had in store for me, but I was also a little excited... even though I felt ashamed to admit it to myself.

"Have a seat."

I sat on the edge of an ottoman, and the pump stuck straight out and bounced up and down from the motion.

"Lets have a see, shall we?" He eagerly lifted up my skirt, and I was too scared to look, so I looked at the ceiling.

"Wow! I had no idea you'd get this big!"

I quickly looked down, and screamed when I saw the horrible truth... My cunt had reached the end of the pump cup. It probably did when I was in 6th period... that was what stopped the valve from sucking more air in. Fuck, I was in trouble now... he might not tell anyone about my pussy, but he was sure to cause me to never have a normal pussy ever again for the rest of my life! What could I do now?!

::Knock Knock Knock:: Someone was at the door... but who? Oh fuck... if it was his family back early, I was screwed.

He went to the door and said, "Who is it?"

To my shock I heard the voice of my boyfriend.

"Open up! I know what you two are up to! If you don't open the door I am going to call your Mother and tell her where you really are... and it obviously isn't a sleep over with Jenny like she told me you said...

Mark seemed unsure as what to do, I said, "open up, if you don't this will get a whole lot worse faster than letting him in." I quickly covered my pussy with my skirt and then grabbed a throw pillow to place over top the large bulging mound between my legs. I gave the okay nod for him to open the door.

He hesitantly, opened the door, and my boyfriend stomped in.

"Sick, are we? Sure doesn't look like you are coming down with a cold. Looks like you are a fucking cheating bitch..." He turned to start talking with Mark, and it seemed like he was going to try to fight him, so I screamed and said, "Look!!"

I threw the pillow off of me and lifted up my skirt. My boyfriend and Mark both stared in my direction. Mark had an evil grin, while my boyfriend looked confused as to what he was witnessing.

"It's all my fault... okay? I deformed my pussy with a pump the other day before the pool party, and Mark happened to find out and I didn't want anyone else to find out--- especially you, James, I was worried that you would never feel the same way about me again-- after you saw me like this... all huge and deformed looking. It's so shameful. I am so sorry, please don't hate me! I'm a monster now... look at me!"

I had a sudden horny wave of pleasure come over me, it was mixed with utter embarrassment, but there was still a tinge of horny tingling in my cunt.

I noticed both James and Mark had bulges in their pants, while Mark had a grin, and James mouth just hung open in shock.

"Why don't you do the honors of removing the cup, " Mark said as he handed the remote control to James. "it's the down button."

James seemed stunned, and pressed the down button. ::flup hiss:: the end of the cup unplugged and I let out a sigh of relief from the pressure I had grown used to.

James pressed it several more times, ::hisssss hisssss:: my pussy slowly began to shrink out of the cup, even though it was still huge.

I couldn't help but show the pleasure from my pussy being released from the cup, it was embarrassing, but enjoying it wouldn't change the fact that it was an embarrassing situation. My pelvis gyrated as the cup eventually slipped off of me, and out slurped by enormous fat cunt.

Worried to see the size of my pussy, but even more worried to see my boyfriends reaction to the size of my pussy, I closed my eyes and looked up towards the ceiling. All I could focus on was the incredible feeling of such a horny monster sized pussy. I reached down to grab it, and it far exceeded what my hands could hold. I began rubbing and jiggling it, focusing on my enormous swollen clit hidden under the folds of protruding labia lips... it felt unbelievable. The flesh was so dense and full that the ends felt cold from being stretched to the max.

To my surprise I heard my boyfriend say, "Open your mouth and suck me you deformed whore." I opened my eyes and right before my face was by boyfriends raging hard cock. He grabbed the back of my head and forced my mouth on to his dick-- hard. Shocked that he would do such a thing in front of someone else, the rush of it gave me an unexpected thrill. I had never been a fan of public displays of affection, but now here I was, sucking my boyfriend off in front of a classmate, while exposing my huge pumped pussy for him to see. I looked over towards Mark, and saw that he was jerking his penis, too. My boyfriend's penis was very big, 9.5 erect, with a bulbous head and a decent girth. From what I saw Mark's penis looked to be shorter, but with much more girth than my boyfriend.

"Yeah, suck it bitch. Better get used to sucking me now, no way I will fuck your used gross looking pussy anymore."

What? Are you serious? I thought, saddened by this comment.

"Mark, you can have her pussy, it's too gross for me to fuck anymore." What?! I'm not just some sort of property he can give away. I shook my head in protest.

"I guess you won't mind me posting this on your Facebook, then." Mark sneered...

I shook my head even harder, and tried to say no, but the cock in my mouth muffled it.

"That's what I thought." Mark laughed.

"If you can, is there a way to pump her bigger? Might as well see the limits of this growth monster... it is impressive, to say the least." My boyfriend asked Mark.

As James exploded down my throat, Mark smiled, and said, "I was hoping you would ask me that..."

Part 3.1 by metalheavy6

Mark brought out a new pump even bigger than the last. This one was easily over 2 feet long, and appeared to be wider as well. "Check this out... This baby will stretch her and pump even more than what you see now," said Mark, with pride.

I gasped, horrified by the thought that they wanted to make me even bigger. I needed to get some time away from them so my pussy swelling could go down, even if it would never go all the way back down again.

"That shit is tame," replied James, unimpressed by Mark's larger cylinder. "Make a new one. Make it spherical, but in two parts, so it seals down the middle. More importantly, make sure it's bigger than that baby pump you just showed me."

"Dude, this pump is big enough! Besides, I already worked hard on it," Mark replied.

"I really don't care. You have all afternoon to work on the the new one. Have it finished by this evening so we can use it on her all through the night."

Mark did as he was told. After all, James was a lot bigger and more intimidating. I wanted to cry. "James, no! Why are you doing this? Aren't I enough of a freak as it is?"

He smiled and said, "This is what you get for keeping secrets from me. This is the only way I'll be able to trust you again, because by the time I'm done with you, no one else will ever want you, not even Mark, and you'll be stuck with me."

James reached down and gave my huge, dangling pussy a slap. Because the area was so sensitive, it was quite painful. I instinctively moved my hips back and closed my legs, but that just squeezed my pussy lips between my thighs. I couldn't help but squeal and moan.

"It's not even your pussy that makes you a freak," James said, laughing. "You're a freak because you actually like this!"
Last edited by metalheavy6 on Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:18 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3

Post by metalheavy6 »

Part 3.2 by metalheavy6

James said I wasn't allowed to leave until it was time for school the next morning. I couldn't even walk around the house without my pussy brushing up against my legs and making my cunt drool with cum. Every bit of movement felt so good, even though I knew it was so wrong. By the end of the evening, I couldn't take it anymore, and went into the bathroom to masturbate. I milked my huge lips like cow udders, holding in my moans so that James wouldn't hear. My pussy was practically gushing from pleasure when James barged in anyways.

"What the fuck are you doing, you insatiable slut?" He yelled at me. I was so embarrassed to be walked in on, and even worse, angry that he came in before I could finish. James tied my hands behind my back, and left me that way. My thighs were still plastered with cum, and I needed release desperately, but James wouldn't even look at me. Instead, he played videogames, while I sat nearby rocking back and forth. I bit my lip as I clenched and unclenched my thighs, using them to squeeze my pussy. It was all I could think about, I wanted to cum so bad. There I was, with a monstrously deformed pussy, and all I could think about was getting off. Maybe I truly am a freak...

This was James's plan all along, to make me desperate and increasingly dependent on him. To make it so I could go to no one else. Even he wouldn't want me in the end.
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Re: WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3

Post by metalheavy6 »

I'm having trouble submitting posts, I don't know if they're too long or if I'm not waiting long enough in between submissions :/
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Re: WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3

Post by metalheavy6 »

Part 3.3 by metalheavy6

Finally, Mark finished the new device. It was huge. It was the size of a beach ball, with a hole in the end for my pussy to enter, and a seal down the middle where it could open to take my pussy out. "No, please no!" I pleaded, but it was no use. They tied me to a bed, spreading my legs so that the huge contraption would fit between them. They blindfolded me to, increasing my fear. I never wanted to get this big, and I certainly didn't want to get bigger, yet I couldn't stop myself from moaning as the boys handled my pussy to get it into the pump. "Listen to her moaning like a whore. She must be so excited," joked Mark.

"No! I'm not excited! Oh god!" I squealed as they turned the pump on, sucking the air out and pulling my pussy in. The container was attached to an electric air pump that would regulate the pressure on its own. It felt so good to be pumped again, that my arousal skyrocketed. My mind filled with dirty thoughts, and there was nothing I could do, my pussy being completely inaccessible. I rocked my hips and moaned. "James... Please... Let me suck you again! Please put it in my mouth!" I begged, not believing what I was saying. After all he had done to me, why would I want to pleasure him? But I couldn't help it, I needed something.

James grinned, and obligied, and soon my mouth was full of him just as the container was filling with pussy. It felt amazing- getting fucked in the mouth as my pussy expanded inch by inch across the cold container. But sadly, James came down my throat and left, leaving me alone with the taste of cum and a beach-ball sized pussy pump between my open legs. I was wide awake, and incredibly horny, but I couldn't move or see. I could only imagine how big my pussy was at any given time. Would it expand to fill the entire container? would that even be possible? How would I even walk? Or wear clothes? Or sit in a car? My life would be ruined, just like my pussy, and something about that made me unbearably hot. Being useless, stuck in bed because of my giant pussy, so horny I'd have to masturbate constantly.
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Re: WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3

Post by metalheavy6 »

Part 3.4 by metalheavy6

The next morning, the sound of someone entering the room awakened me from my light and restless sleep. With a pang of horror, I realized that my pussy was indeed touching all sides of the container. I couldn't even speak. "Goodmorning, sweetheart," I heard James's voice speak. I didn't answer, too much in shock. James hit a switch on the pump and depressurized it, and I could feel my pussy shrinking away from the sides. He removed the container, and the air hitting my pussy was nearly enough to make me cum. There was so much surface area, and it was so incredibly sensitive.

"Yesterday your pussy was too huge and disgusting for us to have normal sex, but today I think it's just big enough for us to do something else," he said ominously. He grabbed ahold of my giant pussy and I cried out. Just touching it felt amazing, but I was also shocked by the realization that there was enough pussy on each side for him to fit his hands on. "A disgusting freak like you doesn't deserve real sex, but that doesn't mean I can't fuck your bloated pussy lips."

I realized what he meant. Just like a titty-fuck, he would squeeze my pussy lips together and rub his cock between them. "Please James! Please! Do it now! Fuck my pussy lips!" I screamed at him, after waiting all night to be touched I couldn't stand it anymore. He thrust his dick in there, sending wonderful sansations all the way up through my clit, then mashed my sensitive lips up around it, creating a mixture of pleasure and pain. I fucked my pussy lips roughly as I gushed for him, keeping everything slippery and wet. With every thrust, I wanted him inside my actual pussy more and more, and I began to beg him for it, but he denied me. "Please James, at least cum inside me! Penetrate me and fill me up!" I creid, trying to convince him.

"No way, bitch. I don't think you deserve a real pussy fucking," he said, and pulling out, jerked himself off over my chest. I was still blindfolded, but I could feel his hot cum spraying against my tits and tummy. Secretly, James was thinking to himself that he loved my huge pussy, and he liked fucking my pussy lips more than he liked regular pussy fucking. He left the room, but I was still tied up. I whimpered, needing to be fucked so bad I almost wanted to cry. Not even caring about the monstrosity between my legs anymore.
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Re: WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3

Post by metalheavy6 »

Part 3.5

I was wondering if they had left me alone again when I heard someone else enter the room. "Hey there," said Mark. He sounded slightly nervous. He stood somewhere in front of me, silent. I could feel his eyes on my freakishly large pussy, and I almost wanted to hide it from him. But at the same time, I was still worked up from the almost-fucking my boyfriend had given me, and the attention Mark was giving me with his eyes was somehow adding to that arousal.

He climbed onto the bed. Very slowly and gently, he slid one finger across the top of my slick, swollen pussy. I gasped. After being handled so roughly, it felt strange to have all my awareness on one tiny moving point. He continued to slide his finger around the surface of my cunt, and it began to feel like tiny bolts of electricity. "Mark! What... What are you doing?" I asked, confused and aroused.

"Your pussy... it's incredible..." was all he said, and then he took each side in his hands and started massaging them lovingly. I screamed with pleasure. "Why does that feel so good?" I panted.

"You like having a giant pussy, don't you?" He asked, "I think... you love it!"

"I don't like it, I'm way to big!" I pleaded, but he kept rubbing and squeezing, getting me hornier and hornier. I felt my hole opening up, my body begging to be fucked. I moved my hips up and down lustfully. Mark pulled his hands away and for a moment I prayed he would give me his dick. Instead, I felt my pussy being sucked into his mouth! I moaned as he massaged it with his tongue, sucking on one side, then the other. Next, he gently pulled my lips apart, and buried his face inside my wet, swollen pussy! I was shocked, but once he started sucking on my swollen clit, I didn't care about anything else. He pressed my lips against his face, smothering himself and sucking. I must have cum right into his mouth. "Oh my god, Mark! That feels wonderful! Never stop! Unless it's to fuck my tight little hole!" I could hardly believe what I said, but it's how I felt.

Mark came up to breath, and after refilling his lungs replied, "As you wish." He re-positioned himself, and I felt him lay something fat and heavy against my pussy. "Mark... What is that?" I asked nervously.

Mark laughed. "You're not the only one who can pump!" His junk was huge. It was thick before, but now, by how it felt sinking into my pussy cleavage, it must have been about 10 inches around, and 10 inches long. A monster! "No Mark! Haven't you ruined my pussy enough?" I whimpered. But even as I pleaded, I felt my cunt drool with anticipation. Mark pulled my pussy lips aside and rubbed his head against my opening. Because everything was so swollen, it was even tighter than usual. He kept pushing against it slowly until it let him in, and I gasped as he began to penetrate me. He was hardly inside me at all and my pussy lips were already mashing against his thighs, adding to my pleasure. He stretched me further with every inch, sliding past my sensitive lips and filling me so unbelievably full. I moaned and whined as he picked up speed, giving me the fucking of a lifetime. When it was finally over, he busted inside me, untied my hands, and left the room before I had my blindfold off.
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Re: WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3

Post by metalheavy6 »

So, I'm pretty new to the site but I don't want to create unnecessary clutter. If there's no interest in this thread, I'll just let it die and post the rest of the story somewhere else.
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Re: WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3

Post by darkwolf43 »

No NO NO don't let it die. Please PLease continue the story. I think some of us are in shock thats all.

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Re: WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3

Post by metalheavy6 »

As long as at least one person's enjoying it, then mission accomplished :D

Part 3.6 by metalheavy6

Mark and James met in Mark's kitchen when they had breakfast. "So, her pussy is pretty awesome, huh?"

James laughed. "It's pretty grotesque, that's for sure."

"You don't think we took things too far, do you?"

"We haven't taken them far enough, little buddy."

"Are you kidding? She's gigantic!"

"I know! But I think she can get even bigger. I want to see how big she can get," James said with a devious grin. "I want to push her to the limit."

Mark seemed to have no recognition for me as a person, but he obviously admired my giant pussy. To James, however, it was just some sort of freakish experiment, and maybe a way of manipulating me.

Meanwhile, I was taking off my blindfold in the bedroom, and seeing for the first time just what they had done to me. I was bigger than I had ever imagined possible. Altogether, my pussy was larger than a cantaloupe! It was disgusting! It was incredibly hot! Did I dare touch it? I placed my hand on it gently... and almost cummed already. It was so sensitive... I wrapped my hands around it and lifted its mass, feeling its weight. The whole thing was slimy with cum. I moved it from side to side, mesmerized by its jiggling. I could not suppress my moans.

I began to masturbate, cumming continually as I stroked my elongated, swollen lips. I didn't even have to penetrate myself, my puffy pussy and engorged clit already provided more stimulation than I could handle. Then I became curious about the state of my hole after Mark's monster had pummeled it. I stuck my fingers in there, and discovered that it felt amazing! But also that it was still tight. I must have been aroused enough at the time to actually adapt to it. Even if my pussy wasn't wrecked, I realized that I now felt empty without it.

I attacked my pussy from every angle, stroking my lips and clit, jiggling and slapping, and jilling myself with as many fingers as I could manage until I passed out from pleasure and exhaustion. After an unknown length of time, I awoke to Mark and James calling me. "Hurry up and get ready, we have to leave for school in 10 minutes."
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Re: WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3

Post by darkwolf43 »

MORE MORE I NEED MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3

Post by metalheavy6 »

Sorry, no update for today, I've been outlining sections 3.8 through 3.13 :D. This the first time I'm writing an erotic story, and I'm trying to make sure it's going somewhere hahaha.
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Re: WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3

Post by jd29 »

MH6, holy cow. Take your time, we will be here when you post the next bits. Wow!
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Re: WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3

Post by metalheavy6 »

Thanks for the encouragement guys, I'm glad you're enjoying it! I think the story is going to deviate a bit from the guidelines, but hopefully it will remain enjoyable. Let me know! :-)
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Re: WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3

Post by metalheavy6 »

3.7 by metalheavy6

I jumped out of bed, feeling how heavy my pussy felt hanging when I stood. Just standing with my legs shoulder width apart was enough for it to be squeezed between my thighs, and ever step caused my pussy lips to slide against each other. I put on the clothes James had picked up for me from my house, a tank top and a long skirt, ignoring the underwear. There's no way even boy's boxers would have fit me at this point.

On the drive to school, I sat in the back, and James and Mark sat together in the front talking like pals, mostly ignoring me. I could feel every bump in the road vibrate through my pussy, and it seemed like James was using the bumpy back roads on purpose. By the time we got to school, my pussy was soaking wet and made tiny schlcking noises as I walked, which were hopefully mistaken for squeaky shoes. I said goodbye to Mark and James as we all went to our separate classes, but they were already walking away.

Sitting down at my desk, my pussy was so big it made a mound under my skirt. I didn't want to be seen with a crotch-bulge, so I discreetly folded my hands in my lap. However, the combined pressure from my hands and thighs was getting me aroused, and halfway through the class I couldn't help but secretly stroke my pussy mound with my thumb beneath my clasped fingers. When I had to use my hands to write, I had to settle with squeezing my thighs together. It took all my will power not to moan and to maintain the appearance that I was working and paying attention.

After class I rushed to the one bathroom that nobody used. I desperately needed to masturbate. However, as soon as I got into a stall, my classmate Ana came into the bathroom and started talking to me. I tried not to make a sound as I rubbed myself. "Hey, I noticed you with Mark yesterday and today, and I wanted to warn you about him. Mark might seem like a cool guy, but he can really change a girl. I dated him for a little while, and let me tell you: Mark has a really thick cock. I can't even wrap my hand around it! Needless to say, when we started having sex, it was tough for me to adjust to him. Once I could handle him, I started loving his fat cock. He took advantage of this, and started pumping himself bigger. I loved having to adjust to his new size, and I grew to love the feeling of being stretched. However, to keep getting that feeling, I had to let him pump himself to bigger and bigger sizes. He got to be bigger than any man has a right to be. His monster started having this effect on me, though: when we weren't having sex, my pussy just felt empty. It just felt like I needed something inside it, all the time. I know it sounds like I'm rambling, but are you listening in there?"

I was fingering myself desperately now. It's true, I was feeling empty inside too! I needed Mark's monster cock in me, and hearing about it was just making me want it more. Cum was dripping down my thighs, but I managed to pause and answer, "Yes, I'm listening. Keep going."

Ana continued, "Mark and I broke up, obviously, but my pussy still needed him. I had to start using toys, really massive toys, to keep myself from going crazy. Mark's pumped cock was gigantic, freakish even, but there were even larger toys available off the internet, and I needed the sensation of being stretched. Mark had turned me into a freak by stretching my pussy, but I liked it so much, I kept making myself worse even after I had left him. That's what you have to watch out for! It's one thing for him to change your body, but when he changes your mind too, there's no turning back. Come out of there and look at this."
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Re: WowImBig's Pool Party Part 3

Post by darkwolf43 »

Incredible keep it up!!!! MORE MORE MORE
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