Sounding For Medical Purposes

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Re: Sounding For Medical Purposes

Post by devodude »

fredie101 wrote:In order to limit the bleeding you should leave the sound (dilator) in place for 20-30 min. without moving it in and out but rotating it to keep it free. the tear will seal itself.
Yeah, I think that's a really good idea. I'm not all that put off by the bleeding itself (although I found it to be substantially more than I would have liked), it's just that you can't sound anywhere else but the washroom (unless you want blood all over the furniture). It's not the most comfortable and sexy place to be sounding. (I really miss the days before the stricture "arrived".)

I think part of the problem was that I was so eager to sound that day, and really increased the sizes within minutes. I'll try it again with the new Dittel sounds I got (...I spent the morning boiling them and cleaning the carrying case they came in). There seemed to be a hazy coating on the sounds when I boiled them, but I was able to get them back to a nice shine with a lot of 90% rubbing alcohol. It was so tempting to start sounding with them, but I put them back in the case, to await another day when I'm not feeling so "blah".
The tissue will also start to heal even in that short a time. Just be sure that there is plenty of lube so you will be able to remove it.
I wonder if there's any extra chance of infection if the stricture open up with the sound in there, and if it can get into my bloodstream? I don't want to come off as a worry-wart but I just need to be extra careful. I certainly won't be going as gung-ho like I did the last time. This is obviously something that needs to be taken at a snail's pace.

I'm not sure how big those other sounds I've ordered are going to be, and whether they'll be a problem to insert. No doubt, I'll be posting pictures here once I get 'em in there!
That is the original reason I bought and starting using them. Then I found out how good it feels. ;-)
So you've tried this in order to help with your stricture? Personally, it might be my imagination, but I'm already seeing improvements in my urine stream. To hell with prescription drugs and their damn side-effects. This is way more fun and helpful!

I just about go nuts when any probe gets near or into my bladder! Wow... to me, nothing beats that feeling. Well, maybe a blowjob from Beyonce, but that's about it. :lol:
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Re: Sounding For Medical Purposes

Post by fredie101 »

Yes I started with the bph issue and it helped with that and I am going to drop the flowmax as I too hate all these pills. The side effect is that it opened up my stricture and I was able to piss straight again. The only thing is it, stricture, is scar tissue and builds up again forcing you to sound again and again.... doncha just love it. Even with the surgery it will grow back and it will overgrow a metal mesh stent as well but be a major op to remove that mesh later on. The skin graft repair is also short lived as they rip open the tube and use a graft to replace the bad sec, so now you have poss 2 strictures growing on either end of the graft. Thank you Ill take the pleasure of sounding anyday!!
Sorry for all the medical stuff but it my way to justify the old way of doing things, and having fun while your at it. SIDE NOTE:I really want to get one of those long J looking sounds and try that, now that looks crazy fun instead of my double ended with the small angle Pratts I bet that would not fall out! :wink:
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Re: Sounding For Medical Purposes

Post by devodude »

fredie101 wrote: Sorry for all the medical stuff but it my way to justify the old way of doing things, and having fun while your at it. SIDE NOTE:I really want to get one of those long J looking sounds and try that, now that looks crazy fun instead of my double ended with the small angle Pratts I bet that would not fall out! :wink:
I finally tried my Dittel sounds yesterday. I didn't really intend to use them, but the opportunity was presented to me (i.e., the house was empty for a change!).

Anyway, it was a different experience and feeling from the Hegar sounds, that's for sure. I made sure I really cleaned them as best as I could (boiling, 90% alcohol and Bactine). I can still feel that twinge in my kidneys, and can't be sure if that's a sign of an infection coming on or not. I drank as much water as I could stand today. Considering the steps I took, this better not create an infection...damn it! Otherwise, I'll have to sound very shallow from now on, (not as much fun, that's for sure.)

I was very conscientious of the fact my stricture wasn't healed up for more than a few days. I started off sounding with a #18, and everything seemed to be going fine. Not much pain that I could detect. But once I started into the #20 plus sounds, I noticed blood stains on the surgilube .

I continued to sound using a #26 and that's about where my bleeding started again. Not all that bad, but enough that I had to call it quits again.
Sounding 1
Sounding 1
Sounding using #26
Sounding using #26
Urethral bleeding
Urethral bleeding
I doubt any great amount of bleeding can't be stopped, as long as I don't put anything in my urethra that's exceptionally large, but once it bleeds, you can't even masturbate after that as the stricture opens up again. It's definitely a frustrating proposition to deal with.

As far as apologizing Freddie for the medical info, that's the reason by I created this post. We all experience physical limitations that might impair our personal pleasure at some point in our lives. I'm definitely not the proverbial spring chicken any more, and have to face the fact that what I could do at 20 years of age isn't going to happen as I approach 60. This may also be a call out to other men on here to enjoy their sexual capabilities while they can and not take that for granted.
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Re: Sounding For Medical Purposes

Post by BBBTWO »

I have had the same problem years ago.Got a 10mm Hegar all the way down and
then a 12mm, with alot of force. Once I pulled it out, a river of blood.
Thought I was on my way to the ER. After 3 days the blood flow stopped.
Just take it slow, stretching does not happen overnight. I now can do a 17mm
and an 18mm with some force with small bleeding.
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Re: Sounding For Medical Purposes

Post by devodude »

BBBTWO wrote:devodude
I have had the same problem years ago.Got a 10mm Hegar all the way down and
then a 12mm, with alot of force. Once I pulled it out, a river of blood.
Thought I was on my way to the ER. After 3 days the blood flow stopped.
Three days?!! I got my bleeding under control in about 5 to 10 minutes, so I wasn't overly panicked about it. Plus, I never used all that much force with my sounds. If it weren't for the stricture, I'm sure I could use a lot larger ones right off the bat. This may be due to the sounding I did years ago, but with objects I had around the house (which I can see in retrospect wasn't a very good idea... but I had no clue at the time where to buy real sounds).

I remember a time where the stricture was just a white lump, and it never bled. Over the years, I may have scrapped it with some sharper object that started the ball rolling. It's disappointing to know the urologists don't have any sophisticated and reliable way to dealing with strictures either. To me, they're a lot further behind in medical technology than a lot of other disciplines (like cardiac medicine, etc.)
Just take it slow, stretching does not happen overnight. I now can do a 17mm
and an 18mm with some force with small bleeding.
Yeah, I don't think I have any other choice. I might have to keep a journal to keep track of things to see if there's any improvement over time. My memory isn't all that fantastic, and this would give me a structured method of determining if the bleeding become progressively less over time.

Not to come off with a general sexist statement, but men typically are more determined than women when it comes to getting things done. I'm sure women wouldn't be as eager to fly to the moon (although there are some really brilliant women at NASA and in laboratories everywhere) unless a man pushed the issue. In the same sense, I've seen enough images and video to prove that men will do just about anything to their genitals. :wink: It has opened up a whole interest for me that wouldn't have been possible without the influence of the Internet.

Thanks for you encouragement BBBTWO (wow...that's quite the acronym!) and I hope to post any progress I might (will?) make along the way. I've got nothing but time on my hands these days, so maybe perseverance and a bit of intelligence will go a long way to achieving my goals.

Does anyone know of a sound (split in four sections) that's clear (like acrylic) that you can insert into the urethra, then be able to spread it out in small increments? I do remember seeing some plastic device that was spring-loaded, but that's not quite what I'd like to get my hands on. This would be a good way of getting immediate visual indications that the stricture is starting to bleed and then be able to back off on the force. If this could be kept in place for long periods of time, I'm sure this would speed up the process for a guy like me.
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Re: Sounding For Medical Purposes

Post by devodude »

I posed a question on my previous post about a urethral spreader... and found this device being sold online:
Spreader Device
Spreader Device
spreader ad543e.jpg (9.6 KiB) Viewed 5447 times
Spreader in urethra
Spreader in urethra
spreader ad543a.jpg (9.5 KiB) Viewed 5447 times
I'd be a bit more likely to buy this device if it took care of the two other sides, and the rods were longer and flatter, but it still looks like fun. I also came across an XTube link that was posted on another thread by dlblack 2003 showing him using it:

If anyone has seem similar devices, can you please let me know? Worst case, I could probably do something to modify this design.
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Re: Sounding For Medical Purposes

Post by devodude »

Well, here's something I'd never believed would have happened to me. Check out these recent photos I took of me sounding:
Started off with this....
Started off with this....
Progressed to this:
Second largest Dittel Sound
Second largest Dittel Sound
It didn't take long before I was on to my largest sound!
#34 Dittel sound
#34 Dittel sound
Largest sound in my Dittel set... and no bleeding from it!  It was amazing...
Largest sound in my Dittel set... and no bleeding from it! It was amazing...
I didn't do any routine stretching at all. Now I'm going to see how big a Hegar sound I can take sometime next week. Even the #34 wasn't overly snug in my cock, although it was a bit difficult to keep it lubricated. Over than that, there seemed to be room to spare. It really surprised me how easy they all went in.
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Re: Sounding For Medical Purposes

Post by devodude »

fredie101 wrote: Sorry for all the medical stuff but it my way to justify the old way of doing things, and having fun while your at it. SIDE NOTE:I really want to get one of those long J looking sounds and try that, now that looks crazy fun instead of my double ended with the small angle Pratts I bet that would not fall out! :wink:
Just an update here. I take supplements for BPH, and it helps a bit, but not as much as I'd like. I will continue to try different products and brands and maybe I'll eventually find something that really works.

Secondly, I bought a 14-piece Van Buren set (the ones with the bend on one end). I can't wait to try these out.
Van Burens.jpg
I can hardly wait to attach my e-stim box to it and buzz my bladder, balls and cock. Man, that should be total fun!
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Re: Sounding For Medical Purposes

Post by nectcruiser »

I can hardly wait to attach my e-stim box to it and buzz my bladder, balls and cock. Man, that should be total fun!
Devodude Here is a little trick I dreamed up one day. Go out and buy a pkg of those long skinny balloons, the kind you see clowns using at fairs and such,with just a touch of lube slide one of those over your sound. Just before it gets to the end snip a small bit off the end so it exposes the tip of the sound, you can adjust how much you want to expose. Now hook up your E-Stim and have a blast.
Because your only exposing just the tip you'll find you don't need as much power to achieve great results. Too small a tip tends to burn so start with about 1/2" and have fun adjusting the length. When that tip runs through your prostate you'll think you went to heaven LOL

Have Fun
Keep on stretching that pee hole
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Re: Sounding For Medical Purposes

Post by devodude »

nectcruiser wrote:
I can hardly wait to attach my e-stim box to it and buzz my bladder, balls and cock. Man, that should be total fun!
When that tip runs through your prostate you'll think you went to heaven LOL

Have Fun
Oh wow... now that sounds like inspiration or a bolt of lightning from the sky got you there! Well, guess I'll be visiting the party shop soon then. This definitely gives me some great ideas and perhaps I'll experiment with metal exposure in different places along the sound.

Thanks so much netcruiser for that tip! I'll get back to you when I can and let you know the results I got. :-) Awesome!
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Re: Sounding For Medical Purposes

Post by AndyJ »

The first post in this thread goes way back to 2013, and Devodude hasn't checked back in a couple of years, but since it's an informative thread and I have something relevant, I'm dragging the thread back out of its grave.

Devo had a structure partway down the urethra; trying to sound past it usually resulted in bleeding. Several others mentioned similar strictures.

Tetherspout, who doesn't seem to be here any more either, has some zipped picture albums at One of the albums showed how he doubled back a length of surgical tubing and inserted it, noting that it was able to squeeze past tight places. He ran it all the way to his prostate, and the fold-over was at the meatus. The tubing stayed in and kept him fully extended even when flaccid. He was using it as a sort of internal penis stretcher, but it occurs to me that once you ran past a stricture and tore something, inserting a rubber tube as he showed would hold it open while it healed instead of letting it heal back at the original diameter. And since it's a tube and you could pee through it, you could leave it in for however long it took for the damaged area to heal. For most people it seemed like this was only a few days.

Anyway, if you have a stricture that recurs after you sound past it, it might be something useful to try.
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Re: Sounding For Medical Purposes

Post by Lexi »

tretching the external urethral meatus and the urethra are two construction sites.
The external urethral meatus is best stretched with a penis plug with a longitudinal bore. So that the plug can remain inserted permanently. Method. Insert a plug that just barely goes into the meatus up to the fossa navicularis urethrae. After about 2 weeks the plug will come out easily. Because the meatus has stretched through the constant stretching. Then you can introduce a plug that is 0.5mm larger. After 2 weeks the next and so on. With this method I can now insert an 18mm penis plug.
To stretch the urethra from the fossa navicularis urethrae. It is best to take Hegar dilators about 19cm long, which can be easily inserted through the prostate. Resistance to insertion can cause some urethral constrictions (strictures) and the prostate entrance, these obstructions must be passed carefully to avoid injury. Cleanliness is absolutely essential to avoid infection. Disinfect the dilator and a sterile lubricant is necessary. I use Xylocaine Gel 2%. This is then called sounden. After frequent use, the urethra will get used to it and the initial impairments will no longer occur, so that the pleasant feelings will predominate. After a while you can use the next 0.5mm thicker dilator to stretch the urethra. How quickly you can use the next size depends on the frequency of use and the stretching time (1-2 hours), but it is very tedious. It is relatively safe as long as you do not enter the urinary bladder. Because you can easily damage the bladder sphincter and thus trigger incontinence. In addition, one then no longer has clean urine to flush the urethra. That is why I usually only sound through the prostate and do not penetrate the urinary bladder. With this method I have been able to insert a 13 mm so far. After the prostate, the urethra makes a 90 ° angle upwards, which can be easily passed with a Van Buren dilator, a flexible dilator or a catheter in order to reach the urinary bladder. You can also use a Hegar dilator, but you have to push the penis down. I use 70% isopropyl alcohol to disinfect, that's enough for me. :)
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Re: Sounding For Medical Purposes

Post by Lexi »

I am a practiced sounder, but I prefer to use metal dilators. Because even after many years I have an uncomfortable feeling after the sounding session after using silicone dilators. I have no problems with metal dilators. I sounde with a Hegar dilator 13mm in diameter and 19cm in length through the prostate. I rarely go into the bladder to avoid infection. So I always have clean urine to rinse the urethra after sounding. :)
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Re: Sounding For Medical Purposes

Post by wonky »

Hmm... to comment or not? That is the question...
Ok, here goes...
I'm 68 and love pumping my cock and balls - umm... it feels so good and it actually does result in a bigger package over time...I was shocked when I noticed how ladies actually DO seem to notice, but I digress...

That aside... I've also suffered from BPH for number of years now and it's a nuisance. No, it's more than a nuisance, more like a curse. The Curse of the Male Anatomy. So the urologist offers me pills for it. Ack! These pills do in fact make pissing easier but at the cost of sacrificing your ability to ejaculate or worse, making it painful! WTF! So I ask "Can't you just stretch things back open? I've read that you have instruments to do that." He says "No, that never works long term. It just closes back up again and you have to do it repeatedly. How about these 'minimally invasive procedures..?'" and I get a presentation about several different terrifying procedures, most involving instruments up the urethra that either dice, slice, or cauterize the offending tissues out of the way (let's just ignore the side effects for now)... or the latest offering which doesn't whack or burn anything away but instead uses a super skinny staple-gun like gadget to staple said offending tissues up and out of the way.

After that, I decided to take a chance with vintage treatments on my own. I did some online research on sounding, read up on sterile procedure, ordered some supplies, got hold of a set of Van Buren sounds, discovered I could order Instillagel from Amazon.UK (that loophole has since closed), after which I then very cautiously proceeded to sound myself, starting with an 18Fr and working painlessly up to a 36Fr.

The following day I was pissing like a horse. A garden hose. I am not joking. However, unfortunately after 2 days I was back to BPH world and 'pissing like a horse' seemed only a dream. Was the urologist right? Was it only temporary like he said?

I kept trying this about 5 more times eventually working my up to a 40Fr again without pain or difficulty, but unfortunately twice during those 6 times had somehow developed UTIs, each time forcing me to pause the experiment and call my urologist for 'Help!'.

The end result?
Sounding was fun, but as far as treating BPH, it did seem to be temporary, and the risk of UTI could not be disregarded, despite thorough precautions.

If the UTI thing wasn't such a risk, and if Instillagel were as readily available as in most of the world, I might still be giving it a go, but as a resident of the US and hence a captive of the 'scapels or pills' world, I've given it up.
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Re: Sounding For Medical Purposes

Post by AndyJ »

I originally only got a few days of relief when sounding, but after doing it regularly for a year or so it now lasts for more than a month.

I did get sloppy on my disinfection a few times, resulting in painful UTIs. Some men have sounded forever and never had a problem, but apparently I don't quite have the knack.
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